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How can Indonesia reduce its carbon foot print?

We all know that green house gasses such as methane, water vapour, nitrogen and
carbon dioxide are very important to keep Earth with livable average temperature
for all living organisms.
However in recent years the increase amount of one particular green house gas
(carbon dioxide which mostly is produced by combustion of fossil fuels) has been
worrying scientists as this would increase the Earths average temperature or is
known as global warming.
Scientists and governments have been working really hard using scientific
understanding to find some possible solutions to reduce the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Indonesia alone has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas
emission by 26% on its own initiative and a further 15% with International help by
You task is to produce a blog about one way we could reduce the carbon
footprint of Indonesia.
1. Summarized below are some possible scientific solutions to reduce carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Choose one solution.







Stage 1.
a. Set up a blog either using blogger or weebly.
Name of the blog Your name , class and year @
b. Choose your scientific solution and submit it to google docs along with
your blog address.
The chosen scientific solution:
Urban forest
Describe what local/global problem is this scientific solution
trying to solve:
Urban forest
Stage 2.

Draft research (to be completed on your blog)

1. The scientific solution to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere:

Urban forest
Urban forest is the term where cities start planting trees and plants all
around the city to become a solution for a better environment. Planting
plants and trees all around the city could help fix the problems the city
faces like greenhouse gases, spread of co2 etc.
2. Description of local or global problem why this solution was proposed to
reduce CO2 level:
Everything Indonesians do daily effects the carbon footprint, and if we
were to test every Indonesian on their carbon footprint, the results wont be
pretty. Indonesia has the worst traffic, 200 flights happen per day all around
Indonesia, popular for importing international goods and etc. Indonesia is the
worlds third largest producer of green house gasses. Indonesia has highest
rate of deforestation, and beats brazil. From 2010 till 2012 about 0.8 million
hectare of trees have been cut down to produce goods for the country. Over
80% of the trees being cut are legal. Deforestation these days are mostly

enterprise driven, this means that every trees being cut is for oil palm
plantation. With all the trees being cut down, this could help build houses,
produce oil and other very important thing for Indonesians. According to
rainforest alliance, about 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide is being released
each year due to deforestation. The carbon dioxide being released by the
trees could effect the temperature/climate change of the city, spread of
disease to places that have extreme climate change, the change of our
ecosystem. Planting trees all around the city could help absorb the released
co2 gas that could result to global climate change. Aside from slowing down
the process of global climate change it can also provide Indonesia with water
quality protection that can provide you with clean water or a better source of
water, an improved air quality since trees remove dust and different types of
pollution corrupting the air. There are also other advantages economically
and healthily. Therefore planting trees around the city would 100% help
Indonesia with their deforestation problem.
3.Explain how does it work (include a visual representation to help your
Choosing Urban forest as a solution to help reduce the spread of co2 due to
deforestation will be the smartest answer because by planting one tree it can
collect up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide. Trees are the worlds tallest freestanding
organisms. They have an amazing design that allows them to soak up 1,400 liters of
water every day (thats like drinking enough water every day to fill 700 big soda bottles)
Trees function with Photosynthesis, it is used To make food, trees need carbon
dioxide, water, chlorophyll, and sunlight then theres Fluid Transportation, it is The
network of xylem tissue found throughout the tree and phloem make up the trees
vascular system. Water is absorbed from the soil by the roots. It moves to the watertransporting xylem vessels, a network connecting the roots, trunk, and canopy. Trees
release water through leaf surfaces, or transpire, to keep from overheating under the hot
summer sun. When companies cut down thousands of trees ( like in Indonesia, brazil etc)
thousands of c02 is being released to the atmosphere because trees and other plants are
an excellent store for carbon dioxide but when a tree dies or gets cut down the stored
carbon is released to the atmosphere. Another problem is if a tree dies or gets cut down,

naturally then one of the final stages is microbial decomposition, this is a methanogenic
process that produces methane gas, as greenhouse gases go methane is 23 times as
effective at causing global warming as carbon dioxide is. Urban forest is the most effective
way to slow down the process of greenhouse gasses because So the more trees we plant
then we can slow down the onset of global warming by removing more CO2 from the
atmosphere. The urban forest plan I wanted to explain is planting trees on buildings to
provide more space, people complain that there arent too many space in the city to plant
trees, well planting trees on buildings will save a lot of space. This design could help the
problem on the space provided for planting and growing trees.

4. State two benefits of this solution.

Choosing urban forest as a way to help slower down the process of

the greenhouse gasses effect has a lot of benefit to it , the first one
which would probably be the most suitable for planting trees is trees
combat climate change, why? Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) caused
by many factors is a building up in our atmosphere and contributing
to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the
carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air. In one year, an
acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you
drive your car 26,000 miles, aside from absorbing co2 trees also
cleans the air/atmosphere, Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases
(nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter
particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark,
trees also provide oxygen In one year an acre of mature trees can
provide enough oxygen for 18 people. Trees cool the streets and city
Average temperatures in Los Angeles have risen 6F in the last 50
years as tree coverage has declined and the number of heatabsorbing roads and buildings has increased.Trees cool the city by up
to 10F, by shading our homes and streets, breaking up urban heat
islands and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.
Trees help prevent water pollution Trees reduce runoff by breaking
rainfall thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the
earth below the tree. This prevents stormwater from carrying
pollutants to the ocean. When mulched, trees act like a sponge that
filters this water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater
supplies. As you could tell trees is such a friend to the environment.
So making the urban forest happen has a lot of benefits these are a
few of a trees other benefits Mature shade trees provide annual
benefits that range between $40-80 per tree, while management
costs are $15-30 per tree.Benefits increase with tree size because
larger trees support more leaf surface area than smaller trees. In
general, larger trees are more expensive to maintain than smaller
trees, but increased benefits more than offset the difference.Benefitcost ratios range from 1.5 to 1.9 for all street and park trees,
indicating that $1.50 to $1.90 is returned in benefits for every $1
spent on managing an urban forestry program.Tree species selection
matters. For example, benefit-cost ratios for a single species can
range from 24.1 ($24 benefit for every $1 cost) for plane
tree (Platanus acerifolia) to 2.4 for sweetgum (Liquidambar
styraciflua).Pruning is usually the single greatest cost, followed by
expenditures for tree planting, removal, administration, and

hardscape repair.Irrigation costs vary regionally, but average nearly

$1 per tree annually in regions where trees receive hand-watering
during periods of establishment and aridity.California cities spend
about $70 million annually due to conflicts between street tree root
growth and hardscape. This amount, $11 per tree on average, is 60%
of the total spent by California cities for their planting and
management programs.In a hot, arid climate, increasing street tree
shade by 20% increases the pavement condition index 11%. Once
large-stature shade trees have matured, their shade can extend the
resurfacing cycle from 6 to 13 years, reducing preventive
maintenance costs by 50% Benefits from reduced stormwater runoff
vary by region. In regions with winter rainfall, planting large-stature
evergreens increases rainfall interception to as much as 4,000
gallons per tree annually.
Air pollutant uptake benefits are greatest in regions where pollution
concentrations are highest and tree canopy cover is most extensive. In
such areas, net annual uptake for a large tree may be 3-5 lbs ($25-35
implied value based on California emissions trading prices). One can see
this by rubbing their hands over the foliage and noting the soot on their
hands. If the tree wasn't there the soot would be in people's lungs, on their
cars, clothes, homes, and other surfaces.
Trees reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide annually by 100-200 lbs per tree
depending on species, age, and location. This benefit is valued at $1-2 per
Heating and cooling savings from street trees are highly dependent on
local climate, building and HVAC characteristics, energy prices, as well as
tree location, size, and species. Net savings tend to be greatest in the
hottest regions, where shade is least detrimental during the winter heating
season. Annual net savings from a large public tree can be $10. Cooling
benefits are greater from trees on north-south running streets that shade
east- and west-facing walls, than from trees on east-west streets.
A large street tree can increase home sales price by almost 1%, or
$1,500 for a $150,000 property. Assuming this one-time benefit of
$1,500 is annualized over a 40-year tree life, the average annual
benefit is $30. The actual amount is greatest in areas where
average residential property sales prices are highest.
5. State two drawbacks/limitations of the solution.
One of the drawbacks/disadvantages of trees is when a tree falls because its
already old or a big thunder storm it effects the environment however mostly the
people. When a tree falls it effects every person in the environment, when the
tree you planted in your house for years decided to fall

To your house it ruins and destroy your house because of the trees large

mass, one average weigh of a tree is 2000 pounds. Another disadvantage

when trees start falling down is when a tree falls down it could cut down
the power how? Well when a tree falls in the middle of the street it will fall
down through the power lines and could cause a black out. Trees conduct
electricity when theres thunder and according to some websites I
searched on trees takes up space that could be used for land development.
Mostly ,the only disadvantage that makes most sense is, trees that are
planted in the city when a big thunder comes it could destroy electric lines
by falling. One of the disadvantages of urban forest is that we need
thousands of hectare of space for people to build the trees. The drawbacks
of urban forest is the lack of space and the social work. To make the urban
forest happen the city and their citizens need to agree on helping through
this project of slowing down the process of the greenhouse effect.
5. Are there economics, politic, ethics, moral or social issues which
contribute to this solution? (highlight one issues)

Economics shouldn't be an issue because it only takes $1 to plant one tree. This
campaign called plant a billion trees has stated that the average cost of planting one
tree is only a dollar. It was also stated that planting a billon trees might be impossible
however with the cooperation of the people planting a billion trees would be easier.
Their worldwide goal is $17,162,576. Out of all that estimated money only 16% of the
worlds population has started to donate. The problem with urban forest is the
economics and social issues. Some of the citizens arent aware of the effects of
deforestation. They don't know that as more people cut down trees the more in
danger planet earth will be. There should be hundreds of campaign on planting trees
for the better because of all the trees benefits. Therefore I conclude that the problem
with designing urban forest is the money needed to plant thousands of trees through
the streets and through the buildings. Urban trees require homeowners and
communities to invest in personnel, equipment, gasoline, and other tree maintenance
necessities. According to a national study from the 1980s, the size of the city had no
relation to the percentage of the budget allocated to tree care, but the region in which
the city was located did (Kielbaso and others 1988). In 1986, the United States
national mean annual expenditure was $10.62 per public tree (i.e. approximately $20
in 2007 using the Consumer Price Index) and approximately 0.5 percent of the total
municipal budget was allocated for tree care. Thirty percent of the total tree care
budget was allocated to pruning, 28 percent to removal and disposal, and 14 percent
to plantings. Larger cities devoted more to administrative expenses than did smaller
cities. For example, urban forest management expenditures in Modesto, California
(population 183,000), which has a temperate, Mediterranean climate, represented 2
percent of the city's total operating budget (McPherson and others 1999). Total
annual costs for urban forest maintenance cannot be predicted based on population
alone since those costs vary according to many other variables such as weather
conditions and local policies and objectives. But, in the Orlando, Florida area,
approximately 8 hours per year on average are spent by homeowners on leaf
blowing, hedge trimming, and tree pruning with a chainsaw (Horn et al. 2015)

After completing your research, present your information in the following

Put a tick mark ( ) if you have completed each one of them in your
Introduction: state a clear central idea as an expression or response
to the research question.
Explain ways in which science is applied and used to solve local and
global problems.

Develop various aspects e.g. causes, effects, reasons, examples,

processes, classifications, points of comparison and contrast
Describe and evaluate the benefits and limitations of science and
scientific application as well as their effect on life and society
Discuss how science and its applications interact with social, economic,
political, cultural, moral and ethical factors
Communicate scientific information effectively using scientific
language correctly.
Present all the information appropriately using symbolic and/or visual
representation accurately according to the task
Acknowledge sources of information appropriately


1. Element

11. CO2 emission

21. Fossil fuels

2. Isotope

12. Photosynthesis

22. Oil Refinery stages

3. Molecule

13. Biodiesel

23. Carbon cycle

4. Compound

14. Peatlands

24. Deforestation

5. Mixture

15. Combustion Reaction

25. Decomposition

6. Electron

16. Chemical reaction

26. Global warming

7. Proton

17. Reactants & Products

27. Climate change

8. Neutron

18. Carbohydrates

9. Carbon Footprint

19. Green house effect

10. Green house gasses

20. Hydrocarbon

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