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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Efficient Energy Cluster-Based Data Routing Protocol

(ECDRP) For Wireless Sensor Networks
Regina Naa Dede Crabbe1 and Michael Asante2
Dept. of Computer Science,KNUST, Kumasi1,Dept. of Computer Science ,KNUST, Kumasi2
Sensor nodes are generally battery-powered devices and the critical aspect to take into
consideration is how to reduce the energy consumption of nodes, so that the network lifetime can
be extended. Therefore, this paper proposes Energy-efficient Cluster-based Data Routing Protocol
(ECDRP) to enhance the stability period of wireless sensor network. The proposed protocol has a
three layer hierarchical routing protocol. It is an extension of LEACH routing protocol. Cluster
head set and gateway nodes were introduced in this paper. The cluster head set contains cluster
heads that manage the sensor nodes within a set of information. The sensor nodes which were
deployed were organized into clusters for collection information from target field. Using rotation
technique, each head-set member acts as a cluster head (CH). The sensor nodes transmit data to
their cluster heads, which transmit the aggregated data through the gateway node to the distance
base station(BS). The gateway node was also introduced to allow communication among different
clusters and also reduce the burden on the cluster head set nodes during data transmission. The
ECDRP is more energy efficient and prolongs the life time of sensor network. The simulation
shows that the new protocol performs better than the other well accepted hierarchical routing
protocols like LEACH in terms of energy consumption and stability period.
Index Terms : Wireless Sensor Network, Cluster based, Routing Protocols.


A wireless sensor network (WSN) can be defined as a collection of mobile or static nodes which are able
to communicate with each other for transferring data more efficiently [1]. According to [2], the important
requirements of a WSN are the use of a large number of sensors, attachment of stationary sensors, low
energy consumption, self-organizing capability, collaborative signal processing, and querying ability.
Applications of wireless sensor network can be found in different fields such as events, battlefield
surveillance, recognition security, drug identification and automatic security and others. [3].
Wireless Sensor nodes are equipped with small, often irreplaceable batteries with limited power
capacities. They are self-configuring, containing one or more sensors, with embedded wireless
communications and data processing components and a limited energy source. The use of wireless
sensor networks is increasing day by day but the problem of energy constraints prevails as there is
limited battery life in which case it includes a long list and categories of routing protocols for aggregation
and transmission of sensed data to a server or base station [4]. The main concern of routing protocols is
to minimize the energy consumption since sensor nodes come with limited energy as they run on battery
and reliable transmission of data [5].
Cluster-based routing protocols group sensor nodes to efficiently relay the sensed data to the sink. The
cluster heads are sometimes chosen as specialized nodes that are less energy-constrained. A cluster-head
performs aggregation of data and sends it to the sink on behalf of the nodes within its cluster. The most
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

interesting research issue regarding such protocols is how to form the clusters so that the energy
consumption and contemporary communication metrics such as latency are optimized [6],[7].
Efficiency, scalability and lifetime of WSN can be enhanced using hierarchical routing. Here, sensors are
organized into clusters and each cluster has a cluster head. Currently, there are several energy efficient
hierarchical protocols such as Lower-Energy Adaptive Clustering.
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH)[8] protocol is a popular hierarchical routing
protocol for wireless sensor networks. The idea of LEACH is to form clusters of sensor nodes based on
the received signal strength and use local cluster heads as routers to the sink. This approach saves energy
since long distance transmissions are only done by cluster heads rather than the sensor nodes. LEACH
protocol has several energy efficient features such as optimization of the energy consumed by shutting
down nodes radios, load balancing, and only two hops from any node to the sink or the user. LEACHs
distributed hierarchical approach makes it scalable. However, the LEACH protocol is improving to make
it more efficient [9],[10],[11]. It is therefore, significant to extend a sensor network lifetime through
proficient use of the sensor nodes energy. The aim of this paper is to propose an energy efficient cluster
based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks.
In the sensor network, sensor node can communicate with the base station directly or through the cluster
head, or other relaying nodes. In a direct communication, each node communicates directly with the base
station. When the sensor network is large, the energy for communicating with the base station is
correspondingly large. Hence, some nodes which are far apart from the base station will quickly run out
of energy [8]. The other scheme is the clustering, where the nodes are grouped into clusters and one node
from the cluster sends all gathered data from the nodes to the base station.
The Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol (LEACH) is a self-organising and adaptive
clustering protocol that uses randomisation to distribute the energy load evenly among the sensor nodes.
The LEACH can organize nodes into clusters and each cluster is controlled by a cluster head. The cluster
head performs several duties. The first one is gathering data from its cluster and accumulates them.
Second one is directly sending accumulated data to sink. The third one is scheduling based on TimeDivision Multiple Access (TDMA). Each node within the cluster can send collected data within its time slot
Cluster head announces its time slot by distributing property to all members of the cluster [9]. Main
operations of LEACH are classified in two separate phases. First phase or initialization phase has two
processes. In the clustering and cluster head determination second phase, the steady-state concentrates,
gathers, accumulates and transmits data to sink. The Base-Station Controlled Dynamic Clustering
Protocol (BCDCP) is a dynamic clustering protocol, which distributes the energy dissipation evenly
among all sensor nodes to improve a networks lifetime and average energy savings[8].Simulation results
show that BCDCP reduces overall energy consumption and improves network lifetime over LEACH,
LEACH-C, and PEGASIS[12] . HEARP is a Hierarchical Energy-efficient Routing Protocol [13]. HEARP is
based on both LEACH and PEGASIS protocols. In HEARP, network establishment begins with the
formation of clusters. Several clusters are formed with one cluster head (CH) in each cluster. Each cluster
contains several nodes called member nodes. After the clusters are formed, a chain is established among
all the CHs using a greedy algorithm. A CH is chosen as leader node and from this chain the data is sent to
the BS. The operation of HEARP is broken up into rounds, where each round begins with a set-up phase,
followed by data transmission phase. During the set-up phase, which begins with the cluster formation,
HEARP makes use of the same algorithm as LEACH. It has been found from simulation results that HEARP
is better than LEACH, in terms of energy consumption. Again in terms of latency, HEARP performs better
2 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

than LEACH as well as PEGASIS. HEARP saves energy because only one node transmits data directly to
the base station.
This paper proposed an Energy-efficient Cluster-based Data Routing Protocol (ECDRP) to enhance the life
time for wireless sensor network. The proposed protocol has a three layer hierarchical routing protocol.
It is an extension of the LEACH routing protocol. Cluster head set and gateway nodes were introduced.
The cluster head set was introduced instead of one cluster head as in LEACH because, using just one
cluster head during data transmission will impose greater burden on the cluster head node and this can
bring about fast depletion of the battery of the cluster head node since the node depends on its
respective battery for its power source. The cluster-head-set contains cluster heads that manage and
control the sensor nodes within a network. At a time, only one component of the head-set is active and
the remaining are in sleep mode within a cluster. The tasks are uniformly distributed among all the head
set members. Using rotation technique, each head set member acts as a cluster head (CH). The sensor
node collects data and transmits it to its cluster head. The cluster head aggregates the collected data and
sends it to the distance base station through its gateway node. The gateway node was also introduced
within a cluster to allow communication among different clusters and also reduce the burden on the
cluster head set nodes during data transmission.
During the simulation, a radio model as described in [12] was used in a shorter distance such as singlehop transmission (data transfer from sensor node to cluster-head), the energy consumed by a transmit
amplier is proportional to d2, where d is distance. However, for a longer distance transmission, such
as multi-hop transmission (from a sensor node to the sink), the energy consumed is proportional to d4.
The energy consumed to transmit l-bit message for a longer distance, d, is given by:
ET = Ee + EL d4 (1)
In the same way, the energy consumed to transmit l-bit message for a shorter distance is given by:
ET = Ee + ES d2 . (2)
Moreover, the energy consumed to receive l-bit message is given by:
ER = Ee + EBF ..(3)
Election Phase for ECDRP
All the nodes are presumed to be at the same energy level at the beginning of the election phase. The
amount of energy consumed is the same for all the clusters. For each cluster, the corresponding cluster
head chooses a set of s (sensor data) associates, based on signal analysis. For uniformly distributed
clusters, each cluster contains n/c nodes where n is number of nodes and c is number of clusters.
From Equations 2 and 3, the energy consumed by a cluster head is estimated as follows:
ECH-elec= {Ee + ES d2} + {

} (Ee + EBF) ..(4)

The first part of Equation 4 represents the energy consumed to transmit the advertisement message. This
energy consumption is based on a shorter distance energy dissipation model. The second part of
Equation 4 represents the energy consumed to receive (

) messages from the sensor nodes of the

same cluster. Equation 4 can be simplified as follows:

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317



+ ES d2 . .(5)

Using Equation 2 and Equation 3, the energy consumed by non-cluster head sensor nodes is estimated as
Enon-CH-elec= {cEe + cEBF} + {(Ee + ES d2)} (6)
The first part of Equation 6 shows the energy consumed to receive messages from c cluster heads. It is
assumed that a sensor node receives messages from all the cluster heads. The second part of Equation 6
shows the energy consumed to transmit the decision to the corresponding cluster head. Equation 6 can
be simplified as follows:
E non-CH-elec= Ee (1+ c) + cEBF + ES d2 (7)
Data Transfer Phase of ECDRP
During data transfer phase, the nodes transmit messages to their cluster heads and the cluster heads
transmit the aggregated messages to a distant base station through their respective distributed gateways.
The energy consumed by a cluster head is as follows:

(Ee + EBF)} + 1............................... (8)

{Ee + EL d } in equation (8) shows the energy consumed when messages are received from the remaining
nodes which is not a part of the cluster head-set. The second part of Equation 8 shows the energy
consumed to transmit a message to the distant sink. Equation 8 can be simplified as follows:
E CH / frame= EL d4 +

Ee +


The energy, Enon-CH / frame, consumed by a non-cluster head node to transmit the sensed data to the gateway
is stated in equation 10.
Enon-CH/frame= Ee + ES d2 .(10)
For circular clusters with a uniform distribution of sensor nodes and a network diameter of M, the
average value of


is given as:


. Equation (10) can be simplified as follows:

.. .(11)
E non-CH/frame= Ee + ES
In one iteration, Nf (where Nf is number of data frames) data frames are transmitted. The Nf/c (where
Nf/c is theframes transmitted by each cluster) are uniformly divided among n/c nodes of the cluster.
Each cluster head frame transmission needs
equations, the fractions f1 and f2 are given as below:

f1 =

non-cluster head frames. For simplification of

............................................... (12)

4 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317


f2 =

The energy consumptions in a data transfer stage of each cluster are as follows:
ECH-data= f1 Nf ECH/frame


Enon-CH-data= f2 Nf Enon-CH/frame (15)

Start Energy for One Round
There are c clusters and n nodes. In each iteration, s nodes are elected for each cluster. Thus, in each
iteration cs nodes are elected as members of head-sets. The number of iterations required for all n
nodes to be

elected is
which represents the number of iterations required in one round. Moreover, iteration
consists of an election phase and a data transfer stage. The energy consumed in one iteration of cluster is
as follows:
ECH/iter/cluster= ECH-elec + ECH-data . (16)
Enon-CH/iter/cluster= Enon-CH-elec + Enon-CH-data (17)
Since there are s nodes in a cluster head-set, the ECH/iter/cluster is uniformly divided among the cluster
head-set members, as shown in equation (18).

E CH/node=

ECH / iter/ cluster


The Enon-CH/iter/cluster is uniformly distributed among all the non-cluster head members as follows:

non CH / iter / cluster (19)

The start energy, Estart, is the energy of a sensor node at the initial start time. This energy should be
sufficient for at least one round. In one round, a node becomes a member of head-set for one time and a
non-cluster head for

times. An estimation of Estart is given by equation(20) .

E non-CH-node (20)
Using Equation 18, Equation 19 and Equation 20, E start can be described as below:
E start = (ECH/iter/cluster + Enon-CH/iter/cluster)
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

From Equation (21), Equation (16), Equation (17), Equation (14), and Equation (15), Estart can be given
as follows:

nonCHelec+ f f E
+f E

s 1 CH/ frame 2 nonCH/ frame

Estart= CHelec

Using Equation (22), Nf can be given as below:

Nf =

sEstart ECH elec + EnonCH elec

f1 ECH / frame + f 2 EnonCH / frame


Optimum Number of Clusters

In a cluster, the energy consumed in transmitting an aggregated reading to the base station is shown in
E non-CH/frame .(24)
The first part of Equation (24) is as a result of the energy consumed as an active member of the cluster
head non-cluster head nodes. The total energy
set. The second part of Equation (24) is due to
consumed by c clusters is as follows:
E total/frame = cEc (25)
Using Equation 25, Equation 24, Equation 11, and Equation 9, the total energy consumed by c clusters is
given below:


e c

M 2



BF c e s 2c

E total/frame = E d 4 + s +1E + s E

Equation (26) can be simplified as follows:

E total/frame = cE d 4 + (n cs + c )E + (n cs )E

M 2
+ (n cs )E + (n cs)E
s 2c

... (27)

E total/frame = cE d + (2n 2cs + c )E + (n cs )E
.. (28)
+ nE
s 2c
s 2c
The optimum number of c for minimum consumed energy can be determined as follows:



= 0


Using Equation 28 and Equation 27, we get the following result:

E d 4 (2 s 1 )E sE

M 2
= 0 (30)
2 k 2

From Equation (30) , the optimum value of c for minimum dissipation of frame energy can be given as :



E d 4 (2s 1)E sE

6 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

.... (31)

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Time to Complete a Round

Sensor nodes transmit messages according to a specified schedule and it is based on TDMA (Time
Division Multiple Access). The frame time, tframe is the sum of transmission times of the messages
transmitted by all the nodes of a cluster. The time to transfer a message, tmgs, is defined as :
tmgs =


In one frame, messages are transmitted by all the non-cluster head nodes and the active member of the
cluster head-set. Since at one time only one member of head-set is active, the inactive head-set members,
which are s 1, do not transmit during the frame transmission. The time for one frame to be
transmitted is given by :

c s

tframe = t
+ t
msg msg
i =1

_ head

The first part of Equation (33) is as result of c
messages from non-cluster head nodes. The second
part of Equation (33) is due to the transmission of the active member of the cluster head-set. Assuming
that message transfer time is the same for all the nodes, Equation (33) can be simplified as follows:


tframe =

s + 1 t


As N frames are transmitted in one iteration, time for one iteration, titeration is defined as follows:




f (35)

From Equation(35), Equation (34), and Equation (32), the iteration time titeration can be given as below:


Since there are


l n

s + 1N
.. (36)

R c

iterations in one round, the time for one round, tround, is as follows:

= t


l n n
N f
s + 1

c c



Figure1 illustrates the variation in the number of clusters with respect to the distance from the base
station for various number of cluster head-set sizes. From the graph, the number of clusters decreases as
the distance from the base station increases. This variation is the same for the various cluster head-set
sizes (that is from cluster head set size 1(LEACH) to cluster head set size 5). This implies that the cluster
7 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

head set size does not vary with respect to distance but rather the number of clusters. As a result, as the
number of clusters increases, the distance from the base station decreases hence less energy would be
required during the transmission of the frames. Also if the distance of transmission from the base station
is short it reduces the possibility of the data being eavesdropped.



Number of clusters













Figure 1: Graph number of clusters with respect to distance from the base Station.

Figure 2a illustrates the energy consumed with increasing number of clusters with size 1. From Figure 2a
the energy consumption reduces as the number of clusters increases and the optimum variation in the
energy consumption ranges between 0 (Joules) and 6 (Joules) when the cluster head-set size is 1. Figure
2b also illustrates energy consumed with increasing number of clusters with head-set size is 3. From
Figure 2b the energy consumption reduces as the number of clusters increases. The optimum variation in
the energy consumption ranges between 0 (Joules) and 1.8 (Joules) when the cluster head-set size is 3.
Therefore comparing the two graphs, the energy consumption in Figure 2b is comparatively lower when
cluster head-set size is 3 as compared to LEACH in Figure 2a when cluster head-set size is 1. The energy
consumed in cluster head-set size is 3 is approximately three times less when cluster headset size is 1. As
a result, the bigger the cluster head-set size the lower the energy consumption during transmission and
vice versa.

Size 1

Size 3

Energy Consumption(J)

Energy Consumption(J)





Number of Clusters

Figure 2a: Optimum Number of Clusters





Number of Clusters

Figure 2b: Optimum Number of Clusters

The average time to complete single iteration in each round is such that every node becomes a member
of cluster head-set as was estimated initially. Moreover, frames transmitted in each iteration were also
evaluated. Figure 3 illustrates the variation in time to complete one iteration with respect to cluster
head-set size and network diameter. The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis represent the network diameter,
cluster head-set size, and time to complete one iteration, respectively. The cluster head-set size is given
as a percentage of cluster size (number of clusters). The start energy, Estart is fixed for all the cases. From
8 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

figure3, if the cluster headset size is less than 50% of the cluster size, there are fewer transmissions in
each iteration because the distance from the base station increases as illustrated in Figure1. Therefore, it
would require more iterations to complete a round. However, when the cluster head-set size is greater
than 50% of the cluster size, there are more transmissions in each iteration because the distance from
the base station decreases, hence, less iterations to complete a round.

x 10

T im e fo r o n e ite ra tio n (s e c )







Cluster head-set size (%)








Network Diameter

Figure 3: Time for Iteration with Respect to the Cluster Head-set size and Network Diameter.
Figure 4 shows the variation in time for one iteration with respect to the number of clusters. As
illustrated in the graph, the time for one iteration decreases as the number of clusters increases.
Therefore, for larger number of clusters, the time for one iteration reduces. The reason for this is that,
when more nodes are introduced into the network it reduces the time for transmission hence, more
frames can be transmitted within a short time. This helps the nodes to conserve more energy to extend
the network lifetime.

x 10

Time for one iteration (sec)










Number of clusters

Figure 4: Time for Iteration with Respect to the Number of Clusters.

Figure 5 illustrates the number of frames transmitted with respect to the cluster head-set size. From the
graph, the number of frames transmitted increases as cluster head-set size also increases. It can be
inferred from figure4 that, for increased value of cluster head-set size, more frames can be transmitted
since iteration will be few. This will result in the iteration can lasting for a longer time, which is also
consistent with the results shown in figure 4.

9 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 10, October - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317


x 10


Number of Frames










Cluster head-set size

Figure 5: Number of Frames Transmission per Iteration with Respect to the Cluster Head-set size.
This paper proposed an energy-efficient cluster-based data routing protocol ((ECDRP) which can
enhance the stability of wireless sensor networks. In this study it has been revealed that, the energy
consumed reduces as the cluster head-set size increases and that the cluster head-set size does not vary
with distance but rather depends on the number of clusters. The study has revealed that the energy
consumed reduces as the sensor nodes in the cluster head- set size increases as oppose to using one
cluster head within a cluster as in LEACH. Therefore, as the number of clusters increases, the distance
from the base station reduces thereby reducing the energy for transmitting frames. Again, if the
transmission distance from the base station is shortened, this will reduce the possibility of data being
eavesdropped. It was also realized that as the size of the head-set increases the data transfer rate and the
time also increases. It is therefore, highly recommended that the cluster head-set size and the number of
clusters be carefully chosen in order to extend the network life time. Therefore, the proposed protocol
(ECDRP) can effectively reduce energy consumption and extend network lifetime than in LEACH.
Future work on the proposed ECDRP will include the implementation of effective data transmission
methods in wireless sensor networks in a simulated environment to evaluate the cost metrics in the
implementation of the protocol and also to evaluate the security methods associated with its
implementation in different network environments. Again, further work will include the determination
of when the energy in a wireless sensor node will begin to deteriorate and the number of transmissions
beyond the efficiency of sensor nodes will begin to reduce.


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