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Bible Stories, Devotions, & Prayers About the Names of God NCE Rome ae ere eee RTA ace ree cer tee, a Weer th mea FROM GENESIS 1-2. Long ago, God mace g UTA AN a SOO e] MA)4 gTLTe MeN ETe LPR TIS RATE} . world, and then He began to fill it with beauty. God said, "Let there be light." And right away, light shone all around. God knéw it was qood. He - parted the light from the darkness. God called the eae (ep a-ia Rel ee| eg eG a ser creel Cea NM aetna ae Reema oL yao] eta ee eee p erro] a as Le Err geese arene Mtr weal eA came, then morhing—the world was two cays old, Next God said, "Waters, gather together so dry lancl can appear." The waters obeyed! God called the waters” pat aR ME ce ML Co Rad Ee CES col) iia = mS) =E LATE WNL“ Leese a ae the earth," God earl eee et a ns Riera =s aero ele RETR Cress (0h Cold ol amare =e] 8 oid and sweet-smelling flowers sprang out of the Pleat Trees grew tall and bloomed with delicious fruit. God liked what He saw— it eee es en CMC Be) dl CE Cle Mecha 4 On the fourth day, God Pee cerars sky, "Let there be lights in the heavens," He said, God made the sun me haa Ma Lemna a DO nee ea Ce een Cee a ae a Reo eee a them all! God knew it was good, Evening came, then CALCULA ee ALR eM OU CCE LoD os We live ma colorful, j Rene aati ene rie j Eacya aes vcoues 1 MSIE Bd eee ne caeeel lec ne) eis ema ‘On the fifth day, God said, "Now for the living creatures! se es atest nna) (ee geR eae le earl Cees es Tee Ean Bande Ca eee ae eee eee nee BED We Ree hua Cees Urn enn ay the seas, and birds winged their way over the ar Preyer RL eth Re ole Evening came, then merning—the world was five feces) [P On the sixth day, God said, "Let there be animals ‘onthe earth." He made every kind of animal that lives. Cr land —from the roaring jungla lion to the wiggly, wriggly desert lizard. And God saw that it was good, But God had saved the best for last. Now the world was ready Tor peoplel "Let Us make people in our image," God said, "They will take care Of This DeaUtitul world andi all the living creatures and animals." So God macie a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, and He blessed them. Evening cams, then morning —the world was six days old. Everything God had made was very good, And onthe seventh day, Ged rested, — > TT MEAN? < Do you like to make crafts or bake cookies? It'S Tun to Use materials like paper and glue of Ingredients like Tour and eqgs—ancl thayhe even chocolate chips! —to make something new. We creaze whenever we make Something New out of tens we already have, Godl the Creator made the heavens andthe earth—but He mace everything out of nething! No one else could ever do that. The very first name for God in the Bible is Elohim, which means "the highest, no one better." Only Ged could create our beautiful, wonderful world! Dear Ged, thank Yeu tor snaking the world, Thank You for making ae, my, pets, anid the people [ level You @re my powerful, strong Creator! 1 love You, God. Armen ps0 Bs tel 1 tal aii iatn ee Sp A Sad. Day. in the Garden Whoever asks for a blessing in the land wil! be blessed by the Gad of Truth, —Isaiah 6516 sw 4 fe FROM GENESIS 2-3. A clear, clean river rippled = through Eden, the beautiful garden where Adam and Eve lived with God. Inthe center of the Garden stootitwo special trees, the tree of knowing good and evil and the tree of lite. ft Bud-bud-bubble. The river towed ih through the garden, watering all the plants and trees, "YOU may eat from every tree in the garden except the tree of knowing good and evil," God told Adam. "Do net eat from that tree, or you will die." Now, God has an enemy who did not like Adam and Eve, One day, the enemy cameto Eve disguised as a snake—a very sneaky shake, "Did Gori really tell you not to eat from aay tree in the garden?" the snake asked "No," Eve answered, "God said we can eat from any tree axcept the tee IN the Mmicicle of the garcen, If we eat trot it, we will die." "You wont diel" the snakelied, "You'll be like God! Youll know about Good and evil—that's all." Eve listened to the snake and gazed at the fruit on the tree. t/ooks so delicious! she said to herself, It looks so pretty! And if it can make meas wise ds God. .. Eve decided to believe what the snake told her instead of what God had said. She reached tor a plece of the fruit and tock a bite. She gave someto Adam, and he ate the fruit too, Adam and Eve chewed, They swallowed, Then they looked at each other and said, "We've made a big mistake! We should have ~ believed God's words!" They wanted to hide, Later inthe day, when they heard God walking Inthe garden, they ran away from Him. But God knew where they were, and He knew what they had done. He called to them and asked "Did you do what | told you not to dor" "Eve gave me the fruit, and | ate it," Adam saicl "The snake lied to me about the fruit, ancl ate it," Eve said. Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed Ga: they could no longer live in the garden with *! Hin torever, Someday thay would die, God's words were true because God cannot lie. "You have done what | told you not to do," God said, "and now you must leave this beautiful garden." God punished the sneaky snake too, “You will crawl on your belly from now on," a) God said. But God still loved Adam and Eve, He mace new clothes for them before they left the garden, And He hadi a plan ready, One cay He would send Someone to make things right again WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Some games and toys use play money that doesn't look real. If you want to buy something at the store, you know you can't use a play dollar bill—you need real money! But some fake money does look real. Stores need to know if money is real or take. So cashiers practice feeling real dollar bills. They learn about small, special markings on the real dollars, When they can recoqinize real money, they can spot take money Too —because it is different. ‘One of God's names is God of Truth, Inthe Bible, Ged tells us what is real, of trite—about Himself, about people, and about the world. When we know and believe God's words, which are true, then we can also recognize words that aren't true—because they are different. what God says is always true, The God of Truth never lies. In fact, He can't! His words always prove true [Proverbs 30:5), another faithful man Abraham .. a j= Le Dear Ged, thank You that Your words are always true. I want te always love Your truth. Amen Barun secs Norra Dene eM a smelt eee Ta ag 1 eC arn) 5 Ps * FROM GENESIS 12-21. "Abraham," God said, "| want youto leave the by town where you live and go te a land | will show you, | will bless you and * ‘i make You great so all the people on earth will be blessed through you," y 7 i ee aeomoteCel 0] eMac Ns cla UM CeCe al eek mv eeTA ea gO CTSA AP} om need our bedrolls, tents, and cooking pots, our water jugs and cL ate iy Beare elm m COM tobe Rg M9) Tee TA PP eR gS Rel Pa Ines Tea Go" WW A is Ceheruaeotel PST fol TS = Lh r BEeTeTF RUIN sig er mF Aue 9] fs) tlie: Le And Ged did. God led Abraham and Sarah to the land of peel aac ry ’ felted EN Ta LU STULr Ly God said. Pe ee ". "But | eau) lame al ele ne sla Tel > Oa, a "You will have a son," God said. "And you will have a — i big family. Look up at the stars, Can you count them all? No, there are too manyto count. That is how big your SLs ROMER LOL a esliaT hana LADO Abraham believed what God said. So he waited .. Ego Riel eee LP RU]Ia = . geen ee ECR Ta mecel lsc see Ns) E-U-Tia To) Tec Geena Rg ee Tg Oe ToS Cee and give you @ big farnily, ane | will give your family all the land of Canaan, And Sarah will have a baby boy." —_ Abraham laughed! He and Sarah were Much too old to have a baby now! “It will happen about this time next year," God told Abraham, And Abraham believed what God said, So he waited again. Thies visitors came to See Abraham one day as he sat outside his tent under a big oak tree. Two of the visitors were angels, and one was the Lord! Abraharn hurried to have a meal fieed! for thern, and while they ate, he stood under the tree andl waited, Sarah watched! and waited inside the tent, "Sarah will have a son by this time next year," the Lord told Abraham. This time Sarah was the one who laughed! im too ofd to have @ baby! she said to herselt, But Godis God All-Powerful, and nothing is too hard for Him. Abraham and Sarah cid have a baby boy, just as God had said they would, They named him Isaac, He was the beginning of the very big family Ged promised to Abraham, a family " that would live inthe land of Canaan yo and bless all the people of the world, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? °°? Have you ever tried hard to do something, but you didn't have the power to do it? Maybe you wanted to win a race, but your legs just wouldn't go any faster and someone crossed the finish line before you, Maybe you Wanted to hit a home run, but you couldn't hit the ball over the fence, eT arena n=) Belen eRe TST Pay ec TA EN fetta me bla) Tele ee elie ye eM step Piece gO ere RATA aN RM AT yaa UTS hs a COOL ea premised to take you swimming, but-a big thundersterm kept herfrem UgeTey eA Mas ee Ue edee ATOg oceTA MN otok Roe) SC Only God All-Powerful always keeps His promises—because He has the Peon coUmROM Coded el-To=[O {ott HELD] (efere mgt y ats eae eto el a Pa ee RT Coon ® Cola cel) mera eve Yomet On eee ed C=] oT Ceca aT ee (Genesis 18:14; Matthew 19:26]. And no one else has power like God's . power: "Loro, there is no onelike you! For you are great, and yourname = * Fem tO) ones cen i eam C=1e= Ua (eT - . Ps ‘ Pie slaeciats Raat ARR beast cee anode) ed a full of power and You always keep Your promises! ee Diy atone eae ’ : pi . : } eo ee a ee . Pd ; eC Tel 1s { Es 2 & Pe ct aic eno CCR CLT Btel eB acc bere oe tly ae ‘QAatthew 1) i ) 5 eae cats om eee ae nec oLsd cs seniling Jecus. You can find the story of Jesus’ birth in —_ sae $ e ie Oud en cad P PMC Eee) ene CLmc te oR onc et Mees tad had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. When the bops arew up, Rrerec geste ste 5 ae Rea ola: re ——= Jacob's Journey The name of the city will be “The Loro Is There." — Ezekiel 48:35 nut FROM GENESIS 28. Crunch. Crunch, Jacob looked around, Was that noise a wild animal? No, it was only Jacob's footsteps on the dry ground, Jacob cient seo any wild animals, No people sither, He hadn't sean anyone else all day! Jacob's father, Isaac, the son of Aaraham, had sent Jacob on this journey, “It's time for youto get married," Isaac said. "Go visit your Uncle Laban, and marry one of his daughters." But Uncle Laban lived so far away! Jacob had been walking all day, andhe still had a long way to go. And now the sun was setting. Jacob yawned. "This ice like a place! can sleep," he said. "And here is a big, flat stone | can use for a pillow." aust Lying by hinselt on the ground in the a dark, Jacob might have felt all alone, But ooh God knew where Jacoo was! And that night, while Jacob slept, God appeared to him in a drearn, In his dream, Jacob saw a tall ladder. The bottom of the lacider tested onthe earth, and the top reached all the way to heaven, Angels went up and dewn the ladder, and Ged stood at the top € and talked to Jacob. 4 Have you ever been camping? What did you do when night came and it was dark? Did you shine a flashlight all around or maybe snugqle up te your * parents around a campfire? How did you feel? Allalone on his journey, Jacob might have felt lonely or afraid when Cie (en (aN Con eRe] =1= ot a)s =I gina -ete- eM STO MCLs Re Men D Riese ME RCC CIN RENTS glee ema Ata Later in the Bible, the prophet Ezekiel wrote about a heavenly city Ug Sheree AMA le T-cell MA ae =e AA ace LN Ae Rene Pease cece eee ce cn eee a about God, It means God lives with us, esate et ean a Vict aed a alice In Ry En Skene R Manes] ie iis is PCA a ne ale Core aga CaCl vah Tsuri fieh-H Dreams and Dreamers Lord, my Rock, / caif cut to you for fielp. —Psalm 28:1 ice FROM GENESIS 37, 39-47. "Listen to my dreams!" Joseph told his eleven brothers and his father, Jacob. In Joseph's dreams, which came from Ged, eleven bundles of wheat and then eleven stars plus the sun and the moon all bowed down to Joseph. But Joseph's dreams made his brothers angry. "Do you think you're better than us?" they asked. Joseph's brothers were alreadly upset with nim. They were jealous because their father had given Joseph a beautiful, colorful coat One day, Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers, who were out in the fields, tending sheep, “Hare's our charicel" the brothers said. They grabbed joseph, tore off his colorful coat, and threw him into 4 pit, When traders with a camel caravan came by on thelr way to Egypt, the brothers sold Joseph te the traders, Then they went home and lied! to Jacob, "A wild animal killed Joseph!" they said, In Egypt, joseph became a servant. He worked for Potiphar, the captain of the kings quard. God was with Joseph and made all his work turn out well, So Petiphar said, "I'm putting you in charge of everything in my house!" Then one day, even though Joseph had done nothing wrong, Potiphar beearne angry with him. "Into the prison yeu go!" Potiphar said. Poor Joseph! But God was still with him. The keeper of the prison put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners, and God macie all Joseph's work TuITL out well. a Two of the prisoners, the king's baker and the king's cupbearer, had dreams they didn't understand, but God showed! Joseph the meaning ot their dreams, When the king's cupbearer got out of prison, Joseph said, “Please remember me." But the cupbearer forget all about Joseph —until two years later, when the king had strange dreams. "| know who can tell you what your dreams mean!" the cupbearer said, "His nameis Joseph." "Bring Joseph here now!" the king ordered, The prison guards quickly brought Joseph to see the king. "Tell me your dreams," Joseph said, "and God will tell me what they mean." Joseph listened carefully to the king, and then he said, "God is showing You what He is going to do. Seven years of good crops will be followed by seven had years, when food will not grow. So choose someone wise who can store up grain throughout the land before the bad years come." "You are that wise man, Joseph!" the king sail "God is with you and tnakes You wise, So | am putting you in charge of all the lancl of Ecypt." For seven good years, Joseph stored up grain. When the bad years came and people were hungry, he sold grain to thern, Poon came trom tar away to buy grain, Even Joseph's brothers carmel But tI 1% "Oh, my brethers!"'Josaph cried. "| am Joseph! Don't be upset that you sold me into Egypt. God has helped me! He sent me here and put mein charge of all the land of Egypt so! could keep you alivel Go now and bring < your families anc my father here to oa live with me in Egypt." WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Have you ever climbed en playground equipment made of rope or walked across a trampoline? It's fun to try to balance on the soft surface, But when we have problems at home or at school, we want something steady to hold onto and help us! One of Gon''s names in the Bible is The Loro My Rock. Rocks are firm, strong, and solid. When we have a problem or need help, God steadies us and protects us, like arock. We can held onto Him. He will be with us and thake things work out in @ good way, jUist as He did tor Joseph and all of Joseph's family. "Thereis no Rock like our God" [1 Samuel 2:2 NLT}! WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Joseph's famally in Egypt grew very large and became Ioacwm, avthe Hebrews, Aller joseph died, a new kingin Erypt was afraid ofthem because there were so maxy, and he made thembhis daves. After four hundred years of slavery, God chose atoan named Moses tohelp His people

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