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Social Psychology

Comic Strip
A story about the sad life of Pusheen.

The Storyline:

Pusheen, a female office cat. She works hard in the male dominated office. One day, as Pusheen was
wrapping up her work for the day, she was approached by her supervisor, Grumpy. He pushed
Pusheen into a last minute presentation the very next day.

Pusheen had no other choice but to work on the presentation overnight at the office. She left at the
crack of dawn for a nap before heading back. When she peeked through her blankets the clock read
09:30 am. Pusheen jumped out of bed and rushingly got ready for work.

Concept 1 : Extrinsic Motivation

Taking a certain action in response to external pressure or obligation,
might be done to avoid punishment or earn a specific reward. Can
actually inhibit behaviors if used at the wrong time
In the comic, Pusheen prepares for the presentation until late at night in
the office not because she wants to do it but because she did not want to
upset her boss, Grumpy.

When she arrived at the meeting room, Grumpy was glaring at her from
the other side. Her coworkers at the side were giggling at her unkempt
appearance. Pusheen who would normally do well at presentations
was stuttering and barely able to present properly.

Concept 2 : Charles Horton Cooley

and The Looking-Glass Self
We imagine how we look to others and how other people judge the
appearance that we think we present. If we think the evaluation
is favorable our self-concept is enhanced. If we think the evaluation is
unfavorable, our self-concept is diminished.
In the comic, Pusheen forgot to iron her clothes resulting her to be
worried of what others think about her and get nervous during her
presentation. In the end she screwed up her presentation.

Other workers in the office began making fun of her mistakes.

Blaming her being a female cat as the reason for her being
flawed. Pusheen overcome with anger and frustration abruptly
decided to stay at home.

Concept 3 : Sexism
Discrimination directed at a specific gender, treating people unequally
due to their gender, especially against women and girls.
In the comic, Pusheen was teased by her colleagues as she did badly in
her presentation due to the fact the she is a female.

Concept 4 : Displaced Aggression

Aggression toward a target that exceeds what is justified by provocation
by that target. Instigated by a different source, the aggression is
displaced onto a less powerful or more available target.
In the comic, Pusheen did not defend herself in front of the bullies but
held the grudge and later rant it on her computer while playing tetris .

Soon she ran out of money, and was trying hard to

make ends meet. There was no way that she will go
back to the male dominated world. She thought to
herself that she would rather work where women
are appreciated and glorified for their work.

As a resort, she became a stripper in a low class bar

in hopes to get what she had always wanted. Well
expectations arent always reality.

Concept 5 : Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by
the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between
belief and behavior.
In the comic, after Pusheen was mentally harassed she thought to
herself that she does not suit the job. Causing her to quit her job and
become a stripper instead.

In the comic, a total 5 of Social Psychology concepts are incorporated.
Extrinsic Motivation.
Charles Horton Cooley and The Looking-Glass Self.
Displaced Aggression.
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.






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