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Terri R.

Homework Assignment #6
Practice Set 14.9; #s 4-10

4. An SNMP client residing on a host with IP address sends a

message to an SNMP server residing on a host with IP address
What is the pair of sockets used in this communication?
IP address =
Port # = 162
5. A TFTP server residing on a host with IP address sends a
message to a TFTP client residing on a host with IP address
What is the pair of sockets used in this communication?
IP Address =
Port # = 69
6. A) What is the minimum size of a UDP datagram? 8 bytes
B) What is the maximum size of a UDP datagram? 8 bytes
C) What is the minimum size of the process data that can be encapsulated in
a UDP datagram? 0 bytes
D) What is the maximum size of the process data that can be encapsulated in
a UDP datagram?
65,535 bytes
7. A client uses UDP to send data to a serve. The data length is 16 bytes.
Calculate the efficiency of this transmission at the UDP level (ratio of useful
bytes to total bytes).
16/24 = .666 = 66.6%
8. Redo #7, calculating the efficiency of transmission at the IP level. Assume no
options for the IP header.
9. Redo #7, calculating the efficiency of transmission at the data link layer.
Assume no options for the IP header and use Ethernet at the data link layer.
16/72 = .222 = 22.2%

Terri R. Weaver
Homework Assignment #6
Practice Set 14.9; #s 4-10

00 45 DF 00 00 58 FE 20
A) What is the source port #? 69
B) What is the destination port #? 57008
C) What is the total length of the user datagram? 88
D) What is the length of the data? 80
E) Is the packet directed from a client to a server or vice versa? Server to
F) What is the client process?

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