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Maya Sheeb, Sali Shaheen, Kareem Awwad and Yahya Freitekh

Pioneers Baccalaureate School- Nablus, Palestine
February 16, 2016
Grassland biomes spread all around the world some in Africa, and some in South America.
Every grassland biome has its own special weather, plants and animals. This paper includes
everything about grasslands neither location, plants, animals, weather, natural resources, landforms,
tourist attractions and the grasslands in Palestine.

Grassland can be formed in the majority of the world. Grasslands are usually a flat biome
that has animals and plant just as any biome. But grasslands are different, because one can live in
them, and have fun with all its goods. In this paper there's everything about it that might help one to
know the grasslands biomes more. This paper included the living things that lives in the grasslands,
the weather that changes the look of it, where can people usually find, why is it important to
humans, and everything in general and in specific about it.

1) Card board
2) Green cartoon
3) Flowers
4) Grass
5) Animals toys
6) Glue
7) Trees
8) Water bottles
9) Food coloring (blue)

10) Play-dough

Geographical Location
Maya Sheeb
Grasslands are flat biomes that exist in every continent in the world except Antarctica.
Grasslands take about one quarter of the Earth's surface. The Grasslands that's all around the world
has many names, for example the Grassland in Africa is called the Savanna Grassland, the one in
the U.S. Midwest, are called the prairies, In South America they're called the Pampas and finally the
Steppes that straddles Europe and Asia "The majority of this biome is found between 40 and 60
north or south of the Equator"1 So Grasslands are close to the equator and that might affect their
Every single Grassland takes about more than half of the countries they're in, they're huge,
massive areas. "In fact, most Grasslands are located between forests and deserts."1 Some grasslands
areas might look desolate, because some doesn't have any trees and might look dry because of the
climate, except areas that has rivers and a very good climate, would look wealthy grassland. "But
they are vibrant ecosystems, and some, like the African savanna."2

Climate & Weather

Maya Sheeb
Every single Grassland takes about more than half of the countries they're in, they're huge,
massive areas. "In fact, most Grasslands are located between forests and deserts."2 Some grasslands
areas might look desolate, because some doesn't have any trees and might look dry because of the
climate, except areas that has rivers and a very good climate, would look wealthy grassland. "But
they are vibrant ecosystems, and some, like the African savanna."

There are two types of Grasslands biomes tropical and temperate; they're different from each
other. "Tropical grasslands are warm year round, but usually have a dry and a rainy season. One
such tropical grassland, the African savanna." "Temperate grasslands, which average between 10
and 30 inches (25 and 75 centimeters) of rain per year." Grasslands' climate has a deferent climate
depending on what season we're in. " These areas have two seasons: a growing season and a
dormant season. During the dormant season, no grass can grow because it is too cold." 2
Grass has a turn of changing climate too. "Grass is special because it grows underneath the
ground. During cold periods the grass can stay dormant until it warms up." 2 So grass is really
important, not just for grasslands but everywhere. Grasslands start developing when there's a lake of
rain, like not that much rain for forests, but too much for deserts. So also deserts and forests are
important for Grasslands.

Sali Shaheen
Plants and animals are the most important thing that make a life in anywhere, and specially
Grassland. Grassland is a flat land thats full of grass and usually used for farming. Farmers say that
its one of the best soils for farming. There are many different plants growing in the savannah and
some we don't know. Plants found in the grassland is the Big Blue Steam, is also called tallest of
tall. Big Blue Steam turns red as it gets colder. It keeps the wind from blowing away dirt in this
biome. The Purple Cone Flower is a magenta plant that blooms in the mid-summer, early fall, and
mid-fall. The scientific name for it is Echinacea Pupurea. The purple cone flower has a reddish
center and purple, red or white petals that hang down. It can grow to be 2-3 feet tall. The center can
grow to the size of a child's fist, and the petals are about as long as the diameter of the center.3

Sali Shaheen
There are many different types of animals in grasslands; each animal has a job in his
environment. For example, otter use his tale to block the rivers, bugs and flies. Mostly eat the death.
A mouse eat wheat, a snake eat the mouse and stop him from eating wheat. Cow, sheep, rabbits,
ducks and deer mostly take care of themselves then people hunt them to use their natural resources.
Eagles and birds get rid of fish, ant, worm and small animals. 4

Natural Resources
Yahya Freitekh
There are two types of grasslands the Tropical Grasslands and Temperate Grasslands. Also,
there's two types of natural resources in the Grasslands. Which are, Tropical Grasslands
(Savanna), and Grasslands are; division of a large boom grouping of grasslands that includes
tropical savanna.

Natural resources in tropical grasslands include water, lumber, and livestock. Resources in
the temperate grasslands include wheat, coal, oil, corn, livestock, gas, and oats. Water and timber
are two primary resources that one can find in the chaparral. 5

Kareem Awwad
There are two types of landforms in the Grassland economy. Which are Temperate Landforms
and Savanna Landforms.
Temperate Landforms:
Temperate Landforms consists of steppes, mountains, and hills. Mountains are mostly found
in the edges of the grassland, and they are covered with ice and snow. Temperate grasslands are
filled with many hills. The grass on steppes is very short, and dry steppes are flat grounds that are
like patches throughout the whole grassland. 6
Savanna Landforms:
Savanna Landforms are never mountainous. They sometimes contain landforms such as
plateaus. Savannas are often found alongside deserts, but never contain them. There are tall grasses
because of the amounts of water they receive, but this grassland has few to none trees.6

Tourist Attractions
Kareem Awwad
Tourists would convinced by telling them that they can hike there actually, and you can
watch birds there, because there are more than 300 bird types have been seen on the grassland.
People that like shooting can also come, because this area provides 25, 50, and 100-yard shooting
opportunities, and grassland is a great place for camping too.7

Palestine Grasslands
Yahya Freitekh
The Grasslands in Palestine are includes in Jennin, Palestine. The area is considered one of
the most agricultural districts in Palestine with some grassland used for grazing.
Sites and farms were Intentional selected on the basis of having a higher number of livestock.
As well as on earth-based environmental variables in the area of study such as: geographical
locations (north, south, east and west). The grasslands in Jinnin include in eight villages; Yamoun,
Bet qad, Merkah, Talfeet, Kfaret, Tarem, Jab`a and Aneen. Jenin is the city where there is the most
Grassland in Palestine. 8

Social Justice
Maya Sheeb
There are lots of things we can do to change the grasslands into better grasslands. For example
we can build small houses for farmers so they can take more care of the grassland. Also they would
plant food based on the season it has. Also for solving the drought problem we can bring tanks on
top of buildings in cities that have a rainy weathers usually so we can save water also for more
suggestions, irrigation, rain gardens and rain barrels. Of course all of this will be produced by the

This paper was written by Maya Sheeb, Sali Shaheen Kareem Awwad and Yahya Fretikh. We
would like to thanks the P.B.S for providing us enough space for working, the group mates for
collaborating all together, Ms. Meha for this helpful project that let us have a background of biomes
and especially the grasslands and for our classmates for giving project advices and more.





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