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"AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFIGATION OF CONTRACT |*cow © “wcabe Pre OFTGEE 12 na 01/18/2001 See Schedule HS woe | EOP FASTER ara aw Too [OTT utive Office of the President on/s00n/ <1? —— urfice of Administration NEOB, ROOM 725 17TH St, NW RM. 5002 NEOB 725 17TH ST, NW Procurement Branch WASHINGTON be 20503 Washington DC 20503 RANE TG OGRE OF CONTRACTOR WS ay Hs TP aay a AORN OF SETA TERT NORTHROP-GRUMMAN TECHNICAL SERVICES TS eon ReE ENT 2411 DULLES CORNER PARK SUITE 600 [| a RODFICATON OF CONTRACTOR pross9-96-D-o0418 HERNDON VA 20171 jonsoo4 we Facnnvooe 10/30/1997 TI THIS ITEM ONLY APEUIES TO ANENOMENT OF SOLICITATIONS Te stove nines eicaton i anended a anton tm 16 The Nur ad te a poe fr cbt of Of Ty wentonios. Cronos ‘Ofer: rst acknwedye recto Ps amondmont rt he hora date spain i fe calhafen coe areea by one of he flowing mot) By crore ome 8 ae 15, ar otenng ‘ipe f e ameter) By eknowtehing esi of ae amendment on each copy Oe Or suit (2) By Separate ‘taro telegram wich induces elarance to te ection and amendmen numb’ FALURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT TE LACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IV REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. by we fe ‘smendment you deseo change an oer aeady sabmited such change maybe made by wlegram lei, proscod each logram ore makes rence athe ‘oct en is ooncment an reciept ho pang Nau nd Gate pect, ERECTING AVS AP ROMARTEON DATA Wet Tncrease? 31600s-00 See Schedule "THIS TTEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTSIORDERS,; IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14 [x Ts Uni ORDERS TSSUED PURSUANT To (Say abo THE CHANGES SET FORTH TEN BREE THE CONTRACT GROER WOW TEN WR Li as | spewatoraceeclecrronnin os icninsun io neAONTVOrARanS er oe oO C2. 72. work Orders and H.24, Option Support. Zmrontonr: enor | frat [Vlewenetuaeseemenanaran 2 aennne oe 1 BESET OF RISTO TOR own UO i Ps NTS aS PT oR: Destination i PSee Net 30 Period of Performance: 01/02/2001 to 01/26/2001 0047 Order No. OA8004 is hereby modified to fund 1WO # Luo 277261.15 27726115 2001-EOP-008, Remote ARMS Recovery Facility, in the amount of $316,880.00 consisting of $300,360.00 in estimated costs and an award fee Of $16,520.00. Requisition No: RIT21006 Continued . sep rose a tems ns fe done len am 9A. 0K, Nee hanged ome change nde de HOGR70A-021032 GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENTIAL RECORD OAP00006350 CONTINUATION SHEET —_! rerno.oF toe sen conro DTOSS9-96-D-00418 OAS0O4 72 NORTHROP-GRUWMAN TECHNTCAL SERVICES i © o_o © " Delivery: 03/19/2005 Accounting Info: FY: 0002 INDEX: ET76A Object: 251103 0048 additional funding for line item 0047 above. ato} —20000.00] —20000.00 Requisition No: RwH21096 Accounting Info: FY: 2001 INDEX: B115A Object: 220901 0051 additional funding for line item 0047. afto] 9626.85] 19626.95, Requisition No: RWH21119 lAccounting Info: ley: 2001 INDEX: B11SA Object: 220901 las a result of this modification, the total dollar amount of the order is increased by $326,880.00 from $35,014,672.29 to now read 535, 332,552.29 GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENTIAL RECORD. HOGR70A-021033 OAP00006351

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