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Research Project Proposal

Alana Morgante
Intern/Mentor II G/T
Title: Tiny Lungs: The Effect of Secondhand Smoke Exposure on Newborns
Overview of Research
My topic of focus is the adverse effects that exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) has on
newborn babies, specifically babies that have to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit
(NICU). At the hospital where I intern I see many patients, as well as parents of pediatric
patients, who smoke. Babies born prematurely or with serious health problems are usually
admitted to a NICU. Because the health of these babies was below average from the beginning,
their exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is even more serious.
Background and History of the Issue
The 2006 Surgeon Generals report on The Health Consequences of Involuntary
Exposure to Tobacco Smoke concludes that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are
at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome, lower respiratory infections, middle ear
disease, more severe asthma, respiratory symptoms, and slowed lung growth.
Problem Statement and Rationale/Audience
Because childrens respiratory, immune, and nervous systems are not fully developed,
children are particularly vulnerable to the adverse health effects of secondhand smoke. Also,
young children typically are exposed to secondhand smoke involuntarily and have limited
options for avoiding exposure. They depend on their parents and on adults around them for
protection. This issue has particular relevance at Mercy because a large percent of the patient
population smokes.
Research Methodology
My goal is to inform the parents of children admitted to the NICU at Mercy of the health
risks that exposure to ETS has on the health of their children. To do this, I will:
conduct research on the topic to broaden my knowledge and find studies that have drawn
conclusions and connections on the issue
use things that I observe at my internship to better my understanding of the topic;
formulate a complete understanding of the topic so that I am able to accurately and
thoroughly education my audience
Product Overview
I am going to create either a poster to hang in the lobby of the NICU at Mercy, or a
brochure to be handed out with discharge papers, that conveys the effect of SHS exposure on
newborn babies. Although the information I will present will not be able to stop parents from
exposing their babies to ETS while in the womb, it will caution them on the risks they are posing
to their newborn child by continuing to smoke after the baby is born and leaves the NICU.

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