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Information Night

Eternal God,
Bless all schools, colleges, and
especially Our Lady of Fatima,
that they may be lively centres for sound
learning, new discovery, and the pursuit
of wisdom; and grant that those who
teach and those who learn may find you
to be the source of all truth; through
Jesus Christ our Lord,

Pre-Primary Staf
Mrs Skye Cannon

Educational Assistants
Mrs Peta Brandis
Mrs Kathleen Pratley

Our goal is to create an environment in which the teacher
is a facilitator of learning rather than the source of
learning. We want to promote an atmosphere in which
children are free to observe, to question, to experiment
and to explore in a supportive environment.

Timetables and Routines

Morning- homework satchel, library bag, news box,
puzzles and morning expectations.
Afternoon- pickup arrangements and expectations.
Tuesdays- Library, IT, Music and Science
Wednesday- IT
Thursday- Sport (faction shirt),Japanese and PMP
Friday- Sport (blue shirt)
Crunch and Sip- fruit and vegetables only
Canteen- Lunch order only.

Childrens faith journey is developed in an
integrated way. Children are taught how to
pray, reflect and praise God using many
forms of expression.


On Entry testing
Integrated curriculum
Specialist classes
Letters and Sounds and Jolly Phonics
Shared home reading program
Independent home readers


The importance of play cannot be stressed enough

Childrens play is their work and it is the medium
through which children learn about their world
Language, reasoning and social developed through
their play
The Pre-Primary program is play-based

What does this

assessment look at in
Literacy in Pre-primary?

Speaking and Listening

- oral language
- rhyming words
- initial and final sounds
- concepts of print
- oral reading (given the
opportunity to read text)
- letter names and sounds
- comprehension
- write their name
- attempting to draw and write
- reading back the writing
- relationship between writing
and reading

The On Entry Assessment

What does this assessment

look at in Numeracy in Preprimary?

- number and quantity
- the number sequence
- number and partitioning
- length
- mass
Geometry and Location
- positional language
- space

The On Entry Assessment

A Literacy Summa
Page 1

Parent summaries are

generated online
with the most appropriate description
for each task shaded

The On Entry Assessment


Accessing Our Class Page

Works best in Google Chrome browser. Open
browser window.
Log in:
Password: qwertyui

In the address bar type in the PORTAL


Accessing Our Class Page

Once the Home Page has opened, click on the
P for Pre-Primary

Logging on as a STUDENT allows access to

the Parent Page as well as the Class Page
Logging on as a parent ONLY allows access
to the Parent Page Username: Password:

A news roster has now been introduced to our
classroom. News is a very important aspect of
childrens oral language development; it
assists children to develop their vocabulary,
confidence and public speaking skills. Your
child will present news every second week,
please assist your child when planning their

Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills
PATHS covers five conceptual
domains, including self-control,
emotional understanding, positive
self-esteem, relationships, and
interpersonal problem-solving skills.

1, 2, 3 MAGIC
Part of the whole-school discipline policy
Workshops will be available later in the year
State expectation, if not done count 1, 5 second
space, 2, 5 sec space, 3 .. Then time out
Time out is 1 minute / year of age, 5 minutes for
Pre-Primary child
Intrinsic reward make children aware of when
this is happening, discuss feelings other than
and sad

How Can You Help

Parents are the number one educator of their
Parents are a valued part of the Pre-Primary
Supporting your child in their learning is vital
Sleep, good nutrition, limited TV and screen
Exercise and play
Boundary setting, discipline and resiliency
Positive outlook, each child develops at a
different rate

We look forward to working
with you and your beautiful

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