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LEARNING if you learn language in the

classroom setting then it is called learning, but if you
learn in the nature then it is called acquisition.
COMPETENCE vs. PERFORMANCE - Chomsky separates
competence and performance, ones underlying knowledge
of a system, event, fact and performance the overly
observable and concrete manifestation of realization of
INTERLANGUAGE the language system used at and
intermediate stage of foreign language teaching.
INPUT the language that the students hear or read.
INTAKE- refers to the ways of in which learners process
SEMANTIC FIELD - a set of words or lexemes related in
are very important in second learning acquisition because
INPUT is used to refer to the language that is addressed to
the L2 learner either by native speaker or by another
learner. Even INTERACTION is the conversation
constructed by learner and his partner. Therefore, input is
the result of interaction.
METALANGUAGE a language used for talking about
language used to describe language system itself.
MENTAL LEXICON all the information about the
words/lexemes that someone knows.
POLYSEMY is the capacity for a word to have a multiple

RECYCLING to adopt for new use without changing

essential form or nature of using it again but in new
COGNATES a word derived from the same root as another
word.Cognates are words that have a common origin
(composite, composition)
ERROR incorrect form of use language that a learner
cannot correct because she/he does not know the correct
form or use. MISTAKE incorrect form of use lang. that a
learner can correct because she/he knows the correct form
or use.SLIP mistake caused by factors such as tiredness
or nerves.
FALSE FRIENDS are words in the language that look or
sound similar, but are different in meaning.
PRODUCTIVE SKILLS It is the part of language skills
which include speaking and writing.
INNATENESS and UNIVERSALS the innate property is
universal in all human beings , language is universal the
deep structure of language at its deepest level maybe
common to all languages.

KRASHENS HYPOTHESIS - Krashen's theory of second

language acquisition consists of six main hypotheses:
The Acquisition-Learning hypothesis
the Monitor hypothesis
the Natural Order hypothesis
the Input hypothesis

the Affective Filter hypothesis

the Reading Hypothesis

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