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Questions we need to ask each source

1) What is it?
-allows them to discover the nature of the
- so we can find the details of
-what is it made of?
-who made it?
-who was it made for

2)In what context was it found?

- This information is important as it allows
archaeologists to identify and understand an
objects function.
- they use information such as the findspot,
materials, etc, to establish the provenance,
nature and use of the find.(in situ)

3. Can it be accurately dated?

This information helps to place the
artefact into its historical context.
Such dating methods like historical,
archaeological or scientific methods
can be used.

4. How does its condition affect its

If incomplete or damaged problems may
arise with its classification.
If artefact is in good condition then
identification and interpretation can be easily
Icemans dagger could easily be confused as
an arrowhead due to size Due to location
with wooden handle on scabbard near the
body it confirmed it as a dagger

5. Is it reliable and/or useful in

providing evidence about the past?
- Important to establish validity of information
provided by a source
- Even if the information is unreliable, it is still
i.e. technology involved in its construction,
whether or not it was traded etc.

6. What evidence does this source

provide about the past
Assists historians with reconstructing the
past and making conclusions
Assists with interpretations of the past and
the findings are used to contribute with
scholarly debate
Complementary OR contradictory evidence

Figure 2.3 - Terracotta figurines

Source 2.3 - terracotta figurines

1. Mycenaean terracotta figurines
2. Found in the Mediterranean (specific location required)
3. Yes it can - (scientifically through thermoluminescence
dating; archaeologically through typology)
4.Yes - potential damages and general wear could lead to
5. Difficult to determine because...
6. a) aspects of culture as indicated by the figurines artistic
b) indication of technology through use of terracotta
c) Religion -

Your archaeological source

Your archaeological analysis


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