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Rules (affect participation grade)

Personal spaceunwanted touching or hitting of any kind will not be tolerated. If it happens
multiple times, you will be talked to, and if you continue the behavior you will receive a pink slip.
Languagewhile most of your creative writing will go uncensored, certain spoken language will
not be tolerated including: the f-bomb, homophobic language of any kind, and derogatory
language that is offensive to any person or group.
Attentionwhen a teacher, or one of your peers is addressing the class, we expect you to be
giving them your full attention and respect. You should not be engaging in side conversations.
By fulfilling this expectation you will receive a high participation grade.
Presenceon a basic level, we expect you to be present and on time for class. If you are
consistently late or absent, you will lose participation points.
Phonesif we see you with a phone we will give you one warning. If we see it again that week,
we will take it and give it to officer Smith and you can reclaim it at the end of the day, like
everyone else.
Computer ExpectationsWe expect you to complete 3 Reading plus lessons/activities every
week. If you want to listen to a song with headphones, that is fine. However, if you are not doing
your work and we have ask you to turn the volume down multiple times, we will take your
headphones for the period and you will lose that privilege. Browsing the web or youtube for fun
will lead to demerits in your participation grade and potentially more serious punishments.
Late work policy
1 week late grace period
2 weeks = 10 percent off grade
5 percent off grade for each additional week late

Grading Chart






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