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The Game of Life Related Text My Way Frank Sinatra.

My Way
- Frank Sinatra
And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.

To watch a clip of Sinatra performing, My Way live, click


I've lived a life that's full.

I've travelled each and every highway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exception.
I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
Id eat it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
"Oh no, oh no not me,
I did it my way".
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows And did it my way!
Yes, it was my way.
My Way lyrics Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC, S U I S A, COOPERATIVE

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The Game of Life Related Text My Way Frank Sinatra.

Area of Study: Standard and Advanced Outcomes:
1. A student describes and explains the relationships between composer, responder, text and context in particular texts
2. A student describes and explains relationships among texts.
4. A student describes and explains the ways in which language forms and features, and structures of particular texts shape meaning and influence responses.
7. A student selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures of texts to explore and express ideas and values.
8. A student
and represents
in critical,
and imaginative
A student
of learning
may 13.
you to
in your
response essay at the end of the unit:

1) Go through the lyrics and annotate all of the language forms and features used.
2) In line two a metaphor is used. What does the metaphor suggest about the game of life and/or its ending?
3) Go through and find AT LEAST two other metaphors. Why have these metaphors been used? What do they
suggest about our experiences in life?
4) Explain the effect of the use of first person throughout the song.
5) Find THREE other techniques in the song and explain how and why they help to develop a sense of self
6) Find examples of juxtaposition and paradox in the song. What is the effect of these examples? What do they
suggest about the game of life?
7) How would you describe the voice in the song? Give evidence to support your answer.
8) In his film, Spielberg promotes the idea that challenging the rules and conventions of the game of life can
bring about ones downfall. Is this idea confirmed or challenged in My Way? Give reasons for your
9) To what extent do you believe Sinatras view that we are all in control of the way we live our lives? Give
reasons for your answer. Does Spielberg create the same message that we are in control of our game?
Explain and give reasons for your answer.
10) Draw the following table into your books and fill it in:
Cath Me If You Can (Steven
My Way (Frank Sinatra)
Themes and ideas relating to the
Game of Life
Quotes - Evidence from the text
to support. (At least two pieces of
evidence per theme/idea)
Main techniques to highlight
Similarities (Between texts)
Differences (Between texts)
Creative Writing:
Use the passage below as an introduction for a piece of creative writing in which you explore the outcome of a
protagonist who chooses to do something their way.
I looked up at the blurred vision in front of me. My arms twisted out like claws swiping wildly. The panic ripped
through my body and settled deeply in my gut. I knew that I had two choices become subdued and let the panic
and fear wash over me until I was lulled into a state of compliance, or fight the rigidity I was bound by. My choice
made, I vowed to fight and do things my way.
Worksheet No

The Game of Life Related Text My Way Frank Sinatra.

Elective Module: The Game of Life English Studies:
P1.1 Has experience of extended and short text in a range of forms to gain knowledge, understanding and appreciation of how
English is used to convey meaning.
P1.2 explores the ideas and values of the texts
P1.3 explains how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in extended and short texts in a range of forms
P1.4 Produces a range of texts in different forms
P2.2 demonstrates skills in expression in English at an appropriate level of accuracy and fluency to enrich their personal lives and
to provide a sound basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship
P3.1 recognises a range of purposes for and contexts in which language is used and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style
and tone when writing and speaking for those purposes
P4.2 works effectively, both as an individual and within a group, to locate and communicate information and ideas related to a
variety of topics




How does Frank Sinatra view doing things his own way? How do we know?
In what ways does Sinatra challenge the concepts of fate and destiny? Give evidence.
What regrets do you think Sinatra might have? Is it a normal part of life to have regrets? Why?
Which of the texts studied so far resonates more with how you play the Game of Life? Why? Give
reasons for your answer.
Has there been a time where you have done things differently than what was expected of you? What was
the outcome of this?
Who are famous people that played the game of life their own way. Explain reasons for your choices.
Imagine you are a reporter who has been asked to compile a series titled My Way. Choose one of the
personalities from Q6 and write or record a transcript of an imaginary interview with them. In your
interview you should ensure that you show how the chosen personality has broken or challenged
Watch the Australian Story episode, One Man Standing or A Fresh Start. What comparisons can you
draw between Sinatras lyrics and the story of Simon Illingworth? Which verse from Sinatras song
resonates most with the story of Illingworth? Why?
What can Sinatra and Illingworth teach us about playing the Game of Life? Write 10 pieces of advice (or
commandments) by which these two personalities suggest we should live our life.

Worksheet No

The Game of Life Related Text My Way Frank Sinatra.

Worksheet No

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