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K Y jelly.

Syringe to inflate the ETT cuff.

Tapes to tie secure ETT.

Describe the steps of intubation?

Establish IV access.
Pre Oxygenate 5 minutes.
Induction agent: iv thiopentone or propofol
Followed by iv narcotics ( fentanyl)
When sleep: Muscle relaxant : iv Suxamethonium ( Depolarizing MR). Suxamethonium is given fast.
When relaxes: laryngoscope and intubate.
Ensure ETT in place in trachea and inflate cuff
Secure ETT with tapes.
By this time Suxamethonium would have worn off: Continue muscle relaxation with a non
depolarising MR such as Esmoron, Atracurium.
( Note: trained anaesthetist usually intubate using a non depolarizing MR only)
Maintain oxygen and nitrous oxide in ration 1:2 via the flowmeter. (example, 1 litre oxygen: 2 litres
nitrous oxide)
Maintain LOC with volatile agent: Sevorane, Desflurane, Enflurane, Isoflurane.
Maintain analgesia with nitrous oxide and iv narcotics ( fentanyl, pethidine, morphine)
Monitor patient closely ( NIBP, ECG, pulse oximetry, capnometry, airway pressure)
On completion of surgery:
Reverse LOC by switching off volatile agents .
Switch off nitrous oxide and ensure 100% oxygen.
Reverse Non depolarising MR with Neostigmine and Atropine. ( Atropine is to counter muscarinic
effect of Neostigmine.
Once MR reversed and patient awakens : Extubate.
Ensure all secretions aspirated by a suction device to prevent laryngospasm.

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