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Deli Delicious Survey:

Social Media effects on Consumer Behavior

Prepared for:
Nate Gilbert
Ali Nekumanesh
Dr. Andreas Stratemeyer

Prepared by:
Ei Sin Gan ( Evon)
Samantha Murphy
Louis Rodriguez

December 8th, 2015

I. Executive Summary

Deli Delicious began in 1995 with one deli shop in Fresno, CA and has now expanded to about
30 franchise stores, with an additional 40 stores in the near future. From 1995 to 2015,
technology and social media in particular have become a prevalent part of todays society.
That is why we chose to conduct research on social medias effect on consumer behavior.
We developed a 36-question survey to gain insight about respondents attitudes towards Yelp,
Facebook, consumer behavior and demographics. However, our research does have a few
limitations due to small sample size, cost, and representativeness of our respondents. From our
research we found that between Facebook and Yelp, the social media platform that increases
customers intention to visit and customers word of mouth was Yelp. Also, we concluded that
information regarding promotional deals and creativity of advertisements increased customers
intention to visit the Deli Delicious Facebook and Yelp page. Lastly, our analysis gives us
indication that social media is an effective tool for Deli Delicious to reach their customers
versus traditional media outlets.
II. Research Questions
The conducted research sought to develop answers to the following broad questions:

Which social media platform increases customers intention to visit?

What information increase customers intention to visit the social media platform?
Which social media platform increases customers word of mouth?
Is social media an effective tool for Deli Delicious to reach out to their customers?

III. Research Findings

The major research findings are listed below under their corresponding research objective.
Which social media platform increases customers intention to visit?
Finding 1:
Based on our analysis of the questions, I tend to visit the restaurant if they have good reviews
on Yelp and I tend to visit the restaurant more often if I follow them on Facebook, we
determined that on average respondents significantly preferred to visit a restaurant if they have
good reviews on Yelp (4.2) than if they followed the restaurant on Facebook (2.5). Averages are
based on a scale from 1 - 5, one being strongly disagree and five being strongly agree.
Recommendations: We recommend that Deli Delicious keeps their customer service
friendly, locations clean, and food presentation attractive and appealing because those
using Yelp will be viewing the app for those type of reviews.

Finding 2:
Based on our analysis of the questions, How frequently do you dine out (include breakfast,
lunch, dinner, drinks)?, Deals and promotion on Yelp will attract me to visit the restaurant,

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and Deals and promotion on Facebook will attract me to visit the restaurant, we found that
there is not a significant difference between the frequency respondents dine out and deals and
promotions attracting them to visit a restaurant using Facebook or Yelp. This means that the
more deals and promotions offered, respondents tend to dine out more, and end up at Deli
Recommendations: We recommend that Deli Delicious offer more promotional deals on
Facebook and Yelp to increase more traffic into their locations and sandwiches
What information increase customers intention to visit the social media platform?
Finding 1:
Based on our analysis of the question, Creative Facebook posts grab my attention to visit the
page, 102 respondents scored on average of 3.2 when asked if creative Facebook posts grab
their attention to visit the page. Averages are based on a scale from 1 - 5, one being strongly
disagree and five being strongly agree.
Recommendations: Because a majority of our respondents spend their time online, Deli
Delicious should develop creative Facebook posts to grab the attention of potential
Finding 2:
From our question, What are you looking for on restaurants Yelp page?, we observed that the
top 2 information respondents look for are reviews and hours of operation.
Recommendations: We recommend keeping your hours of operation information
and encourage your customers to put in reviews on Yelp. If potential customers see your
hours of operation and positive reviews, they are more likely to visit Deli Delicious.
Finding 3:
From our question, What are you looking for on restaurants Facebook page?, we observed
that the top 2 information respondents look for are promotions and operating hours.
Recommendations: We recommend keeping your information regarding operating hours
updated and advertise your promotional deals on Facebook.

Which social media platform increases customers word of mouth?

Finding 1:
Based on our analysis of the questions, I upload reviews on Yelp when I have a negative
experience in a restaurant and I upload reviews on Facebook when I have a negative
experience in a restaurant, customers rated that they are more likely to upload reviews on Yelp

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(2.6) than Facebook (2.2) when they have a negative experience in a restaurant. Averages were
measured on scale from 1-5(1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree).
Recommendations: We recommend Deli Delicious be aware of negative reviews on
Facebook and Yelp. Furthermore, Deli Delicious should respond to the negative reviews
and decrease the damage by offering a promotional deal.
Finding 2:
Based on our analysis of the questions I upload reviews on Facebook when I have a positive
experience in a restaurant and I upload reviews on Yelp when I have a positive experience in a
restaurant, customers rated that they are more likely to upload reviews on Yelp (2.6) than
Facebook (2.1) when they have a positive experience in a restaurant. Averages were measured on
scale from 1-5(1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree).
Recommendations: We recommend Deli Delicious encourage their customers to upload
positive reviews on both sites because those reviews attract customers to the restaurant.
Finding 3:
Based on our analysis, there is a significantly moderate relationship between the questions, I
check Yelp reviews before dining at a restaurant and I tend to visit the restaurant if they have
good reviews on Yelp. So, those who check reviews on Yelp before dining at a restaurant will
more likely visit the restaurant if it has positive reviews.
Recommendations: We recommend Deli Delicious encourage their customers to upload
reviews about their dining experience on Yelp because that is what will attract other
customers to visit Deli Delicious.

Is social media an effective tool for Deli Delicious to reach out to their
Finding 1:
Our analysis of questions, Social media is an effective way to reach you as a customer when it
comes to the food industry and I am more likely to visit restaurant based on the information I
receive through social media shows a positive relationship between social media as an effective

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way to advertise and the customers are more likely to visit the restaurant based on the
information received through social media.
Recommendations: We recommend Deli Delicious advertise on social media outlets (eg:
Facebook & Yelp) more than traditional media outlets (eg: TV commercials, magazines,
Finding 2:
Based on our analysis of questions, Have you ever searched for "Deli Delicious" on Yelp
before? and Have you ever searched for "Deli Delicious" on Facebook before?, majority of
the respondents have never searched Deli Delicious on Facebook or Yelp before.
Recommendations: We recommend Deli Delicious improve both their social media
outlets (Facebook & Yelp) to attract more potential customers to search for them. For
example, Deli Delicious can put on promotional deals on their social media outlets.
IV. Research Approach
This research study was conducted in the form of a descriptive study. The study was conducted
to solve specific problems that Deli Delicious is both aware and unaware of.
Specifically, the research was conducted via surveys. The surveys were conducted by
accumulating both Facebook and Yelp user perspectives toward using social media for
restaurant choice. We have 36 questions in total. More specifically, we have 8 questions for the
Yelp section, 9 questions for the Facebook section, 9 questions on consumer behavior towards
social media, and 10 questions on demographics.
V. Sampling Methodology
Because our research was to be used to generalize attitudes among all consumers, the nonprobability sampling methodology is used for time convenience and cost saving. Surveys were
randomly distributed through email and social media platforms. We collected 115 surveys in
total. We used skip questions to eliminate respondents that do not have Facebook or Yelp
accounts. 14 respondents did not have either a Yelp or Facebook account. Therefore, we have
101 respondents that were used for data analysis. 54.8% of of the respondents are Deli
Delicious customers. However, our demographic might be skewed due to the sample age. This
is because our sample might consist more of the student demographic.

VI. Conclusion
Overall, Yelp and Facebook are both important social media outlets to consider when you own
a restaurant. Social media platforms like Facebook and Yelp prompt customers to share their
views and feedback on Deli Delicious. It is up to Deli Delicious to provide quality
sandwiches, friendly customer service and clean locations to receive positive feedback. In the
case of negative feedback, Deli Delicious should evaluate the situation head on and fix the

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concerns of the customer. By apologizing or setting the record straight on negative feedback,
you are addressing the customers concerns and by offering a promotional deal, you are
hopefully keeping a loyal customer.
We also concluded that majority of the respondents prefer social media over traditional media.
Developing creative Facebook and Yelp posts will attract customers to your web page as well
as to your location. While using these social media platforms, respondents tended to look for
information regarding the menu, hours of operation and promotional deals. Keeping your
social media platforms updated and uniform is important, as well as offering promotional deals
to bring in customers. Social media is an effective way to reach your existing customers as
well as bringing in new customers.

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