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Chapter 8

Three weeks of my holiday had passed already and so much had

happened in that short space of time.
I had just got my nails done and was on the bus making my way home.
My stop came and I stepped out into the cool air.
As I walked home I looked around the estate, the usual hoodrats stood
at the corner shops looking for trouble and over in the chicken shop
there was only three girls dressed like they were looking to go raving.
As I walked a familiar face appeared in front of me, dark skinned, not
to tall, very smooth skin and the whitest pair of teeth; it was Alex.
‘Ay Chantel where you going?’ He asked stopping to hug me.
‘Home init, you?’
‘Jamming, gonna go swimming later init.’
‘Well seeing as you ain’t doing nothing now you can walk me home.’ I
‘Fine come then.’ He said placing his arm on my shoulder as we walked
‘So your Ramal’s cousin yea?’
‘Why does everyone call me that? I have a name unah.’
‘Alright missy, sorry for offending you.’ He said cheekily as I laughed.
‘How old are you again?’ I asked looking up at his baby face, his skin
was clear boii.
‘I’m 16.’
‘Oh good.’
‘So you got a man yet?’
‘Nah, my party wasn’t that long ago you know. What about you? Any
‘You’re still single? Wow. I don’t have a chick though.’
‘Wow hope you find that special “chick” soon.’
‘Me to boii. Can I ask you something personal please?’
‘Errm… go on then.’
‘You know this ting about Dion…’
‘No it’s not true, everyone’ asking me this man.’
‘Nah I was just wondering cuz when I was with him the other day he
was bare describing what you two done init.’
‘I don’t know where he’s getting all this shit from! We never fucked
man. Do people believe him?’
‘Well yea, everyone’s up Dion’s backside man, they believe everything
he says, I think it’s because Jerome and Jordan said they were there
when you two beat init.’
‘What? Alex I didn’t have sex with him.’
‘I know that now, Dion lies a lot.’
‘Mmm I can tell. I’m a virgin though; he’s the last person I would give
my virginity to.’
‘You’re still a virgin?’
‘Yea I am.’
‘You’re too nice to be a virgin boii.’
‘Umm thank’s? Are you?’
‘You’re funny.’
‘Nah I swear to God.’
‘Is it? Wow, how does that work out though cause you hang around with
Dion and Ramal and them lot and none of them are virgins.’
‘Well unlike them I wanna lose it to the right girl not just any hoe.’
‘Wow, you’re a lot smarter than I thought. Well thanks’ for walking me
home.’ I said turning to face him.
‘It’s nothing, I’ll call you later then yea.’ He said reaching out to hug
‘Alright then honey, bye.’
As Alex walked back up the road I stepped into my house and met about
3 suitcases piled up in the corridor, what the hell was going on?
‘Dad!’ I yelled into the house.
‘Oh your back Chantel, I was just about to call you.’ My dad replied
placing another smaller case and a piece of paper on the other larger
‘What’s going on?’
‘Well I received a call from Grenada this morning, one of your aunts
over there passed away last night.’
‘Oh my God! Which one?’
‘Oh don’t worry, you never knew her. I had to book an emergency flight
to attend the funeral.’
‘So you’re going now?’
‘Yea I am, Aunty Keisha is coming here to pick me up and then we’re
leaving together, Ramal and Kirsty will be staying here with you.’
‘What! Ramal’s coming here?’
‘It’s only for a week Chantel.’
‘Ok then, say hi to everyone for me.’
‘I will do. Here’s the number I will be using in Grenada in case you need
to contact me.’
‘Wait what about money?’
‘I was getting to that part Chantel. I’ve paid the bills for the month and
the cupboards are stocked up, should last you for more than a week.
I’ve put £200 onto your account, use it wisely. Ramal and Kirsty have
also been given money.
‘Ok then, thank you.’ I said hugging him, just as I did so the sound of a
car horn came from outside.
‘That’s probably your Aunty; help me take these cases outside.’
I took hold of the biggest case and dragged it towards the front door, as
I opened it Ramal walked in.
‘Wagwarn uncle.’ He said barging past me.
‘Oh Ramal, give your cousin a hand.’
‘I’m fine dad.’ I said as I pulled the case out towards the car, Ramal
followed behind with another case.
‘Why you so grumpy Chantel, Jheez.’
‘Ramal I beg you shutup.’ I said handing the case over to my aunty.
‘What!?’ He shouted in shock stepping closer to me.
‘Ramal! Pass me the case an stop startin on your lickle cousin.’ My
aunty yelled, she was always sticking up for me.
‘Who’s starting on her mum, she told me to shutup.’
‘Well maybe ya should shutup rude bwoy.’
My aunty made me laugh, even though she was 35 she acted like she was
only 18, she was like my second mum.
As Ramal stormed off inside, me and Kirsty helped load the things into
the car.
‘Alright everything’s set, let me just grab my wallet then we can get
going.’ My dad said running inside the house.
‘You girls gonna be alright with Ramal?’ My aunty asked.
‘Yea course, he probably won’t be in the house half the time so it’s
nothing.’ I answered.
‘Alright, if him ah bother you then just gimmie a call on the number ya
father give you, understand?’
‘Yes aunty.’ I laughed.
‘Well take care girls an look after each other ya hear me?’
‘Yes mum, just get in the car man, bye.’ Kirsty said pushing her mum
away playfully.
‘You better tek your ands off me lickle girl. Bye Chantel.’ She said
reaching over to hug me.
‘Bye.’ I watched her as she sat herself in the car and turned on the
‘Bye Chantel.’ My dad said running out of the house and hugging me.
‘Bye dad.’
‘Take care Kirsty.’ He said hugging her and jumping into the passenger
seat. The two of them gave me and Kirsty one last wave before driving
After a few moments me and Kirsty made our way into the house and
went up to my room, not to long after Ramal joined us.
‘What you lot talking about?’
‘Well you didn’t really give us much time to start a conversation
Ramal.’ Kirsty said flipping through my Young Voices magazine.
‘Go on then…’
‘Ramal get out my room.’ I said.
‘Rehh… fuck you lot then. I’m going out.’
‘Good.’ I said as Ramal slammed the door shut and left the house.
‘So how’s this thing with you and Dion going now then?’
‘He’s still chatting shit; I fucked him seven times now.’
‘No way! You dirty freak.’
‘Shut your mouth Kirsty.’
‘I’m joking man, he’s so sad. The only reason he’s saying that is because
he wants to fuck you, BAD.’
‘Well boii, fuck him init.’
‘Do you still like him?’
‘No, course not.’
For the first time ever I lied to Kirsty, normally I could tell her
everything but this was something that I didn’t want anyone to know; I
still liked Dion.
‘Well then why don’t you just find some one else and then Dion will get
off your case.’
‘I don’t like anyone though.’
‘Ummm… what about that Andy breh? He really likes you and he
doesn’t seem like a dickhead like Dion.’
‘Mmm…I dunno. Oh yea I went to see the other day boii.’
‘Eh ehhh… what happened?’
‘How can we be jamming in his room lipsin yea and my mans fingering
me the he goes…’
Before I could continue my phone began to ring.
‘You ok Jessie?’
‘Well I’m feeling better, been getting mad cravings though. How are
‘I’m alright, just at home init.’
‘I’ve got 2 months to make a decision.’
‘Well what are you feeling to do now?’
‘I dunno, I need to talk to Ramal.’
‘Jessie, Ramal doesn’t seem like the type that would stay around unah.’
‘Don’t you think I fucking know that? … Sorry.’
‘Nah it’s cool. Look my dads gone on holiday for a week so Ramal’s
staying at my drum, when your ready just pass through and talk to
‘Ok, Thank’s Chan.’
‘It’s nothing.’
‘Oh yea that reminds me, you know one boy called Alex?’
‘Ummm yea I do, why?’
‘He was asking about you bare the other day.’
‘Oh seen, yea cause he chirpsed me at my shoobz init.’
‘Awww is it? My lickle young tug think’s he’s a big boy.’
‘Young tug?’
‘Yeaa he’s my younger init.’
‘How can he be your younger, that don’t work out.’
‘Yea it does, He’s 15 and I’m 16…’
‘Ohh he’s 15?’
‘Yeaaa, you didn’t know?’
‘Nah I think he told me at my party but I just forgot init.’
‘Oh ok well I’ll holla at you later babe.’
‘Yea bye.’
Alex was 15! The lickle boy told me he was 16… now I had a younger on
my case.

‘Was that Jessie?’ Kirsty asked.

‘Wow. I didn’t believe it when people said she was a hoe but now she’s
pregnant, and she was bare pretty as well.’
‘What? Who told you that?’
‘Well you just had a whole conversation with her in front of me. Who’s
the dad?’
‘Kirsty it’s none of your business man.’
‘Fine... Can’t believe I’m gonna be an aunty, I can’t imagine Ramal as a
baby daddy though.’ She said cheekily hiding her face in the magazine.
‘Oh shit! Kirsty you can’t say nothing.’
‘I won’t. When are you gonna tell Ramal though?’
‘Leave that to Jessie.’
‘Ok, well I’m going out cause I’m bored. I’m bringing back some
bredrins with me yea, they’re gonna sleep round.’
‘How many?’
‘Umm three brehs and 2 girls.’
‘You’re bringing brehs? Your 14 Kirsty.’
‘Nah there only my friends and you know them anyway.’
‘Well you brothers gonna be in the house so boii, bring them at your
own risk init.’
‘Ok, bye.’
As Kirsty left the house I got up and turned on the stereo, my music was
always there for me when I needed it.
As I lay on the bed jamming to my tunes the front door opened and I
heard a group of people come in, I got up and walked to the top of the
‘That was quick Kirsty.’ I yelled down the stairs.
‘Oh so I look like Kirsty now Chanz?’ Ramal joked as he climbed the
stairs followed by Dion, Alex and another tall, dark, skinny boy.
‘Oh shame, I thought you was coming back later.’
‘Nope nothing to do. Gonna go play pro in the guest room yea, you
‘Nah, I’m fine.’ I said turning around and rushing into my room.
I couldn’t believe that my cousin knew about the rumours about me and
Dion and yet he had just brought him into the house!
And it’s not even like it stop there yea, that liar Alex was here as well,
I threw myself onto my bed, THUD!
‘Oh shit!’ I said sitting up, I swear I just broke my bed… As I stood up
something dropped on the floor making a knocking noise.
‘What the hell is that?’ I said to myself looking around to see what I had
‘It’s probably me.’ A voice said, as I spun round I saw Dion shutting the
door firmly behind him.
‘What do you want?’
‘Nothing, I just wanna talk to you init.’
‘Ramal won’t like that…’
‘Well he don’t know I’m here, I told him I was going to get something
from my auntie’s house init, and he’s on the PS2 so he won’t notice.’
‘So…who said I even want you in my room.’
‘I know you do Chantel.’
‘Think what you want.’
‘I’m right though alie?’
‘We ain’t talked for time.’ Dion said seating himself on my bed next to
‘Is it? Oh I never noticed, maybe its better like that then.’
‘Nah. You know you like talking to me, don’t lie.’
‘Seriously Dion, why would I wanna chat to you when you just make up
shit about me?’
‘What I ain’t said nothing about you, a couple people were asking me if
we linked and I said yea.’
‘So why am I hearing that you said we fucked?’
‘Because Jerome and Jordan think we did, I didn’t say anything though,
I don’t need to lie about things like that.’
‘Well you need to sort it then, talk to your boys.’
‘Yea I will init.’
I hated Dion so much for everything he was putting me through and I
knew he was lying but the little part of me that liked him was what was
stopping me from telling him to never talk to me again and forgetting
‘I missed you though Chantel.’ He said as he pulled himself closer to me
and placed his arm around my shoulder.
‘Whatever Dion.’
‘Nah man I’m serious, if I was didn’t mean it then I wouldn’t mention
‘Ok.’ I didn’t even wanna hear anything that Dion had to say, I just
wanted to be close to him.
I relaxed and rested my head on his firm chest, as I did this he slid his
fingers under my chin and brought his lips closer to mine, before I could
pull away I felt the warmth of Dion’s lips against mine as his tongue
slipped into my mouth and wrapped around mine.
‘Mmm…Dion, I’m not doing this again.’
‘Aww Chantel llow me man.’
‘Nah, I got stuff to do.’ I said pushing him off my bed.
‘Well I’m next door init, text me when you’re ready.’ He said as he left
my room.
I couldn’t believe what I had just let myself into. The door knocked
‘What do you want now?’ I yelled, the door opened slowly.
‘Well I wanted to hi but someone’s not in a very good mood.’ Alex said
standing at the door.
‘Oh, I though you were someone else, come in.’
‘Seen.’ He said walking over and taking a seat on my bed.
‘Oh I need to talk to you anyway.’
‘About what?’
‘What year you in?’
‘Year 11, why?’
‘Are you leaving year 11 or starting?’
‘I’m leaving, wagwarn with the Q’s though?’
‘How does that work out if you just turned 15?’
‘What? Where you get that from?’
‘Your older.’
‘Yeaaa. I thought you was 16 but you obviously lied.’
‘Nah but I only did it because I knew you wouldn’t talk to me if you
knew I was 15.’
‘Yes I would!’
‘What you would still link me yea?’
‘Maybe… at least then I would know you ain’t a liar.’
‘I was gonna tell you man, I just wanted you to get to know me first.’
‘Well is there anything else you’re lying about?’
‘You’re not gonna let this go are you?’
‘Oh so there is something?’
‘Nah nah, there isn’t.’
‘I’ll llow you then, but if I find out your lying about something else then
‘Trust me there’s nothing else.’
‘Good. Wait; remember you said you was a virgin…’
‘Nah I swore to God Chantel.’
‘Alright younger, just making sure.’
‘Llow it man, I’m only one year younger.’
‘One year is a big difference. When are you planning on loosing your v
‘When I find the right girl init. What about you?’
‘When I find a boy that I trust and like enough, I’m scared though.’
‘Of what?’
‘Having sex, loosing my virginity.’
‘ Dunno, most of my girls told me that the first couple of times hurt
‘Well it’s different for everyone, just relax and you’ll be fine.’
‘Thank’s for the advice.’ I laughed.
‘I rate you though, your going to college in a month and your still a v,
it’s rare to find girl’s like that these days.’
‘Mmm... I normally get teased about it.’
‘Well boii, it’s a good thing.’
‘Are you sleeping over?’
‘Yea, why? Want me to sleep in here or suttin?’
‘Umm let’s leave that for a day when my cousin ain’t here.’ I giggled.
‘Alright well I’m gone yea; I’ll see you later though.’
‘Alright, bye Alex.’ I said as he left the room.

Chapter 9
I reached for my towel as I stepped out of the shower, I looked at the
clock in the bathroom; it was 1pm. I hadn’t slept well due to the amount
of noise Ramal and Kirsty’s bredrins had been making.
-She wanna l-l-l-l-lick me like a lollipop- My phone started ringing as I
left the bathroom, I rushed to my room to answer it.
‘Wagwarn Jessie?’
‘Nothing unah, just got back from the shops init, I saw Dion a second
‘Oh, so?’
‘Hmmm, he told me how he was at your drum last night.’
‘Yeaaa he came with Ramal, I didn’t even notice he had left.’
‘Chanz you don’t have to lie to me, he told me already.’
‘Told you what?’
‘That you two had sex.’
‘Aww you’re so late, that’s an old rumour and it’s not even true.’
‘No not that time, last night.’
‘What? I didn’t fuck Dion last night.’
‘Well that’s what he told me today.’
‘Fuck sake man, Jessie I’ll call you back.’
‘Ok, bye.’
Shit man, I couldn’t take anymore of Dion’s lying and the boy had the
nerve to lie to my bredrin!
I searched Dion’s name in my phonebook and pressed call…
‘Yea what you saying Chantel?’
‘Well it’s more about what you’ve been saying Dion.’
‘Ey? What you on?’
‘Nah nah what you on? Since when did I fuck you last night?’
‘Who said that?’
‘You told Jessie you dickhead.’
‘Nah come off that talk Chantel, I told Jessie that I jammed in your
room for a lickle piece then I went home.’
‘So she’s lying yea?’
‘Yea, she’s too fast blud.’
This idiot, I knew that Jessie was too damn fast to assume things but I
also knew very well that Dion was a liar; I had to show him the levels.
‘Yea whatever, what you on though?’
‘Nothing, mans jamming at my auntie’s drum. You?
‘Just got out the shower.’ I said putting on a sexy voice.
‘So your all wet and ting yea?’
‘Uh huh, I got nothing to do though.’
‘Rehh, come see me boii.’
‘What now?’
‘Yea yea come now.’
‘Mmm… nah fuck that, I might end up “fucking you” again.’
‘Naaaaah, just come jam. It’s just me here so no one’s gonna chat shit.’
‘…Alright, just to jam yea. I’m coming now lemmie just get ready.’
‘Kool, just knock on my door.’
‘Yea.’ I said sliding down my phone.
I walked over to my wardrobe to find something nice to wear; I picked
out my shortest black skirt and a nice pink boob tube belly top with my
pink and black dolly shoes, jheez! I looked good. After I was done
creaming myself and I had finished putting my clothes on I started on
my hair. I done a middle parting and put it into two ponytails and left
out a front fringe. When I was done I grabbed my phone and left my
When I got off the bus at Dion’s stop there was about 3 boys standing
around doing nothing, when I walked past one of them approached me.
‘Ay choongting, come lemmie talk to you.’ He shouted out to me, the
other boys followed him as he came and stood beside me.
‘I’m not even being rude but I don’t have time.’ I said walking away, my
words didn’t seem to get through to him as he continued to walk beside
‘I just wanna talk to you for a few seconds, don’t go on stoosh.’
‘I have things to do unah, you can say what you wanna say now init.’
‘You got some sexy eyes you know.’
‘Oh please, don’t come with them lines.’ I said crossing the road and
walking down the road to Dion’s house, the boy just stood there not
saying a word while his bredrins cracked up.

When I got to Dion’s house I knocked on the door and waited; he soon
came and answered the door.
‘Bloodclart! Come in Chantel.’ He said inviting me in and leading me
into the front room.
‘What you staring at?’ I said looking at Dion who had his eyes firmly
fixed on me as I sat down on the sofa.
‘You, you’re deep.’
‘How am I deep?’
‘You come to my house to jam dressed like that.’
‘Well it is hot.’
‘And we’re just gonna jam yea?’
‘Yup, that’s all.’ I replied. After a few moments of silence Dion spoke…
‘Naaah I can’t take it.’
‘Aww whatever, deal with it you pussy.’
‘Shutup about pussy! I do want a lickle pussy now though.’ He said
winking at me as I picked up a cushion and dashed it at his head.
‘You’re so dirty Dion.’ I laughed.
‘Well I was just letting you know.’
‘Keep you’re thoughts to yourself next time.’ I said standing up to
straighten out my skirt, as I did so my phone dropped on the floor. I
bent down to pick it up and as I did so I turned around so that my back
was facing Dion and slowly picked up my phone.
‘Rehh.’ Dion said quietly to himself.
‘Shit man, I’m always’ dropping thing’s’ I said sitting back down.
‘Yea but you still manage to hold that back off.’
‘Mmm… you wanna help me?’
‘Course.’ He said walking over to me.
‘Dion sit down.’ I said pushing him away gently.
‘I swear you said I could help?’
‘I was joking man.’ I said fanning myself with my hands. ‘Ahh its bare
hot it here. Do you mind if I take this off?’ I said tugging at my top.
‘Naah, take it off boii.’ A huge grin had now spread across Dion’s face.
Slowly I removed my pink top and placed it on the sofa, as I turned
around I noticed Dion watching; all his attention was on me. I smiled
back at him and began to rub my breast in a slow and deliberate
‘You want some of this Dion?’ I said as he sat back watching my show.
‘Come get it then.’ I said teasingly and in no time he shot up and lifted
me into his arms.
‘See I told you that you couldn’t resist me.’ He said kissing my neck.
Soon Dion’s lips met mine and our tongues were wrapping and
caressing each others.
‘Dion… what if your aunty comes back?’ I said pulling my lips away
from his.
‘Let’s go to my room then.’
‘…Nah, we still need to sort a few things out before we do anything.’ I
said trying to keep him off me.
‘Yea ok, we’ll sort everything out bet let’s finish this first.’
‘Mmm I dunno.’
‘Look, we’ll sort it all out just stay here for a bit.’
‘But how do I know that…’
‘Alright Chantel lets take this to my room and then we will see if your
still saying no.’ He said cutting me off.
Before I could even reply Dion picked me up from the sofa and was
carrying me up the stairs and into his room.
‘Dion put me down!’ I laughed as we entered his room.
‘Fine then.’ He said as he threw me onto his bed and climbed on top of
‘Oh so you wanna play like that yea?’ I said flipping him over and
climbing on top of him.
‘You like being in control yea?’ He answered licking his lips.
‘Yea baby, know the levels.’
Dion removed his T-shirt as I undid my black strapless bra exposing my
slightly large breast then very slowly I ran my tongue downwards from
Dion’s neck to his bellybutton and stopped when I felt his muscles tense.
My fingers circled his nipples teasing them as I kissed him all over his
stomach, I undid the buttons on his jeans and lowered them slightly
along with his boxers, and I couldn’t help but smile as I did this.
With my right hand I cupped his balls gently then softly teased them
using my fingers, Dion lay back with his eyes shut breathing heavily.
A few moments later he pulled me towards him and started caressing
my breasts, he played with my nipples rubbing then up and down with
his palms, slowly he took one hand away and slid it under me as he
lifted up my skirt and moved my G-string to one side as he inserted two
fingers into me and slowly moved them back and forward, still using his
other hand to play with my breast. My hips moved in rhythm with his
fingers which he occasionally pulled out to play with my clit as I sat on
top of him.
As my breathing got heavier and I began to moan Dion responded by
pushing his fingers in deeper and pushing faster, a mixture of pain a
pleasure filled inside me, it felt tooooo good. I realised that I had never
liked a boy this much before or even done this much with anyone except
Andy; Dion had been the first boy to finger me.

‘Do you like that?’ He whispered hotly into my ear.

‘Mmm…yea it feels good baby.’
‘I’m gonna go deeper yea.’
‘Yea go onnnn.’ Before I could prepare myself Dion shot his fingers deep
into me and I let out a scream.
‘Uhhhhhhhh!...Dion… mmm.’
‘You still think you can handle my dick?’
‘Yeaa I can baby.’ I said without thinking, I was waaay to horny boii
and Dion looked sexy!
‘Ite then let’s do this ting.’ Dion said flipping me over onto my back like
a doll and separating my legs, he climbed on top of me and looked into
my eyes…
‘You know you’re a choonting Chantel, I wanna make you my wife one
‘Sorry Dion, I can’t do this, not now.’ I said sitting up.
‘What? Chanz I ain’t gonna hurt you blud.’
‘Nah it ain’t that, I just…don’t believe anything you say.’
‘How to you want me to show you I’m not lying then? Tell me and I’ll
do it, let’s just do this ting man.’ He begged, I looked into his eyes…
‘Alright then, you got a condom yea?’
He jumped up and ran to he drawer and pulled out a pack of condoms.
‘I got more than one baby.’ He winked.
‘Go easy on me, I’m a virgin remember.’ I said as he started opening
one of the packets.
‘Of course baby, trust me.’ He said as he kissed my forehead, psssh trust
him! It was all happening to fast.
‘Hold onto me yea.’ He said looking down at me and stroking my face,
the pressure was building up inside me.
‘Ok.’ I said as he slid his hand between my legs and started stroking me.
‘Mmm..Dion.’ I called out with my eyes shut tight, as I did so Dion
removed the condom from the packet and unfolded the lubricated
rubber on to his dick, I waited in anticipation for the moment, my eyes
widened as his left thumb opened my vagina and I felt the head of his
dick at my entrance…
‘Wait!’ I shouted.
‘What’s wrong now Chantel?’ I could tell from his voice that he was
getting restless.
‘I beg you lock the door, just in case.’
‘But she’s not coming back till later.’ He said kissing my neck.
‘Please just do it.’
‘Fine, hold on.’ He said jumping up.
‘Oh and could you get my pink top from the front room please?’
He didn’t even say anything; he just kissed his teeth and went
He came back upstairs a few moments later throwing my top on the
chair and then he turned around and locked the door and started
walking over to me slowly.
‘Hurry up then.’ I said getting impatient.
‘Hurry up?... who’s the one that keeps stopping?’ He said slowing down
even more, now he was trying to tease me.
When he joined me on the bed I climbed onto him and kissed him,
moments later my mouth left his to skim down to his jaw, past his neck
as it traced a damp trail all over his chest.
‘Shiiiit Chantel, you tease too much.’
‘You like it though.’ I said lifting my lips from his chest.
‘Course man.’ He said flipping me over onto my back again, he raised
my hands above my head and laced his fingers with mine and stared
into my eyes.
‘You’re gonna remember this baby.’ He said as he slowly started
pushing his dick inside me.
‘Hold on!... I can’t do this.’ I said just before he pushed it any further. I
sat up and pulled down my skirt and got up to get my top.
‘What? What you mean you can’t do this! Come on Chanz, stop playing
games man.’
‘Nah I’m serious, I gotta go anyway, I didn’t tell Ramal I was going out.’
I said fixing up my top and grabbing my bra from the bed.
‘Nah you can’t just leave like that.’
‘Well I’m doing it.’ I said standing up and walking towards the door.
‘Ok let’s talk then, sort all this shit out now.’
‘Really? Alright then.’ I said turning around and walking towards him.
‘And then we can finish this off baby yea?’
‘Ahh you know what yea forget it!’ I said walking towards the door and
unlocking it.
‘What the fuck am I meant to do now man. I’m fucking horny blud!’
‘I dunno…just think about all the times we “fucked” Dion, that should
help. Bye.’ I said as I left the room and headed down the stairs. My plan
had worked; I left Dion’s with a huge smile and headed home.

BT Yahoo! Broadband.lnk

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