Standard 7 3 History Report Comments

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For History in term four, the class has been learning chronological

terms and concepts. The children have been comparing schools

from the past to the present. They have considered the differences
and similarities between their own daily lives and the lives of their
parents and grandparents.
participates during class discussions. She has
understood the concept between past and present schooling and
family life. (Name Removed) shows pride through her work.
(Name Removed)

has understood the concepts covered in History this

term. She has contributed information during lessons. (Name
Removed) is a diligent worker, always showing attention to detail in
her work.
(Name Removed)

contributes information during lessons. She has

understood the concepts covered in History this term. (Name
Removed) is a diligent worker, always showing attention to detail in
her work.
(Name Removed)

participates in class discussions on occasion. She has

a satisfactory understanding of the concepts covered this term and
takes pride in the presentation of her work.
(Name Removed)

regularly contributes to discussions in lessons and

has sound understanding of the concepts covered. He sets out his
work in a logical order and takes great pride in the presentation of
his work.
(Name Removed)

enthusiastically contributes to group discussions and

has understood the topics covered in History. He has satisfactorily
completed all set tasks and activities.
(Name Removed)

is eager to participate in class discussions. He has

demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of the concepts covered
in History this term.
(Name Removed)

participates in class discussion. He has a sound

understanding between the past and present.
(Name Removed)

is always eager to participate in class discussion. He

has understood the topics covered this term. (Name Removed) has
required encouragement and support to complete set tasks.
(Name Removed)

has understood the topics covered and, with some

support, has completed all set tasks to a satisfactory level. (Name
Removed) is displaying wonderful self-monitoring skills. When
completing set tasks, he is now asking questions and seeking
information when he is unsure.
(Name Removed)

occasionally shares his thoughts during class

discussions. He has a satisfactory level understanding of the topics
covered this term. (Name Removed) needs to take care in the
presentation of his work to see he has understood the concept
covered clearly.
(Name Removed)

has gained an understanding between the past and

present in schooling and family life. She has provided satisfactory
work that has logical presentation.
(Name Removed)

shares information during class discussions. He has

shown an understanding of family lives from past to present.
(Name Removed)

has shared her thoughts during most class

discussions for each topic covered and has shown an understanding
of the topics covered. She is a diligent worker and puts a lot of effort
and care into all set tasks and activities.
(Name Removed)

has been eager to share his thoughts during class

discussions. His work has shown understanding of the topics
covered and has been completed to a satisfactory level.
(Name Removed)

With support and encouragement (Name Removed) has been able to

participate during class discussion and on occasions has used topic
related vocabulary.
is able to follow instructions and understands class
discussions. He has grasped an understanding of the topics covered
and his work always has logical set out.
(Name Removed)

shares his thoughts in class discussions. He has a

satisfactory understanding of past and present family lives.
(Name Removed)

has been able to use the modeled activities to

transfer the information from the lesson into the tasks provided. He
has been working to his goal and is able to participate in class
discussions with encouragement.
(Name Removed)

requires encouragement to participate in class

discussions. He uses the modeled activities to transfer the
information from the lesson into his work.
(Name Removed)

has a satisfactory understanding of the topics

covered in History and takes pride in her work.
(Name Removed)

contributes to lessons enthusiastically. His work

shows a satisfactory understanding of the concepts covered in
History this term.
(Name Removed)

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