Adams 2013 V1

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ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Workshop Objective
Create and investigate the linear spring-damper system, using different types
of simulations in Adams.
Find the force and frequency in a dampening spring.

Software Version
Adams 2013

Files Required
New model saved to exercise_dir/mod_14_spring_damper

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Problem Description
Build the model to have the specifications of the model below.

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Suggested Steps

Create, build and constrain new model.

Add the pre-defined spring damper.
Find the force in spring damper at static equilibrium.
Run a simulation and create a measure.
Find the natural frequency.
Save your work.
Perform optional tasks.

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Step 1. Create, Build and Constrain New Model

To create a model:
Start New Model in Adams/View
from the directory
Create a model named
To build and constrain the model:
a.Build the block with the given
mass. (slide 4)
Tip: Right-click the part and select
Modify. Set Define Mass By to
User Input.
b.Constrain the block with a
translational joint to move only in
the g direction.
c.To verify the expected behavior,
simulate the model.

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Step 2. Add the Pre-defined Spring Damper

To add a pre-defined spring damper:
a. To ensure that the spring damper is
aligned with the g direction, move
the working grid to the cm of the
block (see Build all parts except for
the bucket in Workshop 8, slide 9).
Use the Translational spring damper
tool to create the spring damper, aligned
along the g direction, between the CM
marker of the block and a point on
ground 400 mm above it (make sure to
use the K and C values from the
Problem description). To set the
second location, use the Location Event
(see Build the pendulum link in
Workshop 6):
b. Right-click anywhere on the ground
to display the Location Event.
c. Change from Rel. to Origin to Rel.
to Grid.
d. Enter 0, 400, 0.
e. Select Apply.
f. To ensure that the spring damper has
a free length (q0) of 400 mm with a
preload of 0, from the Tools menu,
select Measure Distance to measure
the spring.
ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013
Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation



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Step 3. Find the Force in Spring Damper at Static

To find the force at static equilibrium:
a. Run a Static Simulation.
b. Note the value of the force
Tip: To display the force value,
from the Settings menu, select
Force Graphics. Select Display
Numeric Values.
c. Zoom out until you can see the
force value.
The blocks mass is 187.224 kg.
Therefore, to balance the force of
gravity, the spring damper must
187.224 kg * 9806.65 mm/s2 =
1836.04 N

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

b c

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Step 4. Run a Simulation and Create a Measure

To create a measure and run a
a. Create a point-to-point
measure, named
spring_length, to measure the
springs length. Measure to the
upper spring-damper
attachment point from the
blocks cm marker.
The measured value at t=0
should be 400 mm.
b. To see the oscillation, run a 2second, 50-step dynamic

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Step 5. Find the natural frequency

To find the natural frequency:
a. Run another static
equilibrium simulation.
b. Do not reset the model.
c. Select the Compute Linear
Modes tool.
d. Select Show Table to view
the results.
e. Note the natural frequency,
and compare this value with
that given in Closed-form



ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Step 6. Save Your Work

To save your work:
a. Save the model.
If you want to further explore the model, as suggested in the next section, leave the model open.
Otherwise, proceed with the next step.
b. Exit Adams/View.

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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Step 7. Optional Tasks

Add a DOF to the model:
a. Modify the translational joint to be a cylindrical joint.
b. Linearize about the static equilibrium position.
Do the resulting modes make sense?
c. Add a torsional spring damper that resists the rotation of the cylindrical joint.
d. Linearize about the static equilibrium position.
Are the results different from those above (no torsional spring damper)?
e. Do not save your work.

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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WORKSHOP 14, Review

Adams results

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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WORKSHOP 14, Review

1. At design configuration, do the z directions of markers referenced in a
revolute joint have to be aligned? Does this information get reported
when verifying a model?


ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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WORKSHOP 14, Review

Closed-form solution
Checking the natural frequency of the system:
At equilibrium:

Laplace Transform is:

ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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WORKSHOP 14, Review


ADM701, Workshop 14, March 2013

Copyright 2013 MSC.Software Corporation

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