Peterson Ela Dec 8

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Lesson Plan: Comprehension/Annotating

A. Peterson
December 8, 2015
Overall lesson topic/title:
Sharks and annotating to comprehend
Content Standards:
R.I.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
R.F.4.4.A Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific
words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
RI.4.9 Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to
write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Learning objective: Students will comprehend what they reading using
Materials & supplies needed: Copies of articles on construction paper for
partners, video pulled up on screen, color coded markers for partners
Procedures and approximate time allocated
How this lesson is
for each event
differentiated for
your students based
on information
Remind students of annotations used so far- refer
gained from
to anchor chart. Review meaning of finning,
show TKF video with Sean Lesniak.
assessments given in lessons?
(10 minutes)
Lois: While reviewing, pass out partner articles and
markers (each partner different color).
Write big question on the board and explain new
annotation of using star to mark things that may
help them answer the big question. Use first
paragraph on partner articles to model (Sean
Lesniak is fascinated with sharks.*)
Release students to read together (partner choral
read or take turns reading aloud) and to annotate.
Remind them that they might mark different things
and thats okay.

Different colors will help

keep partners

Lois and Alyssa: Circulate around room. Lois focus

on CL and IBs table.
(25 minutes)
Closure: Come back together, read chorally one
paragraph at a time. Ask for what students
marked. Show on overhead/whiteboard.
Discuss how we used our skills to help us focus on
answering a question. Gather student input.
Handout half sheets that student can answer the
big question and collect as an exit slip.
If students finish early they will read their SSR
books silently.
(10 minutes)

Formative assessment (if used not

Exit slips will show if students were able to answer
the big question and the collected posters with
annotations will show connections between how
students answered and what they noted on their

Options to make
students feel
More attention to help
guide and avoid
Show examples of how
students used

Students may complete

work quicker than
during assessment

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