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Before reading this, know that it might offend many.

Even to many believers it may

contain strange parts. Only consider God, not me. If the following is spurious then it's
worth nothing. While you'll read something that would definitely offend Islam, plus other
things to which people might vehemently object, it's not saying the people under those
banners are doomed or bound for hell.
God accepts all worthy people, by this it's meant people who have value (in His
eyes). Individuals will be judged for their deeds. As for Christians who attend church
regularly, read the Bible, and preach, even many won't be found worthy (valuable). If
homosexuality is condemned, blessed is the afflicted who believes. Heterosexuals who
fornicate would be judged worse than homosexuals who do not. Marriage, mind you, is
commitment between two people. A marriage by license destined to fail is not observed
by God. It is human law that calls it marriage, but God acknowledges marriage where
two people have bonded and remain so. (Worse than homosexuality is adultery - Jesus
warned gravely against adultery).
Do we recall what Jesus said about sexuality altogether? In Heaven you are
neither man nor woman, but an Angel, a Child of God. There's no sex in Heaven anyway,
and the Lord prefers you just the way you are (unmarried and not absorbed in the
world)... but marry, fine, don't marry, better (if no nonsense is attached to the latter).
Finally, God gives understanding. If this is hard to understand (what's written)
know that the Lord Jesus cautioned the Book of Revelation (as well as every book) was
to remain untouched. Nothing is for private interpretation. Where revealings are made,
the same can occur still in another form. Like a passage of a nation, the nation can be
both a literal representation and a spiritual occurrence. God can do anything. If you think
you're safe because you live in the USA and count whose weapons are superior, you may
desire courage. Really, God will do what He pleases. If He wanted the USA to fall, it will
fall in a single day. If God wanted the USA to lead a great war that consumes millions,
then it will.
Whatever God determines and whatever the judgement of the nations, as long as
you, the individual, the soul, are found worthy (valuable to Him), He will spare you. We
are all sinners. All of us. Some of us in that Day are going to be found so abominable that
we'd immediately be destroyed. Many of us will have our faults but will be kept well, for
God finds delight in us that we would receive the New Day. There will even be those (not
many) from all across the world, the Lord will gather them up that they will be with Him
on that Day.
(The Elect are "virgins"; they are not defiled with women. This means they walk
with God and have little interest in this world. They value wisdom and the Lord, trusting
His judgements. No trickery or deceit are in them. They are completely honest and will

not try to hide their sins before God upon judgement. They are the wise among people,
but the people do not see them as such. They are the humble, the meek, and the rejected,
but the Elect know the foolishness and duplicity in people. They walk with Christ,
regardless if in name or in spirit, and will never go searching for the Lord in the world,
Here we are. 2,000 years later. The Lord told his first apostles the history of
humanity. There's a common error in preachers of the End Times. You may have heard
this one repeatedly "wars and rumors of wars, nation will rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom, and there will be plagues, famines, and earthquakes in diverse
places." This is not so. Jesus specifically told his disciples that the world would run its
course. Throughout history there certainly were wars, empires and nations came and
went, diseases, and calamities from the weather. That's what Jesus said would happen
first. He was telling people that first these things would be and not to worry about them.
Because he then addressed his apostles "But first you will be persecuted..." which
happened to the early believers. THEN he said "and first, the gospel will be published
among all the nations as a testimony..."
So for the people 1500 years ago, that sign had not even been fulfilled. They
sought the End despite the key sign being unfulfilled. Another rule applies to those 500
years ago, 200 years ago, and 100 years ago. The time was not yet. Recall or read the
parable of the fig tree. The world had a much different spirit. The end of the age was not
yet and no one had any need to think it was. For you will feel it.
Now let's turn our attention to the wicked spirit that leaves a person, not finding
rest. Jesus said that it will seek no rest but go out seeking more places to rest. He also
added that the men of Nineveh will rise with this generation (the one Jesus knew) and
condemn, for they repented at the preaching of Jonas... and... that the Queen of the South
will rise up at Judgement with this generation and condemn it, for she came to hear the
words of Solomon... both end with "and behold, one greater than Solomon is here." And
finally Jesus came to say, "so bad will it be for that final generation..." because of those
evil spirits roaming the earth.
Now, the emphasis was on how rotten the generation of Jesus was. For Solomon's
friend, the queen of a nation, will be absolutely irate that the people of Jesus' generation
did what they did to him. So also will the men of Nineveh who repented at Jonas, for
even they were simple and sinful but won't believe (at the Judgement) that people even
dared do what they did to the Messiah. Imagine now how badly our generation will be
Christ said that it would be impossible to survive in those days, but that for the
sake of the Elect (the wise, righteous, those seeking a holy life) He will shorten the time

of the distress. That parallels the Queen of the South who wanted to hear wisdom and
good things, just from Solomon (where Jesus was even greater), and the men of Nineveh
(seeking repentance from a simple man, Jonas) where most today have no interest in even
slight correction.
Egotism, debate, deceit, greed, pettiness, perversion, folly, violence, coldness,
godlessness, indeed, where's wisdom? Where's repentance? Schools are hardly a place to
acquire knowledge. See how drugs and fear are the focus in grade schools and
universities. No, not even the small children are spared of the heinous. Now parents send
their children to school wondering whether they'll come home that day. Regardless of
that, the children go to school terrified of their peers.
Knowledge will increase. Daniel in the Book of Daniel was told that by the Lord,
and the Lord when alive in Israel even honors Daniel (as a reference) by using the term
"Abomination of Desolation". This was the final straw, so to speak, but still obscure.
Daniel gives an account of the wars and power shifts in history, the phases of humanity.
He goes in to describe the state of the world, its wars, centering on the mideast. But the
definition of the abomination that makes desolation in diction would be the misery of
misery, wickedness of abandonment, agony of the forbidden, etc. All the same. The
definition itself is the overspreading of abominations, and the taking away of the "daily
sacrifice" to the "setting the abomination that makes desolate".
(We'll return to that when we begin.)
The Lord told us all things ahead of time. He told us that the house will be
divided. Father against son, mother against daughter, daughter against in law, etc., etc.
This is the sifting process. This is one part of how God tries us. Who's for the world and
who's for Heaven? Knowledge will increase, perplexities will arise, and there will be
distress among the nations (Truly, he told us ahead of time). Because of the spreading
iniquities, people will grow cold. The hearts of men will fail them, out of fear (uncannily
concords with Native American prophecies and the Hua Hu Ching).
[The Hua Hu Ching interestingly says that people in the time of confusion will
procreate rapidly with little or no moral control. Because of the reckless nature of people,
many sick individuals will be born (mentally, spiritually, and physically), and that despite
the increased knowledge and development of the world, life will become increasingly
Jesus: Woe to them who give suck in those days, mothers with small children...
Pray that your flight be not in winter (when the burdens are too great) and not on the
Sabbath (when you're not in the mood)
Also, righteousness will be assaulted. Satanism will increase. There will be signs

(perplexities) and afflictions like never before (just the start). Many will betray the faith
and hate you (who remains faithful). The dead in Christ will rise, His Spirit poured upon
the earth, to give to the meek, the low, the downcast. The wise will understand and will
shine brightly, but the wicked will have no understand and will do wickedly. And as in
the days of Noah, people will go about their lives, their business, marrying and being
Liars, thieves, murderers, backstabbers, adulterers, scoffers, and traitors will
abound. People will be glutinous, immoderate, immodest, incontinent, scornful, slothful,
greedy, factious, fearful, and diabolical (said by a disciple).
Behold, He told us all things ahead of time. He even gave these words to the
Native Americans and other people as further testimony, in case we'd have too much
trouble heeding the Bible alone. How? "My Father's house has many mansions" and "I
have flock elsewhere" were statements Jesus made.
The seven churches of Asia are addressed in the beginning of the Book of
Revelation. These are from where the Seven Spirits of God, Seven Angels, were given to
the world. These Spirits are very much alive and active, even today. They belong to God:
Honor, Strength, Thanksgiving, Blessings, Wisdom, Peace, and Glory.
We can see these in many things and many ways. We all know peace, cherish it, and
honor, strength, and glory. We understand gratitude, for all small and big things. And
blessings. All these good things and all virtuous things will do more than just take over
the world, but we can help their becoming now and cherish them now.
Concerning the names of the churches, they're not at those locations. The world
will be changed utterly, and God's people are across the world, not in a building.
Notwithstanding, the Lord commended and cautioned each church. Can you find yours?
(In order of appearance in Revelation, and directed personally)
1) You have patience, you do good works, and you hate evil. You are tired of fake
believers. You do hate the way of the "Nicolaitans" ("that thing which I hate"). But you
have not remembered to LOVE. Therefore, repent...
[What are the Nicolaitanes, for which thing the Lord hates?]
2) Your works, tribulations, and poverty the Lord knows. And the Lord knows you
deal with those who call themselves Jews but are not Jews. Have no fear that Satan will
imprison you for ten days, be faithful unto death - be faithful unto death.
3) The Lord knows everything, even where Satan's seat is. You hold his name and
you do works. But you have among you those who hold to the doctrine Baal, those who

fornicate and do what's worthy of idolatry. You also have among you those of the
Nicolaitanes, which caused a stumbling block to God's children, which thing the Lord
4) You are charitable, you have faith, and you do serve and labor. As well, you are
humble. Nevertheless, you tolerate fake teachers who cheat the Lord and who promote
fornication. You also suffer "Jezebel", who calls herself a prophetess but merely seduces.
Repent now, for theirs will be no more, and great punishment will come upon those who
commit adultery with her.
(Might fornication be the welcoming of other gods? And might adultery be a
serious form of loving another god? Idolatry is typically the category of having other
EVEN SO, to those who do not hold such doctrines, who have not known the
depths of Satan (how bad it really gets) the Lord will give no more burdens but that
which you already have. Hold fast what you have.
5) You lie by a name in the world but art dead. Be watchful, keep alive the things
ready to die, strengthen what's soon to end, for you are not faultless. A few of you are
worthy now. But many are not watching, but are defiling. Recall, therefore, how you
heard; repent, watch, and hold fast.
6) To you who has little strength yet kept the name of the Word, Name, and Faith,
the Lord will make those who claim righteousness and holiness (having neither) bow
down before your feet. They will know that you spoken truths, and that He has loved you.
Because of your patience, the Lord will spare you from the Hour of Temptation that will
come upon the world and try the souls of all people.
Do not be deceived. Let no person fool you.
7) You work but are lukewarm. You feel satisfied with the world, the way things
are. You have no zeal. Repent, therefore, be zealous, that God would rather you be
abominable (cold) than indifferent. Let your soul be refined, become hot, not indifferent,
not satisfied with life. Lest you don't care either way but think all is well, then Heaven
will see your emptiness, your shame.
Behold, any who considers the Lord, call upon Him. He stands at the door, yes,
He is here now - with you. To he/she who welcomes Him, He will come in to you, and
you will feast with Him on that Day. To he/she who resists, he/she will overcome.
He will give the Tree of Life that sits in the midst of Paradise.

He will give you the Crown of Life.

He will give you the hidden manna and a stone with a new name on it.
He will give you power over the nations.
He will give you the white robe.
He will make you a pillar in the temple of God, the New Jerusalem.
You will know the way to the new city.
You will sit with the Lord on His Throne, to feast and to rule, to minister, forever.
The Seals. They already occurred (save the seventh).
The first was Jesus, the conqueror on the white horse.
The second was the spirit of division and slaughter.
The third was economic injustice, the abominable measures people use. Unjust
wages and slavery, servitude, and inequality. (Jesus actually made it clear that He was
NOT a socialist. "Who am I to divide your money?" to the young man asking for his
brother to share his inheritance. Jesus made it just as clear that He was not a capitalist.)
The fourth seal were plagues, diseases, miseries, and ailments of every nature.
All four past and passed. Now FIFTH - The Saints cried/cry out for vengeance, "How much longer, God?"
SIXTH - The world is shaken, spiritually; the Elect are numbered.
SEVEN: Everything comes to a halt. Heaven itself is silent.
The Trumpets Sound: (Written here not in parables) - occurring now
1) Havens and shelters are no longer found.
2) The nation are agonized.
3) The essence of the world is lost.
4) Chaos and confusion run rampantly.

5) The wicked/sinful are tormented spiritually. All but the Elect might be too.
6) The Angels are set to slaughter a great portion of people.
The New World to come, the Doctrine revealed, that the Mysteries of God should
be fulfilled.
7) The Mystery of God finished...
"The Kingdoms of this world belong to Christ, the Lord of lords!"
Praise be to God!
(From the seals to the trumpets)
The Beast has ascended. (Later)
The Two Witnesses of God, standing before Him, who prophecy for 1260 days,
tormenting the inhabitants of the earth, who have the power of God, the two prophets are
Jesus and the Word.
The Beast that ascends makes war on them and overtakes them. Shortly after their
death, the people of the world will celebrate, not burying them (forgetting the Lord and
the Word but not completely removing them). Lawlessness abides. But shortly after,
POWER returns to the Lord and to the Word, and the lawless become afraid. Some repent
and give glory to God while others are destroyed.
The worldly, the ungodly, and nations will be outraged, for the time is at hand that
they must relinquish power to the Saints.
The strangers are the gentiles that will trespass on Israel. Their time is 42 months
(which is the time that the Beast will have on the earth).
42 months equal 1260 days.
(Time though differs with God - 1000 years is as on day)
For 1260 days the witnesses prophecy - and for 1260 days the Divine Mother and
her offspring are nourished and kept protected ( those who keep the commandments and
faith). First, the Word of the Lord was spread among the nations, and with great power.
THEN (much later) the Elect and faithful are called, chosen, and prepared.

For 42 months the gentles tread upon the holy city, the holy people (not just
Israel). For 42 months the Beast is empowered by Satan.
For Satan has come down upon us, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! He has
great wrath, having but a short time.
Those who keep the faith of Christ:
Watch, be ready, have patience, do not wage war, do not deceive, do not lead into
captivity... for the Satan has empowered the Beast and the people of the world will get
worse and worse. Hence, "the patience and faith of the Saints..."
From Daniel: From the time the daily sacrifice is taken away to the time of the
final abomination there will be 1290 days. Blessed is he/she who perseveres to day 1335.
It will take 2300 days for the Sanctuary to be cleansed.
THE Beast:
Like unto a leopard, spotted, can be seen but ambushes (Sins are thus)
The feet of a bear, who can stop it in its tracks; it leaves its mark.
The mouth of a lion, very loud mouth, and who can speak over it?
The Beast is loud, proud, blasphemous, crude, rude, uncontrollable, sneaky but just as
direct, and leaves prints and marks over its trail.
This is the nature of humanity today, the world's sinfulness.
The Beast is also 666, which is Islam. (Islam is not the cause of the Beast but the
tool that the Beast is using to fulfill the Word of God.) The holy number in Islam is,
curiously, 666. That's Muhammad's own words, the number the Quran worships.
FIRST, the former identity of the Beast, the nature of the world...
The mark of the Beast is on the forehead or the right hand. If it's the forehead, one
is owned spiritually by Satan, and if it's the right hand, one has pledged willingly to the
Beast. It states in Revelation that it will be impossible to buy or sell without the mark,
name, image, or number of the Beast. This means that one will be sorely tempted to
behave as the sinful (will cause as many to die who do not worship...).
BUT none have rest, day or night, who accept the Beast (by number, image, or mark).

The Elect resist the Beast. Be clear on what the Beast is. Your enemy is not Islam.
Truly, though, it would appear that Muslims are having a hard time coping, the insanity
that stems from much of the Quran's ideologies. But that's for God to judge. Your enemy
is in your own household. The images of the Beast are in all kinds of things... you
probably have some idea.
Now, where Islam would impose upon Jews and Christians (especially Jews),
there's a deep sign. For those who live in relative safety from Islamic radicals, Christians,
say, wouldn't have to fear as much being killed in the name of the Lord. Blessed is he/she
who does die for confessing the Lord. Me, I don't know if I'm brave enough for that.
But the Elect and holy people of God (not restricted to Christians and Jews)
should have commonalities. They should resist wrongful behaviors, liars, cruelty,
delusions, confusion, things that cause conflict and strife, and greed. If not openly, indeed
inwardly, and Truth is known only to Truth. Only God can judge, know, and who's to
dictate another person? I make a hundred mistakes every day. We should be wise enough
to see this in ourselves if we are Elect.
"Babylon" to fall... Babylon - the mother of all harlots, that causes the rulers and
inhabitants of the earth to be drunk/insane with the wine of her fornication.
Babylon is money. What then? Come on, you don't think God can create a world
where we live off of his Spirit? That's like saying God's not real because he's not in outer
space. If God wanted to open a hole in the sky He could.
Accordingly, this is being prepared simultaneously to the "winepress" of the wrath
of God. It may be that everything throughout the text is occurring at once more or less.
Finally for Babylon, the "whore" of the rulers, money, Heaven and those of
Heaven will rejoice while a "quake" will befall "her" that will leave her in three parts.
Those whom she has made rich will be devastated, beyond belief. But this wouldn't be a
game, trust me.
Seven Angels to pour out the wrath of God:
1) Those who do wickedly knowingly and willingly will suffer horribly.
2) The nations are ruined, rendered useless.
3) The things of the world, the unwholesome, perish.

4) The unrepentant suffer. Those still unrepentant suffer...

5) Sexuality is vanquished, and those who rely on it mourn.
6) False doctrines perish. All confusion and uncertainty parts for clarity.
7) God's work, all the mysteries therein, fulfilled.
BABYLON falls. The quake breaks the "city" into three parts... three reactions:
A) The Suicidal/Irate

B) The Perplexed/Baffled

C) The Joyful

The ten horns of the Beast don't matter really. They are rulers/powers that give
power to the Beast.
The seven heads of the Beast are both the seven kings and seven different powers.
"Five are fallen, one is, one is not but will come... when he comes, even he is the
eighth, and is of the seven..."
The Beast, as you may know, comes from the waters, the nations of the world...
A head is a nation/power. At the time of Revelation, the Book being written,
Rome was the power that is. And it still is, not as Rome, but as the Papacy. This is
amazing, for Revelation was written for all ages, and that head always remained...
(You'll see why we can exclude the rest of the world from the following translation)
Before the Romans the Greeks were the great power. (As mentioned, we don't
require Asia and the Americas for this)...
Before the Greeks the Persians, before the Persians the Egyptians, before the
Egyptians the Babylonians, and before the Babylonians the Assyrians.
After the Greeks, the Romans. Rome didn't die, but became the Papacy. But this is
not the seventh. The seventh was Islam. And all the territories held by the Romans, the
Greeks, the Persians, the Egyptians, and the Mesopotamians would fall under Islam, the
eighth. Islam once held nearly (or more?) what the Romans held. So Islam is the seventh
king and the eighth, which is OF the seven...
At the same time, there are also seven hills. Hills are powers (where the woman

sits, money). We could nitpick regarding which ones. USA, China, Russia, Great Britain,
Europe (not belonging to the Caliphate), India/Pakistan (a hill indeed, having among the
oldest surviving civilization), and Israel, those are the hills.
For one hour, the "ten rulers" under the Beast ( "they are of one mind") give full
power to the Beast to wage war againt the Lord, to destroy his holy people. The forces of
the Beast will be destroyed without a prayer of a chance, of course. This will be done for
the whole world to see God's fury. Armageddon is the event.
My caution is to you, believers that God should/would come soon. Many have the
impression that they as they are will freely walk into the New City, the New Jerusalem, to
live in the New World, the great and terrible Day of the Lord. While it's not my place to
say who and how, I advise every single person to truly check their ways. God has warned
us of Hell, I often wonder, to emphasize the need to treat each other well and to do as
well as we can. Jesus himself marveled that we too can be perfect. Certainly I can't
imagine any righteous person claiming divinity or perfection.
We are indeed swamped with afflictions. How much sloth is there in our lives?
Drugs? Addictions? Anger? Hate? Impatience? Lust? Porn? Manipulation? Self-deceit?
Denial? What of love and gratitude? How often do we pray? Are the prayers we make for
others or for our own ends? Will you be comfortable standing next to a person of a path
you thought was condemned? Will you accept kneeling before one you believed inferior
to yourself? Will you have the strength to observe the lack of remorse for the misery you
caused another, in deeds and in words? Truly, we should prepare beforehand. We should
even announce our most shameful atrocities to Heaven before that Hour.
Mind you, the Lord will wipe away every tear. You will never thirst or hunger
again. This is given to every person whose name the Lord has acknowledged. The
affliction you cannot overcome yourself, the Lord can brush it away. Don't quit. Don't
succumb because you doubt yourself. Your burdens now are given by the Lord. Now is
the time for good deeds, to repent, and to do unto others, all others, as well as imaginable.
Blessed is he/she who can face the Lord without shame. But Blessed still are you
who hear the Word. Blessed are they who thirst. Blessed are the hungry. Blessed are the
rejected. Blessed are the downcast. Blessed is the one who welcomes Him.
The Lord is coming. Truly, He knocks at the Door.
(Might you favor me by passing this around. It doesn't matter who wrote it, but
tell any who insist that it was written by a hopeful servant of Jesus the Christ, the Son of


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