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February 2016

Vol. 2, Iss. 5

Let Me Be Honest
Love shack
What do you think Valentines Day is all about? Around the world, it is celebrated as a
day to show love to your significant other.
The history of Valentine's Day has various and fanciful legends. Some may think the
background comes from Athena, the Greek goddess of love, but the holiday's roots are
in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a pregnancy celebration that happened annually on February 15. Pope Gelasius I had this pagan festival renamed and changed; the
tradition was to become a Christian day of feast in approximately 496 A.D., declaring
February 14 to be St. Valentine's Day.
In the 14 century, the Christian feast became associated with the concept of love. According to Henry Ansgard Kelly, a UCLA medieval scholar, Geoffrey Chaucer, a novelist,
was the one who definitively associated St. Valentines day with love. In 1381, Chaucer
wrote an engagement poem for Richard II of England and Anne of Bohemia. After this,
the royal engagement, the mating season of birds, and St. Valentines Day were forever
Today we give candies, cards, clothes, and other things to our partners to make them
feel appreciated, and although Valentines Day isnt a public holiday here in the United
States, romantic hotels, fancy restaurants, jewelry stores, and other nice places are
packed. Weddings happen very regularly on Valentines Day and have been since the
mid-nineteenth century.

Kamryn Dunaway

Yearbook Editors
Amber Conn
Richard Wilson

Staff Journalists
Malique France
Jadiva Lee

Rayvon McClendon
MartyNae McWay
Jonna Williams

Here at Meadowdale, there are many couples ranging from freshmen to seniors and
they all show their love to each other on Valentines Day. One example of a loving couple
is Malique France and Damare Colter. In an interview with Malique, she expressed that
she doesnt know much about Valentines Day, but doesnt think that its all about gifts
and candy, and that its about the time that you are supposed to spend with those you
love, especially your significant other.
Malique thinks that Valentines Day has to do with Cupid, the tiny, flying baby who
shoots arrows that makes people fall in love, and if he were real, she would make him
shoot an arrow at her boyfriend because she loves him. She loves him because theyve
been together for three years. She says that she doesnt care about gifts, but she already
thinks that her boyfriend will get her chocolate and a life- sized teddy bear. They both
plan on going to Turnabout together because they think that it will be very fun.
The love behind Valentines Day came from Chaucer in approximately 1381 love
is shared and will be forever remembered on February 14.

Malique France

Blind barber
By: MartyNae McWay

Would you let a blind barber cut your hair? What if you knew what the barber was
capable of?
Joel Nixon lives with a condition called retinitis pigments. This condition affects his
vision and the he cant see at night. Nixon could completely lose his eye sight one day
because of his condition. He still has dreams and goals, although he cant really see.
He wishes to have a nice home with a nice back yard for his son. He wants the best
for his son and wants to do a lot for him.
Nixon will not let his condition get in the way of anything he wants. In fact, he was
unique because he accomplished so much being a blind man, including cutting hair.
After awhile the boss of the barber shop started to not want Nixon around anymore.
This is because Nixon tripped
a few times in the shop while
working; the boss felt it was
necessary to fire Nixon and
send him home. After the
incident things got rough as
far as income and a home.
With his wife, who was most
likely pregnant, he couldnt
afford to lose his home and
income. He tried hard and
went to apply for food
stamps and signed up for charities.

About a week later, Nixon got lucky. He won $100,000. The money came from a Massachusetts commission against discrimination for wrongful termination. Tony Morales, the barber shops owner, tried to find any reason to get rid of Nixon, but it turns
out Nixon got back at him. Nixon is known for being the best barber; his clients call
him Blind Barber.

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You can also find a link to order your yearbook online on the link. Order soon. Time is
running out. Yearbooks will be delivered in April. Deadlines are rapidly approaching.

She so rich
By Richard Wilson
She so rich! She rolls up to Meadowdale with that diamond
studded car and imported eyelashes covering her eyes. How
can she afford all of this? The question should be, was she
rich all her life or is it a special occasion?

So when you see our now legal lady lion in the hall or in class,
do not forget to say, She so rich!

Fellow senior, Alana Wilson, just celebrated her birthday in

early February. Arriving to her second period with her hair recolored and something in her hands that not only captured
her peers eyes in awe, but led to the phrase in which she was
called all day, She so rich! Wilson was cradling an iPhone,
but not just any iPhone. It was an iPhone6+! If you dont
know, the iPhone 6+includes a bigger screen on top of all of
the other features included, said Alana.
Not a hair outta place! Alana Wilson showing off
her upgraded iPhone 6+

Lighten up
By Jadiva Lee
More than one third of students in America are obese or
overweight. 30.6 million students eat the school lunches
instead of bringing food from home, which is resulting in a
risk of being at an unhealthy weight.
The changes have been expensive and difficult to put in place
for some schools, but their main concern is finding whole
grain rich foods that kids like. This will lower sodium levels
and keep fruits and vegetables from the trash. In contrast to
our school lunches, here are some examples of school lunches around the world.

Pork with mixed veggies,

black beans and rice, salad, bread and baked platains.

Local fish on a bed of

arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, caprese salad, a baguette,
and some grapes.

Pea soup, beet salad, carrot

salad, bread, and pannak kau (desert pancake) with fresh

Imagine a school lunch that looked like these international lunches...would you eat them?

Up for debate
By Malique France

The government is trying to stop guns from being used for violence and the people against them are wanting to keep their
Tim McGraw is a gun owner and a country music star in Connecticut. McGraw wants to stop gun violence so he speaks to a
promise group and they decided to do a gun control fundraiser. He did a concert in Connecticut (July 2015) , seeking the
protection of children from gun violence. This was in reference to the Sandy Hook shooting.
Gun control and gun ownership issues have prompted a debate across the United States. Others feel highly different about
this because of the Second Amendment, giving everyone the right to bear arms.

Two years ago the gun issue reached the nations highest court. People that have a gun license or arent using guns for
violence are against this. Why? Because they feel people that are under age couldnt have any rights to guns whatsoever.
Others feel having guns should be used for protection, NOT violence.
This ruling nearly lifted a 30-year-old Chicago gun ban. This has lead some to feel they should be banned everywhere, but
others feel differently. This controversial debate is far from over.

Tim McGraw takes flack from gun rights supporters...

Elmo is my hubby
By Jadiva Lee
This is an interview with MartyNae McWay about her life at Meadowdale, it was discovered that she wanted to leave because of the bomb threats.
She says that the lunches are nasty, but she eats it anyways because she gets hungry. Her biggest regret in high school is
being way too nice. She spends her free time shopping with friends or watching T.V. and just chilling.
In the interview, McWay was asked, Do you believe that you learn in class or do the teachers just get you to memorize
the answers? McWay says most of the time she just remembers the answers. The teachers are just teaching the children
to remember. She wants the schedule to change next year. She will be coming back to Meadowdale next year for her
junior year. McWay was asked in the interview, if she is tired of being at school all day? Her answer was, Sometimes, but
its not like that all the time. She decided to come back this year, because she didnt want to sign up for another school.
She wants to go to college to be a doctor or nurse after high school.
Over the summer she plans on getting a summer job in daycare. She loves kids, and she loves to play with them.
She expressed, If I could meet any fictional character, it would be Elmo because Elmo is my husband. She says that most
adults dont seem to understand that kids are loud and are going to play a lot. In the interview she was asked when she was
younger, how did she used to imagine herself? She answered, Being a crybaby and a cheerleader.

If MartyNae could meet any fictional character it would be Elmo because Elmo is her husband...

Pretty little liar

By Rayvon McClendon
In an interview with a fellow classmate and journalist Kamryn Sierra Dunaway, it was discovered that after high
school, she sees herself going to college and majoring in
youth education. She realized thats the career path she
wants to follow because she finds joy in helping younger
siblings with homework.
What makes Dunaway stand out is her determination; she never gives up under any circumstances. When
shes not in school she likes to read, draw, listen to music,
and sing in her free time. She feels her personality is really

upbeat because shes always smiling and feels it can take her
a long way in life.
If She had the ability to change anything in the
world, it would be to decrease world hunger and homelessness. If a person was looking to hire her it would because of
her determination as far as effort and time. She has the ability to relate to people, think and always stays focused. Shes
creative, artistic, and a funny individual. A weakness of hers
is lying; she feels badly
about lying, but doesnt feel
she could change.

Kamryn sees herself going to college and majoring in youth education.

King James move over

By: Kamryn Dunaway
Today, Rayvon Dontae McClendon was interviewed, the only male in the second period journalism class,
and some interesting discoveries were made. Questions
were asked to get an understanding of who McClendon is,
and the answers were mostly of the ordinary.
McClendons parents split up before he was born,
but he claims that the two were never married. He says that
this doesnt bother him, probably because he has other family to fall back on, like his five sisters and one brother.

When he was younger, he claims he wished he

could have been the next Lebron, or a basketball player of
equal talent. Over the summer in 2015, he played against the
King James basketball team in a championship game; this is
his most intense memory and one of his favorite accomplishments. His favorite, however, was when he was in middle
school. He was a middle school scholar, meaning he made
straight As.

Currently, McClendon is a 17-year-old junior at

Meadowdale High School and thinks that his teachers would
be shocked to know that he plays tennis, probably because
he is known as a basketball star. He knows that he is good at
basketball and is most regretful for not believing in himself
and his athletic abilities.
McClendon said that he, as a person, is funny,
goofy, shy and quiet, and he says that his personality defines
this. He says that he commonly uses the excuse that hes too
tired from practice and doesnt turn in his homework, which
usually doesnt slide. If he could change one thing about himself, hed focus more in school because he knows how important high school really is.

When Rayvon was younger, he claims he wished he could have been the next Lebron...

Just to get out

By MartyNae McWay
In an interview with Jadiva Lee, she talked about things she

likes and what interests her. She is from Dayton Ohio, her

going to Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She wants to be a

fashion designer and food scientist. A few things she loves
are Jesus, her mom, and money.

birthday is November 23 and she is 17 years old. She has

three brothers and one sister.
Her favorite sport is basketball; she played from
sixth to eighth grade. She has traveled to about 15 places out
of Dayton, including Miami, Florida and Indiana. Her favorite

foods are pizza and mangos, and she dyes her own hair when
she pleases.

Most of Lees teachers would be surprised to know

that she doesnt like to learn because shes in school every
day. Her favorite excuse for not turning in homework is that
she left it in the car. She doesnt have a biggest regret in high
school which is good. She thinks that most kids dont have
responsibilities. Three words that describe her are happy,
kind, and weird.

Lee says she is not enjoying the school year. She

says, Shes here just to get out. After high school, Lee is

Jadivas teachers would be surprised to know that

she doesnt learn because shes in school every day.

Say cheese
By Malique France
Jonna Williams is a very goofy person . Shes talented, she
attends Meadowdale High School, is a junior, plans on graduating with her class of 2017 , and plans on attending college
at AMU ( Alabama University).
Williams friends are good. She loves her friends and enjoys
the time they spend together. Shes very loving and good to
others, doing whatever it takes for her friends.
Her birthday is September 20,1998; shes 17-years-old. Her
favorite restaurant is Outback Steakhouse, and her favorite
food is chicken tenders and French fries. One weird thing
about Williams is she doesnt like cheese .

out to eat. She and her friends have the same favorite sport,
Her favorite subject in school is Language Arts and her favorite excuse for not turning in homework on time is that she
forgot it at home. Her biggest regret about high school is
messing up freshman year.

Williams imagined herself being a heart surgeon when she

was younger.
Three words that describe Williams are goofy, smart, and

Her favorite color is purple and her favorite movie is Brotherly Love. Her favorite TV show is Love & Hip-Hop.
On her free time she enjoys the movies, shopping, and going

One thing you should know about Jonna is she doesnt like

Most Likely to Win a Rap Battle: Mrs. Godbey and Mr. Davis

Rap God-bey
By Jonna Williams
Mrs.Godbey travels 45 minutes one way to see her students bright, beautiful faces every morning. She passes many
schools along the way, yet she arrives at Meadowdale, stands outside her door, and has that bloom where youre planted attitude in her smile.
Mrs. Godbey teaches humanities, drama, and journalism this semester. When she was in high school her favorite subjects were English and art. She said, My biggest regret was not going college right after graduating high school. However, she
doesnt regret putting her children before herself.
Her favorite restaurant is New Krishna (Indian) Restaurant in Sharonville, Ohio, and her favorite food is saag paneer.
Her favorite store to shop at is Fresh Market (Fresh & Organic store). She was born May 9 and said, Ill be twenty-one this year.
Her favorite colors are pink and yellow and she says because they are happy colors. On her free time she likes to walk, work on
her house , spend time with family, write, and cook and loves photography. Her favorite movie is The Sound of Music and her
favorite TV show is Fixer Upper (HGTV).
Her favorite book to read is The Thornbirds by Colleen McCullough. Her accomplishment that she is most proud of is
raising her children to become productive citizens. Most of her students would be surprised to know that she had 19 teenagers
live in her home, and its a small ranch house. And as she says There is always love and always room in her home. When she was
younger, she imagined herself as a high school English or art teacher. Three things that describes her best is she is silly, fun and
very caring.

Bloom where you are planted, is Mrs. Godbeys motto.

Fluffy fairy floss

By Rayvon McClendon
Ever had cotton candy? You probably dont even know who invented the fluffy sweetness thats easy to make and eat. Well, lets
get familiar with the man behind the scenes and a learn a few background facts.
This man was actually a dentist In 1899. A confectioner named John C. Wharton partnered with an inventor named James Morrison to issue a patent. The device they made was the precursor to the metal drum-switch, which is used to make the product. They
developed the invention at the 1904 World Fair for their acclaim.
Cotton candy is a fat-free candy and the only ingredient is sugar. December 7 is National Cotton Candy Day. The most fluent
name for the product was called fairy floss. Tootsie Roll is the largest cotton candy manufacturer today.

Need a candy fix? Roll on in to the candy aisle and find some delicious cotton candy; remember that it was invented by a dentist.
Just make sure you brush your teeth afterwards.

Always smiling
By Jonna Williams
Malique France is a very goofy person and has a lot of potential . She is a
junior at Meadowdale and will be graduating with the class of 2017.
France wants to attend The Ohio State University. She loves to be around
her friends and family and loves to have a smile on her face. And, speaking
from personal experience, dont make her mad . Shes a crazy girl .

Joyful Malique France

Her favorite restaurant is OCharlys and her favorite food is tacos. Her
favorite store to shop at is Old Navy. Her birthday is May 1, and her favorite
color is purple . She likes to go out with her friends, or at least be with them
in her free time. Her favorite movie is ATL and her favorite TV show is
My 600 Pound Life.
Frances favorite school subject is Language Arts. Her favorite book to read
is Green Eggs & Ham by Dr.Seuss. Most of her teachers will be surprised to know
that Malique is a real goofball and she plays around a lot, but she always keeps her
grades up. Her favorite excuse for not turning in her homework is I forgot it.
When France was younger, she used to image herself as a nurse. The biggest change that she would like to make in herself is not listening to anybody or anything when she is mad. Three words that describe her best are goofy, smart, and pretty, of course.

February Teacher of the Month

Congratulations to Februarys Teacher of the Month, Mrs. Cummings.

Student of the Month

Congratulations to Februarys Student of the Month, Alliah Turner.

Anxious to get a yearbook preview? Check out the

next few pages. Its a peek into the yearbook.
Order your yearbook today at

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