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The Balkans: 1914-Present

The Kingdom of Serbs,

Croats, and Slovenes is
formed (later known as

The dispute between

Yugoslavia and the
Soviet Union led to the
expulsion of Yugoslavia
from the Cominform.



July 28, 1914

declares war on
Serbia. World War I

The Axis Powers attack
Yugoslavia and Greece
during the course of World
War II.

Croatia launches a major

attack to recover all Serbheld land in Kraijina. With
Croatians once as refugees,
it is the Serbians now that
had to flee.

The European Union and United

States provide aid to the
ongoing political tension in
Serbia. The Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia joins the United


June 1991
Slovenia and Croatia declared
independence. The Yugoslav army
responded to Slovenia with war,
while the Serbians joined forces to
expel Croats. At the same time, the
Serbs created the Republic of
Serbian Kraijina.

The International Court of

Justice announces that Kosovos
unilateral declaration of
independence in 2008 did not
violate international law.

July 2010


With brutal fightings between
KLA and the Serb police
going on, NATO issues an
ultimatum that requires the
two parties to come to peace
talks. In the end, Kosovo
became an UN protectorate.

Peninsula, 1900 A.D.present | Chronology | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art. (n.
d.). Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
2. Balkans 1940s to 1999. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
3. Timeline: Balkans conflict. (2011, May 27). Retrieved February 16, 2016, from

December 2009
Serbia requests to
join the European
Union and is still
awaiting for the spot
until today.

The countries of the Balkan Peninsula are ravaged by wars and

political upheavals throughout the twentieth century

1. Balkan

-The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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