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What are human rights?

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our
nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion,
language, or any other status. These rights are all interrelated,
interdependent and indivisible .( We all have right to our human rights
without discrimination).
Human rights are the basic rights ,to which every human being has the
right. They are political, social, cultural, economical, etc.

Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, it lays
down obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from
certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental
freedoms of individuals or groups.

Where are they?

These can be found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that was
adopted by ONU on 10 december 1948. The rights which are part of that
Declaration preserve the dignity, integrity, equality, and value of all human
beings. It aims to maintain peace among the nations.

Day of the human rights: 10 december

Malala :

Since an early age, she had defended the women rights , especially the
right to education. When the taliban`s started to attack girls schools in her
city, her activity became more public until she bevame a target of the
On October 9, 2012 , when she was coming back from school, she and

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