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conventions of character (hero): She was in charge of the Moors, and in the end, was the one

who saved Aurora

She was more dominant and she was superior, for she was the
best fairy and strongest fairy.
Everyone looked up to her in her kingdom
In the current day, females dont need to be saved
by a man. Females are just as capable as males are.
Instead, this movie focuses on the importance of love between a
mother and daughter type of relationship.
It doesnt make the female character depend on a man to wake up
or be saved and focuses on a different type of love.
Reflects society now a days, for in this, a WOMAN is the hero. In
our culture, it is acceptable that a woman can be superior to a man.

Diaval, a male, was Maleficents servant, or right hand

She had Diaval, a male, who was her servant
He would do anything for her, because she saved
his life I will be your slave
He follows all her orders
This represents culture today for, again, shows the power
Maleficent, a female, had over a male.
Weak and useless; they transport his floating, sleeping body
around the castle and even use it to trick a guard.
His kiss of true love doesnt even wake the princess.
Through the humor behind his levitating body, Disney conveys the
idea that girls dont need princes. They also demonstrate the power of women by
having Maleficent be Auroras savior.

"A king does not take orders from a winged elf" says the king at

the start of the movie

The king says this to Maleficient when she tells

them to go no further. This quote reflects gender roles and how women
could not tell men what to do because men had more power.
example of earlier convention that gets broken later
The evil is basically contained within one man, one kingdom

Conventional Purpose of Folk/Fairy Tales

change in audience
Aurora is telling the story, to talk about how Maleficent was both a hero and a
This helps develop sense of morality to show both the good and
bad in people
This is different, for this story shows that a person can be both.
Instead of original tale, where a person is either good OR bad. You cant be both
stephen loves her > is selfish but lets her live > tries to kill her
True love exists in the film, but not one between lovers. Rather it is a motherly
type of love. Maleficents kiss woke Aurora up, which shows the true love Maleficent had
for Aurora.
Represents culture today, that true love isnt necessarily one of a
couple. It can be true love between family, or just general love and care for
another person who is not your significant other
Females dont need a wedding to have their happily ever after
Strays away from the cheesy Prince saving the Princess
Sleeping Beauty didnt end up marrying the prince she just met
not to encourage not saving women but realizing that your not as
necessary as u think

fairies urge Phillip to kiss her, he tells them he wouldnt feel right about it.
a more modern lesson: Roger Ebert Reviews: It's a symbolic
assault with sexual overtones, specifically an attack that occurs after a woman
has passed out, Matt Zoller Seitz says.

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