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■ Respect (respeto) in Mexico is an emotionally charged word bound

up with values of equality, fair play, and democratic spirit.

■ In conversations, Mexicans tend to maximize differences between
persons due to gender, status, or age in contrast to North Americans
who often minimize them. Mexicans generally defer to one of higher
authority by using such titles as “señor” or “don” to note social
standing. Indigenous people will address whites as “señor” as a sign
of respect due them for their race.
■ Mexicans live with a sense of death, and celebrate it in their holidays
or feast days, even with disguises, toys, confections, song and dance.
Exhibit 12.3 may be helpful in contrasting perceptions between
Americans and their neighbors to the south.4


Mexican Mexican N. American

Value View of View of View of N. American
Affected N. American Self Mexican View of Self
Self-Control Cold, insensitive, Deal passively Emotional, volatile, Rational, calm,
emotionless with stress, feminine, masculine, deals
saying “ni undisciplined actively with stress
modo” when through discipline
something in life
doesn’t go to
Type of Condescending, Traditional, Primitive, in need Advanced,
Civilization contradictory, technically of instruction on responsible for
not credible inferior, “how to do things” showing others
morally how to have
superior democracy and
free trade
Racial Attitude Indiscriminate Social classes Indigenous people Racially superior.
racism. Can’t have subtle are inferior, and Culturally
distinguish high- shades; whiter mestizos combine heterogeneous,
class Mexican is better; the the worst features but racially
from Indian masses cannot of both races. The homogeneous;
be elevated treatment of the racial intermixing
anyway. lower classes is not acceptable
North unjust, and
Americans therefore higher
should be able classes deserve no
to distinguish respect
between high
and low
classes and
accept high-
as equals

358 M A N A G I N G C U LT U R A L D I F F E R E N C E S

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