Csi Pamphlet

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Collection and

Preservation of

CSI Information
Crime Scene Investigators
discovers physical evidence to help
identify what crime occurred and
who was involved.
This process is conducted carefully,
thoroughly to guarantee that
significant evidence is collected,
and fragile evidence is not
damaged in the process.
At a scene, the case investigator
and crime scene personnel work
together to define and secure areas
that may contain evidence; to
examine and document the scene;
to collect physical evidence; and to
preserve, package and submit the
evidence to the laboratory for


Mrs. Green


Fingerprints can positively identify a
person as having been at the scene of
a crime; however, fibers could have
come from anyone wearing clothes
made out of the similar material.

Bite Marks
Bite marks testimony has been used
in Scotland since 1967.
Bite marks are found many times in
sexual assaults and can be traced
back to the individual who did the
Older bite marks, which are no
longer visible on the skin, sometimes
are visualized and photographed
using UV light and alternate light
Bite marks, like fingerprints, are
unique and a forensic dentist can be
able to make a cast or take pictures
of the bite marks to use later on for
comparing results.

Properly collecting and preserving

blood evidence can establish a strong
link between an individual and a
criminal act.

Fingerprints from the suspect as well

as elimination fingerprints from the
victim will be needed.

Blood evidence or the lack of blood

evidence can also be used to support
or contradict a witness statement or
any statements that the suspect may

One common technique for

discovering and collecting
fingerprints is by dusting a smooth or
nonporous surface with fingerprint

Blood samples can guide the

investigator in the direction he or she
needs to go to solve the case.
If blood evidence is documented,
collected, and stored appropriately, it
can be presented to a judge or jury
several years from the time of the
criminal act.

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