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Policy Handbook 1

Policy Handbook
Maggie Davis
ITEC 7132
Fall 2008

Evaluation of Policies for the School Library Media Center

In general, the policies developed by the Columbia County School System are very detailed. Many of these policies were

recently revised in May of 2007, thus providing a more comprehensive handbook for the media specialists in the county. Listed below

is a brief summary of the policies. The complete handbook can be found at
Policy Handbook 2
Policy Strengths of Current Policy New Policy Needed or Changes in Current Policy
Policy in County
Policy Handbook 3
Scheduling This policy states that the media No changes are needed.
IFBD Media center should be accessible to
Programs students and teachers as needed.
Revised: The media center is to be flexibly
July 27, 2004 scheduled and collaborative
planning should be evident.
Information Power is cited. Specific
guidelines for collaborative planning
are also given.
Right to Access No current policy A policy needs to be added that explains that teachers and media
No policy in specialists will not limit the access or resources based on religion,
county political views, etc. An example of this policy can be found by
following the link below.
Circulation No definite Circulation policy in Each school has its own circulation policy. The policy is dependent on
(Student fines place. The only county policy the population of students attending each school. An example of a high
only) JS: Student available is the policy on student school circulation policy is linked below.
Fees, Fines and fines. This policy relates to
Charges textbooks, lunchroom fines as well
Revised July 11, as library fines. An example of an elementary school circulation policy is linked below.
Selection Selecting instructional media is the While the county policy on selecting materials is acceptable, the policy
IFBD: Media responsibility of the media from is
Programs specialist, the principal and a better organized.
Revised May, committee made up of teachers,
2007 students and parents. Guidelines
are given for selecting videos,
equipment and other instructional
Weeding Policy has detailed information on Policy is extremely specific. Another example of a detailed policy is
IFBD: Media how to evaluate what materials linked below.
Programs should be weeded as well as when weeding.html.
Revised May, materials should be weeded. A chart
2007 is provided giving specific A guide to help media specialists weed their collection is linked below.
timeframes for weeding. Discard
procedures are also provided.
Reconsideration A very detailed policy is provided. No change in policy needed.
IFBD: Media Specific guidelines are in place for
Programs when a book is being challenged.

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