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This year the following kits for UMCOR were sent to Mission Central
School kits
Cleaning buckets
Health kits
Layette kits
Birthing kits
In the 8 years the HUB has been in existence
School kits
Cleaning buckets 1,575
Health kits
Layette kits
Birthing kits
The total monetary value of these kits - $531,183,00
In addition volunteers have cut, stitched, tied and given 385 jean quilts
The cumulative number of distributions to other mission outreach programs, social service
agencies, VBS, shelters, nursing homes is over 200. Those programs number 73 different
groups. We estimate these items to be valued between $50,000 and $60,000. These are all
non-standard items.
Items of special interest this year.large number of groups coming to the HUB, youth groups,
Bible study groups, students from Penn State and St. Francis University. Major support comes
from the Church groups who come on a regular monthly basis and the men who cut all those
This year we had 846 volunteers at the HUB.
A couple of the special emphasis projects for the year:
The Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation Childrens Clothing Drive
Shoe drive for Mission Central
The Unfolding Story and hope to pay off the mortgage at Mission Central
The building of new shelving to house the quilts both finished and in process
The Blueberry sale of 1,445 boxes of blueberries.the net profit pays the bills for the
next year. (They are so good, too!)

Continuing Needs at the HUB:

Donations of supplies, monetary contributions (someone from the HUB will shop), people to
sew backs on jean quilts, and volunteers
The HUB continues to give to Gods children who have needs; both through UMCOR and our
local area. It is only with the continued support of all of you that the HUB exists.Thank you,
thank you! God is good.all the time.

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