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April 13, 2010

Ms. Sophia Grimm

Landmark Mortgage Co.
Salem, OR 97302

Dear Sophia:

It is with sincere regret that I must inform you that your employment with Landmark
Mortgage will be terminated on April 30, 2010. Our company is being forced to downsize
due to poor economic factors contributing to the fall of the mortgage industry and your
position as Office Secretary is being discontinued.

I would like to emphasize the fact that this termination is in no way a result of the
company being dissatisfied with you performance during your employment at Landmark
Mortgage. You have been a wonderful contribution to the company and have proven your
abilities as an employee. Unfortunately due to the current circumstances, we have no
choice but to let you go.

You will need to clear out your desk area by April 30th as well as return building keys.
You will receive a final paycheck on your last day of employment which will include
compensation for the accumulated sick leave and overtime you have earned.

In efforts to reduce the impact of your termination, the company has organized a
severance package for you in which you will be paid one weeks pay for every month you
have worked over twelve months. Your dental and medical coverage will also continue
for the period of severance pay.

I would be more than happy to write a letter of recommendation for you as I have seen
your work ethic and am aware of your qualifications. I wish you the best of luck with
finding future employment.


Alexsa Tucker
General Manager
Professional Mortgage Co.

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