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Masoud Aghbar, Shahed Takrori, Maxeem Tayem and Taleb Masri

Pioneers Baccalaureate School-Nablus, Palestine
February 16, 2016
This paper talks about the Tundra biome and what problems the Biome faces, and how to
solve these problems. Also talks about where the Tundra biome is, landforms, geographical. We
typed a section specifically for the social justice reasons.
The social justice section should help people use healthier machines for the environment.
Where people can save the environment and save the Tundra from pollution and save the polar
bears from the Ice melting.1
In Tundra there is very certain population. Most of the people are having hard time to
survive there. There are plants there that are useful. Tundra is having a problem and they are
trying to fix it. Polar bears are dying because of pollution problems, and ice melting in the



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Geographical Location
Shahed Takrori
The arctic tundra is located in the northern hemisphere. Tundras are found below the ice
of the arctic. It covers about one fifth of the Earths land surface. It is located in Alaska northern
Canada, edges of Greenland, northern Scandinavia northern Siberia and Russia. Tundra is about
3 million square miles long and covers about 20% of the Earths surface.2
The environment is harsh, it hasnt been able to support much human life, because there is
ice and its covered all in ice and because there is not a lot of food there so they cant survive. The
tundras of these regions have worked to preserve the nature culture heritage.3

Natural Resources
Shahed Takrori
The natural resources that are found are oil, shake, uranium, petroleum and other useful
minerals. Oil is used for heating and electricity generation. Uranium is a very heavy metal
which can be used as abundant source of concentrated energy. Uranium occurs in most rocks.
It was discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth.
The natural resources is very useful in tundra. They are useful for less pollution. It is also
cheaper. Also it is more available. When we dont use natural resources the ice melts in the
tundra so the polar bears die. They also won't have place to live.
Tundra Climate
Taleb Masri
The tundra is a bleak and treeless place. It is cold through all months of the year. Summer is
a brief period of milder climates when the sun shines almost 24 hours a day. It has been
called "the land of the midnight sun". But even the sun can't warm the tundra much. The
short summer lasts only 6 to 10 weeks. It never gets any warmer than 45 or 50 F. The
warmer weather causes a layer of permafrost, ice that never goes away in the ground, to melt,
creating bogs and shallow lakes that don't drain. They breed stinging insects, which make life
even in the summer miserable for the inhabitants of the tundra. The wind blows constantly,
whipping around the small plants. (National geography) 4
If the summer in the Tundra lasted for a long period of time, the ice in the Tundra would
melt. After the ice melts animals die, and that's what's happening these days, but not from the
summer days, but from the pollution that's produced by the cars and the factories, so please
people, stop these dangerous cases.
Tourist Attraction
Taleb Masri
If you go to the Tundra biome, you'd find that most of them are hunters. Only hunters go to
the Tundra biomes because its the only ways they can get money from, they hunt polar bears
and they sell them outside the Tundra.
The hunting should be stopped, because its making the number of animals in the Tundra
decrease .The Tundra has no interesting places because there you can't find a huge number of

Maxeem Tayem
In tundra there is a small amount of animals and plants. They live in frozen places for
example in Alaska, Antarctica and some cold paces. The soil describe that soil as permafrost
because it is frozen. It is so cold that the plants go to sleep in the winter and they might die. It is
impossible for trees to root in the ground. Some lands are empty and treeless. In tundra it look
like desert. Tundra can be very cold temperature in winter and it can kill lots of animals and
plants in this cold weather. There is two types of tundra which are arctic tundra and alpine
tundra. Arctic tundra can be found near North Pole. Alpine tundra can be found in the cold
mountains where the trees dont grow.1
An example of plants in tundra are bearberry, artic moose, caribou moose and diamonad leaf
willow. The animals eat these plants to survive and gain energy to stay warm. Some plants are
good for human. The bearberry has red berries and green leaves. They grow in biome by staying
close to the ground to take high wind.
Maxeem Tayem
An example of animal is a bear. He has some type of feather that can protect him from cold and
protect him from other animals' attacks. He has a white feather that look like ice so other animals
won't be able to see him. The animals in tundra are in danger because of mining and taking oil
from the ground. They lose their habitat because of the people. Global warming is the biggest
threat for animals.5
An example of another animal that is found in tundra is pika. Its the time of hamster that is
found in tundra. It is cute. Its 20 centimeter long, small, brown and fuzzy animal. It eats grass
and herbs. It lives in holes in the ground to survive from other animals and from the cold.
Masoud Aghbar
They are two main types of landforms in the Tundra. One of them is the Alpine and the other
is The Arctic. The Alpine Tundra's are mostly covered with grass but it has no trees. The main
source that water came there is from lakes and streams. There are a lot of them in the Alpine.
Also if you want to go to the Alpine you have to go through desert, deciduous forest, grassland,
steepened a taiga to reach an Alpine.2

The other type of landform is the arctic. The arctic is always covered with ice, and it has a lot
of high mountains. Polar bears, penguins live there. Most animals use the ocean to swim and
fish. Also in winter most animals hibernate but in the spring the ice capes melts.
How it is related to Palestine and Tundra
Masoud Aghbar
In Palestine there are no Tundras like they are in Alaska or anywhere else. The reason that
we do not have tundra's because we are way far from the north or the south. Also there is a
kind of tundra that in jabal el sheikh it is a kind of Tundra.
If there was real Tundra in Palestine then we would have penguins, polar bears, and a lot of
hunters. I hope that Palestine have a tundra so it will be very awesome but also it will be very
cold, especially in the winter.
Social Justice
Ice cubes are melting and tundra are running out of fuel. The best ways to solve this problem
Using pure clean energy
Producing cars not working on fuel (electricity, water, and nature fuel )
Trading cars so people can get cars that will not work on fuel
Using the sunshine wisely
People should use clean fuel resources, so there becomes less pollution. Polar bears are dying
because of melting ice in the Tundra.

This paper was written by Shahed Takrori, Masoud Aghbar, Taleb Masri and Maxeem
Tayem. We would thank our school Pioneers Baccalaureate School who let us to do this




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