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(No. of Printed Pages — 4] MGBHR-20401 : ROUSING. 0cbsacessisee MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOURTH SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY — 2010 RECRUITMENT SELECTION TRA DEVELOPMENT /, 7 WOE Time: 3 Hrs : Malte Marke 0 | 1 \4 SECTION — a\ eos Attempt any 4 questions, 7 S Each question carries 6 marks: 1. M/s. ABC Company is planning to employ one hundred Graduate Engineers for their Works. They are a very prominent player in Steel manufacturing of our country. Prepare a recruitment plan for this. 2. What do you mean by diverse work force ? Formulate a recruitment strategy for it. 3. “Selection is a process of elimination”. — Discuss. 4. (a) Briefly differentiate Rewarding and Rewarded Jobs. (b) What is the role of incentives based systems in retaining human resources ? PerO. MGBHR-20401 2 5. (a) What are 3 basic differences between structured and unstructured interviews. (b) Write 5 things to remember for success in an interview. 6. (a) Explain Job analysis and Job specification with examples. (b) What are the pros and cons of having temporary ~ or contractual employees. SECTION B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions. | Each question carries 10 marks. 7. (a) Specify any 3 diversity initiatives at CISCO. (b) Write a note on current trends affecting HRM. 8. What do mean by Training Feedback System ? Why it is important in-the prospective’ of development ? Develop a standard Training Feedback Format for a MDP conducted’ for ten senior participants of a. Company. 9. What do you mean by Quality Circle ? Discuss different Tools used for resolving QC problems. MGBHR-20401 3 SECTION —- C "(16 Marks) (Compulsory — Case Study) 10. For the past few years, First Apparel, a company headquartered in Spartanburg, South Carolina, has been evolving its business. Instead of only making cloth for designer apparel, First Apparel has begun to produce and offer for sale many types of fabric products, including canvas awnings and fabric for upholstery. The company has recently used nanotechnology, to develop slain-resistant fabrics that are increasingly popular in skilled nursing facilities and hospitals because of their durability and ease of care. The company has grown from 150 employees working at one plant in Spartanburg to 700 employees working in three plants in the United States and one in China. Some of the corporate jobs at First Apparel are. marketing analyst, executive assistant, designer, sales representative, customer service specialist, purchasing manager, attorney, research scientist, and accountant. The company values integrity, relationships, innovation, and change. Its mission statement emphasizes the importance of putting the customer first: At First Apparel, we strive to be the number-one provider of high-quality, high-performance designer fabrics. We believe in always putting the customer first, valuing our employees, and maintaining the highest ethical standards. BET:O:

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