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Kindergarten & Youth club in Radebeul/Dresden


Deutscher Kinderschutzbund OV Radebeul e.V.

Moritzburger Str. 51, 01445 Radebeul
+49 351 8305118,
Short description from The Kindergarten is located in an old Villa called "Mohrenhaus". The beautithe host organization
ful old villa, which resembles a small castle is surrounded by a large wooded
park where there are many ways to play and run, to look into the nature and
to play sports. Each season has its charms. The adjoining adventure playground and the soccer field provide additional opportunities to be the urge to
move the children justice. Our large forest park invites even outside the
opening times of the day care center to sporting activities and a meaningful
leisure time. Participated is also a youth club.
Katja Jaskulski (main mentor)
Renate Hasse (Kindergarten)
Working time
35 hours per week + 5 hours per week to learn German
Personal skils
Initiative, Fun in dealing with children, Patience, reliability, resilience, Enjoyment of nature and the environment
Children from one to six years, youth club up to ten years
Working tasks
Kindergarten: Support the pedagogical staff in the Kindergarten (Dressing
and undressing, Assistance with meals, play with the children, clean the
room after playing). Make a own project at the Kita to show the Czech culture to the kids
Youth club:
Support the social pedagogic stuff to found/support a own youth club, support to prepare and attend at the holiday camp during the school holidays
and organize a own project.
finance &
- BFD German federal volunteer service financial support from the
German government.
- Pocket money for accommodation and board
- Health-, Accident- and und liability insurance
Accommodation probably in a volunteer flat (up to 170 ) in Dresden. The
month ticket (ca. 63 ) from Dresden to Radebeul. The city has about 35.000
habitants and is connected with Dresden by tram (every 10 min.), train (every
30 min.) and a nice bicycle path along the river Elbe (ca. 1 hour). Radebeul
offers a lot of green, culture and its famous for wine.

Parittische Freiwilligendienste Sachsen gGmbH, Gernot Mosig Referent Internationale Freiwilligendienste, Tel.:
+49 351 4916624 E-Mail:
Stand 09/2015

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