The Iraq War

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The Iraq war


Iraq war
For me the invasion and the war in Iraq in 2003 was

huge in the world of media.

The war was so significant because the U.S
bombardment was televised 24/7 on news channels.
It gave the perception on what war really looks like
beyond propaganda and gave a real view on war.

Iraq war
The Iraq war was massive for journalists, as it was a

first full coverage of a country being invaded.

it opening showed the U.S and Britains war crimes
with innocent dead civilians, that were killed by
drone strikes, which ultimately fuel more people to
join the republican guard or al-Qaeda.
Journalist also openly reported that the U.S found
no WMDs. This was significant because if there were
no news coverage, the government could have
covered up the scandal that led them to war in the
first place.

Iraq war
Claims suggested that the war was based on false

facts. That the ultimate goal was to extract oil from

the country and to strengthen Israel's stance in the
middle east as a dominant power.
After the execution of Suddam Hussain and the
decline of U.S authority in Iraq, many Muslim
freedom and terrorist fighters emerged such as the
Taliban (which were a creation of the U.S to fight
invading Soviet Russia in the 80s), al Queda, ISIS &

Iraq war
After the Iraq war no proper leadership was set up, a

direct consequence of this is the creation of ISIS.

ISIS have taken oven large areas of both Iraq and
Syria, leaving the 2 countries a battle zone with
millions fleeing to other countries.
Most famously responsible for the 2 Paris attacks,
but also responsible for attacks in Libya, Tunisia,
Yemen, Turkey and Egypt.

Technology innovation I embrace

The piece of technology I love most would most

likely be my Sony genezi mhc-gtz3i stereo.

The stereo has two 800 watt speakers and a 1500
watt bass speaker which gives an unbelievable
I use the stereo everyday. when I wake up I play it,
when I work I play it and when I relax I play it.
The best thing about the stereo would be its great at
any occasion from relaxing to parties.

For the quality of the stereo, the price is very good. 4

years ago I bought it for 500/600 but now they

are available for roughly 300.
I mostly hook up my phone to listen to music but
there is also c.d player, radio and usb slots.
the Sony stereo is also the longest lasting piece of
electronic technology I own and is still as modern as
the day I bought it.


For my website I have chosen Instagram.
Ive chosen Instagram as I used it multiple times a

I use it to see what friends and others like celebrities
I follow are up to.
I would use facebook more than Instagram but find
Instagram better than other social media sites.

Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike

Krieger, and launched in October 2010 as a free

mobile app. The service rapidly gained popularity,
with over 100 million active users as of April 2012
and over 300 million as of December 2014.
The service was acquired by Facebook in April 2012
for approximately $1 billion in cash and stock. In
2013, Instagram grew by 23%, while Facebook, as
the parent company, only grew by 3%

Instagram has 400 million monthly users
There are 1.2 billion likes on Instagram a day
And over 75 million pictures shared daily
77.6 million Americans have Instagram
of internet users have Instagram

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