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Photoshoot planner

GCSE photography


Loren Bytheway

Project title:

Studio Shoot 1

Shoot/draft no:

Your next steps from the previous shoot(s) how will you refine and develop your work?
As is it a new photographer I am taking inspiration from, I will bring in a new set of items and use a different type of
Description of aims and ideas for your shoot what do you want your photographs to communicate?
My aim of the shoot is to put across I have taken inspiration from John Stezarks work, so I would like to take
photographs of models, and then write emotions onto pieces of paper, photograph them, and photoshop them onto
the models face, to take inspiration from stezarks process.

Tuesday the 16th February 2016


9:00 am

Location notes permission, studio, booking, transport and weather

Indoor studio

Photographer/artist inspiration
John Stezaker and his work with the vintage portraits with the postcards on top.

Techniques/processes you will use to achieve your aims

Creative angles, different focus, photoshop

Equipment notes
Camera, tripod, lighting, printed images


Camera Yes
Models Yes

Tripod Yes
Props Yes

Lighting Yes
Crew No

Camera checks:

Battery charged (the day before) Memory card Y/N?

File type Y/N?
Correct white balance Y/N?

He who fails to plan is planning to fail - Winston Churchill

ISO setting Y/N?

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