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December 18, 2015

Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea
There have only been estimates of the actual oil and natural gas deposits in the

area but the estimations are high. Not only that, it is also one of the busiest shipping
routes in the world with over 270 merchant ships passing through the route. Added to
that, the fishing opportunities are also abundant. These are the reasons why there had
been much arguments over the rich domain of the South China Sea. China claims
dominion over the area because it asserts its right that can be traced back to around
1949, the formation of Peoples Republic of China. Now, a lot of countries, including our
own Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan, refer to the Spratly Islands as part of their own
On 2011, there was an agreement between China, Brunei, Philippines, Malaysia,
and Vietnam regarding on how to solve the dispute among them. These guidelines
acknowledge marine environmental protection, scientific research, safe navigation and
communication, and more. However, the issue on oil exploration remains unsolved.
Today, issues on China and Philippines claims over the Spratly Islands are heating up
with China occupying alleged Philippine territory.
If the disputes continue, global relationship among countries fighting over the
South China Sea might be ruined. A war might even ensue if a country aggressively
asserts its ownership. However, if a countrys territorial claim will be developed, it would
be beneficial for its own economic growth.
First, since it is rich in oil and natural gases, it possibly can rival that of the oil
supply coming from the Middle Eastern Countries. Second, it is home to different
species of fish and can be a scenic diving or tourist spot. This is favorable to a countrys
fishing and marine industry and tourism. Third, if a country puts trade barriers in the
trade routes, not all ship can pass through. Fees may be paid to the country to allow
passage of ships and this would contribute to its growth.

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