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Alpha Sigma Alpha () Risk Management Plan

Event: Tau Kappa Epsilon Exchange

Date: February 9, 2016
The Gamma Lambda chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha will abide by the National Policies
and Procedures outlined by the National Headquarters, as well as the bylaws created by the
chapter, Federal and Illinois State law, and the rules/regulations established by Loyola University
Chicago. Any exchange, during the Spring 2016 semester is to be a dry event, and the
consumption of alcohol and/or use of drugs is strictly prohibited. Hazing, in accordance with
Alpha Sigma Alphas National Policies and Procedures, Loyolas hazing policies, and our own
values as members of this sorority, is forbidden.
Alcohol Consumption and Drug Use
Alpha Sigma Alpha National Policy
The possession, sale, use or consumption of all alcoholic beverages, while on
chapter premises, during a sorority function [TKE exchange] in any event
sponsored or endorsed by the chapter or in any event the observer would associate
with the sorority must be in compliance withy any and all applicable laws of the
state, province, county, city and institution of higher education.
The Gamma Lambda Chapter is not permitted to co-sponsor, sponsor, or
participate in any function (socials, happy hours, mixers, formals pre-parties, post
parties) where alcoholic beverages are present for the duration of the probation.
(Probation letter sanction 2, April 13, 2014)
FIPG Policy
No alcohol shall be present at any pledge/associate member/ new member/ novice
program, activity or ritual of the chapter. This includes but is not limited to
activities associated with bid night, big little sister events or activities,
family events or activities and initiation (FIPG Alcohol Policy #10)
Alcohol will not be present/distributed or consumed at any time throughout the duration
of the exchange. Sisters who violate this policy will, without exception, face a standards hearing.
Sisters who arrive at the exchange and appear to be drunk, or have clearly consumed alcohol
prior to the event will not be allowed to enter/participate in the exchange, this will be a clear
violation of the Alpha Sigma Alpha Gamma Lambda standard, and will result in a standards
hearing. Facebook, Instagram or other social media posts, as well as Snapchats depicting alcohol
consumption directly prior to the event, will also be taken into consideration while discerning the
sobriety of a potentially intoxicated sister upon entering the event. If an advisor, member of the
executive board, or Risk Management team, hear that a sister plans to pre-game/post-game, you
will be asked not to attend the exchange. If there is a reasonable suspicion of a sister drinking on
the premise of the event there will be a brief inquiry, and action will be taken as stipulated above
as necessary.
In order to ensure that alcohol will not be present, all beverages brought for the exchange
style event are to be sealed upon entering the event, or are to be prepared by no less than two
sisters within the area of the event, while other members are present. Personal water bottles are
to be filled exclusively with water.

Women are encouraged to consider the Alpha Sigma Alpha values while attending the
event and are reminded of the importance of positive intra Greek relations. The consumption of
alcohol at events, throughout the extent of our probation, does not positively impact the chapters
success. Women are encouraged to help set up and clean up the event, in order to prevent
drinking directly prior to or post the event. Sisters will be required to check in with the Social
Chairwomen upon entering the event in order to take attendance, at this time the executive board
will be able to discern if a sister is intoxicated based on coherent conversation.

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