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Renaissance Video

The Black Death killed many people and took down most of society and
the world to be rebuilt, the renaissance. A few things led to the downfall of
feudalism, economic revival knights could be payed they became soldiers
of the state fewer lords relied on knights, the long bow and cannon were
invented lessoning dominance of knights, stone fortresses could not hold
against the power of cannons. Cities became wealthier and more
important so the aristocracy was no longer completely needed. Early
government officials that took over functions that were previously carried
out by the vassals on the fiefs the renaissance aided the development of
states to some extent, Germany was enact to Italy divided into many
largely independent states at core of holy roman empire that unified the
many German states in its own way. The princes in Italy and the great
roman courts supported the renaissance the French king Francis the first
attempted to fill his surroundings with the most refined representative of
the Italian renaissance. There was a newly found force behind the thinking
that god doesnt control everything that through science and technology
and learning humans can remodel society and lay down the foundations
for the world of the future. Humanism ignited trade and a desire for better
things in life, Florence in Italy became the model trade city for others to
follow, people are treating themselves to more luxuries. Europes
economy began to flourish new goods from the east were introduced to
the general public across the Silk Road a caravan route from Europe to
china that had fallen into disuse, in the 1200s the silk road was reopened
by the Mongols, there was a prominent traveller that spent 20 years in
Asia, this man wrote a book that rejuvenated an interest in the far east,
the book inspired traders to seek Asian goods, a fire would soon start
thanks to the work of Marco Polo. Florence, Genoa, Melan and Venice had
become major trading centres in Italy by the 1300s however
manufacturing centres lived in the cities as well, specialization occurred,
the port cities of Venice and genoa were essential gateways for trade as
massive ships often stopped in these two cities with products from Asia,
trade led to banking, a new banking system appeared in Europe, this
banking system was developed in Florence. The biggest players in this
game were the Domenici family. The rich usually controlled the
government in Italian cities and by 1434 cosimino Domenici ruled Florence
he had a great desire to make Florence a centre of art, literature and
culture this devotion of art and education was central to the renaissance
during this time great advances in the fields of science and mathematics
it was discovered that the earth revolved around the sun. 5:13

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