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Camp Foothills Presents:

Get Ready for 6th Grade

Led by Jason Grobe
August 1st - 4th (Mon-Thurs)
at Esperero Canyon Middle School
Kids, worried about middle school? Parents, are you concerned that your student will
be lost and won't know what to do in that new world that is middle school? This is a
mini-camp for incoming 6th graders right before school starts to help students get
ready for the year. Taught by Jason Grobe, a 6th grade social studies teacher at
Esperero Canyon Middle School, the camp focuses on the information and skills
students need to be successful in 6th grade. Mr. Grobe will teach students about
study skills, learning styles, time management, schedules, writing, note taking, grading
procedures, and generally everything you need to know to start the school year out
confident and successful! Don't just worry and hope things go well; take control of
your success and sign up today. Portions of this camp will be geared towards students
entering Esperero Canyon but all students entering 6th grade are welcome to enroll.

10:30am-12pm or 1:00-2:30pm
Location: Esperero Canyon Middle School
Instructor: Jason Grobe
Fee: $60

Register online:

or bring this form to your school office beginning March 9!


Get Ready for 6th Grade






Student Name: _______________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________ Zip _____________
Home phone: __________________________________
Parent Name: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Parent Name: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: ______________________________________ Phone: _______________

Please complete if paying by credit card (Master Card, Visa or Discover):
Print card holders name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Card Number: _______________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________
Authorization Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Questions? Call us at (520) 209-7551

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