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Grade level descriptors for Research Project Folio - Likely characteristics:


explores and refines a topic

which has a context and
specific focus

undertakes a number of valid

research activities, showing
insight into the type of
activities suited to exploring
the topic and obtaining
credible information/data

addresses issues of
manageability and considers
ethical matters
takes initiative in response to
challenges and opportunities
that arise

pursues a number of aspects

of the topic

analysis consists of the

grouping of information/data
into relevant categories, and
annotations or summaries
explicitly explore the
connections between the
selected materials and the

distinguishes between what

are the emerging findings
and what are not
consciously applies and uses
skills and knowledge
associated with the topic
and/or the related discipline
to develop the research
identifies one or more
capabilities that are highly
relevant to the research
demonstrates evidence of
how the capability(ies) is
understood on a broader,
conceptual level and
provides evidence of the
growth and development of
the capability(ies)
well prepared for, and takes
the lead in, the discussion/s.

explores the area of research and

refines it to a topic, without
making it as precise or
specific as it could be

shows some thinking about at

least one aspect of a broad
area of research or a broad
topic, which lacks a context
and specific focus
plans and undertakes a number of
and undertakes a few
valid and ethical research
activities which can elicit the
research activities which are
information required
mostly connected to the area
of research
provides a steady and methodical
record of the research
sometimes responds when
challenges and opportunities
analysis consists of sorting
information/data, and giving
some annotations or
summaries identifying the
connections between the
selected information/data and
the research
shows awareness of emerging
uses skills and knowledge
associated with the topic
and/or the related discipline to
develop the research
identifies one or more capabilities
that are relevant to the
research question
makes generalisations about the
capability(ies) and the
connections to the question,
shows some understanding
and some development of the
chosen capability(ies)
prepares well for discussion/s and
initiates some questions.

shows some awareness of the

ethical concerns that are
relevant to the research

mostly focuses on getting

information/data rather than
identify some key ideas

does not capitalise on emerging

challenges and opportunities
analysis consists of processing
the information/data collected
in some way, such as relevant
groupings, and some brief
comments explaining the
relevance of the material to
the topic
uses knowledge and skills
associated with the topic
and/or the related discipline,
but this may not further the
makes some generalisations
about the capability(ies) and
shows evidence of some
development of the
capability(ies) through
undertaking the research
responds with prepared answers
to discussion/s without being

identifies a broad area of

research or a topic but tends
to be too broad or too
narrow, often unrealistic. It
lacks a clear, manageable

has a plan covering the

activities to be undertaken
but may be overly generic
overly relies on a limited
number of activities, showing
glimpses of awareness of
issues of manageability or
the research activities tend to
lead directly to findings or an
outcome, rather than
coverage of the topic or
different aspects or
perspectives of the topic

focuses overly on the

planned research outcome/
product rather than basing
activity on research

analysis of information
involves processing the
information/materials in some
way, such as selecting and
simple sorting

uses some skills or

knowledge that are related to
the topic

makes some generalisations

about the capability(ies) but
has difficulty linking the
capabilities to the question.
Shows evidence of some
development of the capability
(ies) through undertaking the
research project.

responds superficially to
questions rather than
initiating areas in formal

collects some materials

related to the topic but there
is an absence of analysis (no
processing of the
information/data or
explanation of why it is
relevant to the research)
identifies one or two ideas
that emerge from the

provides a simple description

of activities and materials

states some ideas that

emerge from the research
rather than exploring them in

contains incomplete plans for

activity or activities that may
be broadly related to the
general area of research but
lack validity, ethical
awareness and consideration
of manageability

remains at the level of a

generalised area of research
but it is not refined to a topic
or question

tends to be mostly unaware

of the topic specific
knowledge and skills being
if the discussion has taken
place it is limited due to lack
of preparedness. Is unable to
engage with the research

remains at a generalised
area of research

not much planning occurs

and does not show
awareness of issues of
validity, ethical awareness
and manageability

record of research is almost


research activities are limited

to the internet or one source

collects some
information/data but does not
process it

may write brief statements of

personal opinions about the
generalised area

although unaware of the

skills being used, does show
hints of applying one or more
skills that may be relevant

if the capability is mentioned,

it is in terms of why it was
chosen rather than
demonstrating understanding
or development.

if the discussion has taken

place it is very superficial.

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