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RS. A GEORGE PAXINOS RS KEITH B. J. FRANKLIN | 1 ° Pr L D COMPACT SECOND EDITION The Mouse Brain in stereotaxic coordinates Franklin George Paxinos Keith B. ‘Amsterdam Boston _ Heidelberg London New York Oxford Pane San Disgo San Francisco ‘Singapore Sydney Tokyo. This book is priate on aide paper. © Copyright ©2004, ever Seas (USA mig Rew Se no mye mia amar ay ‘Sg Soc nn tel pa og ee ae es my be soa ey om avi Se Tey Ries Beret fn UR: pone (a) as Sa a 18 mt permis cvrcmak Yeu seca Yuet cin see dhe es ma Op ng Academic Press Sec Se 0 Sn vepewescenpencon Academie ress Thea Rao London WCU RU SSprwaatntpescan nya Cages Cag Nab DSS Dedicated to ‘Mepo Heather Contents Prelace ix ‘Acknowledgments x Introduction tx Georeral Methodology Mebods x Histlogy x Proparation of Images x Nonenclatue and Abbreviations xi ravings xt Use in Surgery Use ofthe David Kopf Stereotaxi Instrument “The Bran Blocker xi ‘The Basis of Delineation of Structures xi Forbeain x Hinsbrain wv Relerences xvi Listof Structures xix Index of Abbreviations xxiv res 1 PREFACE “The Compact 2d Ein of The Moose train in Stereos Coons was produced vo make availabe the coronal diagrams ofthe alas a reduced size and reduced price ‘Amati va ecard of how we see the word nd represent io oar cotempararie, and nearo-anatomical ales are no exepion, This book sa window tough hich Feder may view the organization ofthe monse brain a is now underson. The ace pea alvances in molecu biology provi pts sig the mouse Beate of short generation time ar the alsilty of hae number of sins Gieluding Knockout sai), it has boc te Key mammalian species in vesarch 00 sues and development. he pid growth an thor life span ae lo advantageous for sais onthe biology of spiag. wile the characteris ofthe Mowe immUDe stem are favorable in transplantation suis, ‘We decided to construct nals of Uo mouse braia because f te allure of maping ‘he relavely uncharted bain ofthis cies, and the peeepion hat this bok would ‘eof ui othe neuroscience commun, which has a groing interest inthe mouse. “Although there have been sever as ofthe mouse bran peace, nti the st ‘tion of thi al there had been no new als ofthe whole mouse bran since the ‘mid-1970s During this tme there have been majr advances in anatomical knowledge, ‘atc as result of nearochemicd apis a this ate we have summarized ‘he cuent knowledge of brain anatomy sn sopplemented it ith our observations of the mouse. Ty Taciiate comparison etree the mouse andthe at, we hiv> retained he general methdoogy and fi iar format of The Ret Brain in Stereo Coordinates, (Paxinos and Watson, 198) Features of the Compact Second Eton: sed on the al-salposion ih bregma lambda, and midi of be inter ‘ral ine weble a reference pont 2. Acsoroal set of 10 daprans dolimatiag the ete bri, Reproduction of Figures by Users ofthe Atlas For permison o reproduce figures ectined inthis publication, plese comet the uber athe following ares Academic Press Permisions Deparonet (277 Sea Harboe Drive (Orlando, Flos 32387 ‘Telephone: 407-135-3900 Fax 4073528560 Permission reproduce a Timed se of igus is tally tine mater, lessee lly the gues you wish wo use and allow aproximatcly 4 woes for Your request 12 be processed. The sue peocedue seul te hllowed for reproduction of igure fom The Rot Brain in Stereos Coordinates, tse Paxinos aad Walon, 198) Alas ofthe Developing Rat Nervous Stem. 2 ed (Paxinos eal, 1998), Chemoarch {ectnic Alar ofthe Rat Porebrain Pinos, 199%), Chemoarcieconc Alas ofthe Kat Brainstem (Pains fa. 19892), The Rhesus Monkey Brann Sterotase Coorintes Paxinos to, 2000} Als of he Hamar Brainstem (Paxinos and Huan. 1903), Adar ofthe Hina Brain (Mai, Assiever and Panos, 1997), apd The Chick Brain in Stereotavie Coonntes (Pulse in pes). The authors would lke users of thea 0 consider the suitability of he nomen ciate an ahreviatnn heme in this ook fr heir on werk. The scheme wed ee ‘systematic andi based onthe principles ofthe constton of abbreviations forthe Clements of he pero tale and abreviaticos of word ach 38 ae Icholinestease (ache. INTRODUCTION General Methodology "The brain depicted in ths coronal ts Figs 1-93 was the most complete in a sample of bis fro 26 alt C37BLI6 mice (we ght range 26-309) The cabal medals (Giagrans 94-100) were obtained from anoter mouse ofthe sane ssn and weigh. “The hoe of mouse strain and weight ange resented some dil becase mouse sualas vary much more in weight and brit anatomy than rat stains ee Waste fal, 1972) The CS7BLING sin was chosen Bocuse i oe of the most widely ‘sed Sains and sof imermeiate size. The weight range sclectedrepreseats te flly ‘dat male mse, Slereotasc surgery om the mouse x relaely cl because of the great raglty ofthe mouse skull. We thesore hose «weight range representative ‘ofthe fly adsl moae in which the kl eae ad presunay stronger Some adlstmens for use af this alas with oter strains canbe called from ‘Wahlen ea (1972) ho show steretanie ridin he apt plane for seve tains of 710 78-day mie, wih the sare sl at entation this ls Plates are uly 120mm apa, except where no sable sections were availble, sand the inteplte nance isa sll a 40mm ora age at 1€Omm. Amat sc ‘on atte with cresyl volt or are eats to reveal acetychlinesterase (ACRE). Tntemediate sections were processed iemutohistockeical to reveal parvalbumin. ‘These setons were wsed 0 aid delineation, aut ae ot reproduced inthe eas. Other Iinlocheical markers used wo ast delineation, bat ot show ia the as, aca immunobistocemial sans for ubstance Pad tyrosine yroylase, T's eacton for zinc, the NADPH-digporase sai for aii oxide symthas, andthe ro-eta toxslin sin for myelin, Secures were delineated sing The Rat Brin Stereotavc Coontinates, he (@axinos and Watson, 1998). The Rar Nervous System. Sed ed (Paxinos, 2000, ‘Ghemoarchictonte Alas ofthe Rat Frebrain (Paxinos ea, 1998) and Chmoar ‘htectni Aas ofthe Rat Brainstem (sins eal, 1999) athe pins gues p= lmentod by consideration ofthe dlination in the Swanson (1992) ass and pee Information onthe mouse eked fron previous alases ofthe mouse sn joan tiles, and ou own observations. Methods ‘Surgery All procedures involving live animals were cactied out in asordance with accepted ethical pelacples for snimal research ant were approved by the tlevaat Animal Ethics commitees of The Univesity of New South Wales and McGill Universi ‘Wile under sodium pentobarbital amsthesi the mice wer placed ina Kopf sll animal streotanc instrament. The head was posioned by meas of mouse nose ‘lamp adaptor (Kopt Model 92) soplementd hy rat ear hare (Kopf Mode 957) lace lightly inthe exert anory mess to locate the interaraline.[NOTE: because the skal ofthe mouse i een frapile and early compressed, the Kop mouse holders designed to be used witout ear bars (Sonik, 1972) ee tars sre ‘sed they must be inserted with ony few grams of presse ole he bones of exter ‘al aory nets or the sl wil be criss, Far bas canbe sed succesfully if ‘hoy are inset os to merely touch the mets any free presse may eal 10 eating ditties “The positon ofthe head was adjustedso thal he eight ofthe kl surface at begna and lamba asthe sams, Lamba was defined s the point of intersection af the ‘best ies psig ough the spt autre and the Ie and ight portions of the Jambo stire (se stl diagram below). The mean (SD) positon of bregma wi 4.5 (2025) mm rostal and $8 (20.48) nm doa othe infernal ine (1A) Laie vs located 0.4 (1126) mm canal ad 5.8m dorsal to the stra, These ‘values were used to define the saling ef tances onthe streotni gid ‘Toesablsh the stereo positon train structures relerence needle racks were ‘made perpendicular to the horizontal andcoronal lines end at predetermine dances ‘rom regma andthe interaural ine (eel racks: Imm anterior obregia nd terior to he 1A; orion wack: Sm above te TA all wcks Were 1 Sem sera ‘othe min) ‘The coral et ofthe frst eiion reached only he level ofthe sre posems. For the second eaition we inserted aothr Teves obtained from afferent mouse ofthe ‘ame sin and cht Histology After supiy, wile sil under anesthesia, nice were killed by tanscaral perfoon ‘0f 20m ce~old post buffer aie (11M PBS, pH17 3, followed by 20m of 1% paraformaldehyde n PBS. The brn was oie dissected ee fom the sll tnd placed dorsal surface dow in a smal alumina fil boat containing 15% gelatin ‘isolved in 09% saline solton. The alumizum fl bats were made by folding al ‘minum foi around an appropriately sized rangle Hock 0 Cl 12 C1 [2am The brain was cient in the Bots tht its ater poserie ais was paral the ong tis ofthe Bout. When suspended ithe gliinsltion, the brn Bots so tat ‘orl surface is almost exacly paral ta fa kl horizontal plane. When the ‘brain was comely positioned, the boat war paced in refrigerator for 20min foe ‘the gelatin to el The sides ofthe aluminum boat were thn folded down to expose ‘he gelatin book. The fll now forme tay that wns so to lowe the gelatin bck into dry ice-cote iscpentane. The block was lowered slowly sth rezing po eed ost though the Bsn from esnem to fico alk, to te tn 1-21 of nfozea tissue was below the sufae of the isopentane anytime, The ‘fozea lock was then ppd ofthe remning alumina foi and aac othe chuck. ofthe microtome with mounting meu, Ta plana sides ofthe rectangular Bock ‘wee used to aie the lock onthe ehack, wih he anterior posterior ui the ban Pependiulr tothe surface of the chuck. Oa’ mine adjustment of the orientation of the chuck ithe mierotome was then neces to cu ston perpendicular othe her Fenn an serial esos plas, "The bein san cu at 0m thickness sctions. Unatached gsitin was bred aay and the Seton was taken up int drop PBS on the surface ofan acd-ceaned tnd gelatinizd slide. Out of every thee sucesive sections oo were taken onto 3 Slide designated for suing for Nil or ACHE I the fint wo sections were dered Satisfactory, th did was se aside it ice-ed PBS for parvalbumin immnohit= ‘hems. The following thee sstons wer designated for taining of ACRE or Nis "spectively as per te protocol of Paxinos spd Watson (1986). detailed Nis nd "ACHE staining protocol caa be found at the web site hup/iwwn.pow ea. This technique was developed to rib tain peel etd sections of ela tively undistorted mouse bran in Which Nes nd ACAE-ssined sections altered Fresh Hab xed mouse ha tise es sft that dst unde is own weit, butt assumes its mma shae when soppred ina viscoae Buide gelatin sole tion adequately support the bean dara oeing, bt the gelatin cates the sections ‘o-cul when they te cli a eerng microtme, The ation of sium elo to ‘he oan solution promotes he fration of fine ey inthe gelatin lock so ha the embeing material sharers whea section, and can be gently brshed ey fom ‘he tozen sections. Freezing must proceed saul throgh he long sso he Nock. Ifthe woe block is placed diet int the eoling med, the outside of the lock freezes and forms sid sell 0 that whe the brn expands ding tsering. isons, Sections were taken up int a dp of PBS to emit minute bubbles which cme rapped unde the section sec are thaved ety ont aside, With por. Tally fixed mouse bin, the minute Bubbles perforate the secon shen i dies, Preparation of Images Photographs of eet sections were nade ont 4x 5 itch Keak Pus Xo AGEA negatives using & Nikon Muli photoncroecope, and 20% 22inch scan wie Prins were made of these negates ot AGFA malig photographic paper The "lineation and Hdocal mars were hand wm ono acetate acing paper placed Ove the photographs. The acings were seamed. ad the fesuling images Were wed a5 & template for tacing using CorelDraw 50 for Windows (corona et) ce Adobe Ts trator 0 for Mac OS (git st. Nomenclature and Abbreviations ‘The nomensitre and abbreviations usd are those that have bees employed in The [Rt rain in Stereos Coordinates, ho. Paxinos & Watson, 198), The More Brain Steretasc Coordinate Frankia Patino, 1997) Alas ofthe Developing Rar Nerons Sytem (Pasinon ea, 199), Chemoarcitectonic Ata of he Rat Fore brain (Paxinos eta, 1996), Chemoaréieroic Aro he Rat Better Patios tal, 199%, ), The Rhents Monkey Brain a Strout Coordinates (Paxinos See DBO tes Se pea a sa 2000), Alas of he Human Brainstem (Pasings & Hang, 1995) Alas of the Human Brain (Msi, Aschever Paxinos, 1997) and The Chick Brin in Steeotaxi Coord res Posies ean pes), We have made «concise to use dential abbee ‘tions for omologoe trtues in varios species So at readers do not have tobe burdened witha meaningless ask of earning ferent abbreviations forthe sane sve tures, Bowden and Marin (195) in theta ofthe mone bri sed he sae pei ‘ples fr construction af abbrevitons as we ave used hee "Tere are more than 20 ways to abbreviate accumbens nucleus": Acb, ACB, ac NAS, nas A Ac, ac, NA, a AN, an, NAC, ac, ACN, acm, ACU, acu, ACC, and ‘Ace The or of this als i welome To us our abweviaionAcb, the sae aie ‘tion we used in all our ass, “The principles used nthe consirscton of sbreviaons ae the same as those used to dave the abirevitons fr the elements ofthe Periodic Table and for the ord acetylcolinesters (ACRE). 1. The abbreviations represen th order of wor as spon in English, DLC dor ter! geniculate nace pital eters represent mle, and lower cse eters represent fiber tats. Ths the Teter "N” har not bon wed to denote nl and he ket" as at been sed wo denote ber tts 5. The general principle aed inthe abbrevinions of the sume of elements in the periodic able was followed: the capil eter representing te fist eter ofa word In oclous i followed by the lower eae leer most characteristic of at won (ot necessaily the scond leer: eg. Mg ~ magnesium: Rt = recta thalamic scl 4. Compound names of mck havea capt eter foreach pat (LPG sargizaoceisar acess) sa word occurs in the ares of umber of sacs, tis lly given the same abbreviation et R= reticular tala nals RT = rebeuletegmentl cleus ‘ofthe pons). Exceptions to this le ae nade for well-established atbrevitions tach a VTA. 6, Abbevitons of bain regions are omited bere the identity ofthe region in ‘isrtion is clear fom is poston (CMa = centred talanie meus, not CxtoT, Aribie nameras are sed instead of Ror numeral i ening (2) cranial eves and ice (4 inthe Betas 1968, a), and @) erebela lobes. While the spoken messing isthe same, the detection threshold i lower, ambiguity is reduced and hey ae easier to positon in smal spaces avllable oa diagrams. Abreviatons representing miei and ccical regions are shown in uppercase cache et sie ofthe gues, excee where suuctures were oaly Wisse Ob the oer side ofthe section, Fier tmcts aml sss are abbreviated i lowersse haces and are shown onthe ght ede ofthe gues. Drawings Te was thought that he drawings would be more informative if they wee na ize and fortis reason, with the exepion of smal adjustment to distorted mines end forex, the deaings depict the anymmties present inthe sections When pt of Section was missing or Severely stat, was dese in ar consideration af 6 ons bined rm eer bans Coronal Plane ‘The large number at he btm et of tach igre shows the anteropostein distance cof tne cmesponding plate from the vera plane passing though the interarllie “The lar nue atthe bt ight sows the ateropseioe distance of the pte ‘tom beg The numbers on the lt marin show the desovenral distance fom the horizontal plane passing trough the ital ine. The numbers onthe igh atin show the dorsoventral distance fom thehorizatl pane passing thoagh bregma snd Jamba oa the surface ofthe sll. The aumbers onthe top and born agi how the distance of scties fom the mide, Use in Surgery Wiis necessary to inser an electrode int the ventromedial byodalanic nace, Fig. “4 reveals he coordinates With reference 1 the ater lin tobe 222mm atte to the interaural ine, 251mm dora to and 0S aera to the mili. The coor sites ofthe same stutre obtained vith reference to bregma ae 1.8mm aterce to bregma, 5 Sim vena to and Om lateral to the ie. The location of ‘bregma and lana 0 the mouse sll s shove in the kul diagram. Use of the David Kopt Stereotaxic Instrument In ur work on tis ad othe stereae ses we fund the Davi Kopf Small Animal Stereotaic instrument of high precision However, oo as o sterotani nstuent wil compensate for using begin and ambled pias inapropitely. These refer ace sll mats ae the midpoint of the curve of est Song the coi ad the Tambo sare, respectively. They are not neces the points of intrseton of these sues withthe mine sue. ‘The Brain Blocker Researchers usually wish block the ain atthe same coronal (esi) plane as thea plane (lt kl psiton so th they’ can determine most rey the lotion of ter electode placements and deity structures scoring to the lls. The Brain blocker depicted in the accompanying photgrapt allows the blocking ofthe brn at the steretne plane or the scing ofthe brn st Imm inevils (The mouse rain Docker canbe purchased by sending an ema! bainblocker@hotnal com: imi lay consteted rat bain blocker is alo avaiable) After Hacking the ran needs o be placed on chick with surface paral 1 Us exyotome knife, For rytones without zero postion, tis canbe achieved by frczing soe mounting tedium dey ‘nto the chick and cuting trough the mountng medi ocean signe race ‘0 Which 1 poston the blocked ste, ‘The Basis of Delineation of Structures ‘The peincialrefereces for our wark onthe mous alas have heen The Rat Bain i Sreeotane Coordinates, hed. (Pinos snl Watson, 1998) and The Rat Nervous Stem, 3od ed Paxinos, 204), This was spplemented by reference to anon studies on specitcvegions in the mouse ane consideration ofthe alas of Swanson (192), as well a material on the chemoarchitectre ofthe rat bain in which each Section ofthe rat ba i depicted afer ing sane for parvalbia abi, ca The Brin loka sci rashes ie Ms et ome Cane rin, Nis, SMI32, tyrosine hyonyise, and NADPU-phorase (Paxinos 19994.) ‘To solv ambiguities in delineaons ase onthe Nis and ACRE distibution, we xamined movie hrin sane to eval ther aearochmial marks, ican sb Stance P, parvalbumin, NADPH-dapanse, este hydroxylase, and zinc Tim's) Inmanycnesasntance withthe conection of boundaries ts vided aumber of colleagues who have special knowlege ofthe anatomy of particular brain rezions {ace Acknowledgments), We also benefited fom our examina ofthe delineation of Structures in 2 amber of rt muse, eat and human bean lass (Beran a Jones, 1982; Jacowit and Palkovt, 1978: Konig and Klippel, 1981- Olzlwski and ‘Baxter, 1984 Palkowits and Josobowit, 1974; Pellegrino ea. 197; Shamik and esc, 1980; Sltnick and Leonard, 1975; Zils, 1985; Panis eta, 1994 Haas sn Panos, 1995) and maps of the dsibution of nearocemial mares (Ariat al 198K; Vincent and Kimara, 1993; Rodio eral, 1984; Lan et a, 1979 Banach, 199) ‘Some re notes onde neuranstomil iterate onthe mouse Hsin and on lin. eons that die sigifcandy from the delineation of the rat brain in Paxinos and ‘Watson (986) ae provided elo, For more extensive rationale ofthe dlneatons of sucesso Patios and Watson (1986 1997), Forebrain Ottactory System Otfary stuctues were detincted acorting wo the description of Shipley e a (0905), and detailed delinestions ofthe muse olfactory bulb snd is connections ae fond ia Bucher eal. (1993), Cavinesand Sidnan (1972), and Shipley apd Adame asks, Cortex (Our delineation is based pinay on een delineation ofthe cortex ofthe rat Zilles an Wee, 1995) and has to be considced as tentative, given tha the mouse cortex is ferent. We sapplemented the oberaions of Ze and Wise (1995) by exam ‘tion ofthe intervening section fom te was bain that were immunoreacte for Fora description of the cytoarciteconc fel ofthe mouse corte, se Caviness (1975). The dntivaton of choline avirasfrse and actlehliestras in mouse conte an ther structures is desrited a Kit ef (1994) and Arimas ea (198). “The So immaoreetivity ofthe a eorex (Pasinos eta 1988, b was eric in sugesig a possible plan forthe mousecatex. Consideration ofthe delineation of the Prsterion part repon in Swanson (1992) wat very elu That alas was aso sista by th delineation ofthe eostalpashuales ofthe lateral exon cortex and ‘he emtshinal eorex (Swanson, 192) Tippocampus and entorhinal cortex deinatons were based oa Amaval and Wier (41995) The wor of Slmianka and Geneser (1991, 8) was pf cane they ‘esrb the dsthition of ACRE inthe ippeapal pon ofthe mouse ‘Basal Ganglia and Basal Forebrain “The bal gangland bas forsain were Sliced by comparison withthe rt uided by the densities of Nis. ACRE sinng, and substance P immunoreactivity Refer o Heimer etal (1085) fora discussion of the ongulaton description of the ‘asl ganglia inthe rat The cholinergic imersaton of the asl forebrain in the ose has heen deserted by Kite al (1998) Interstia! Nucleus ofthe Posterior Limb ofthe Anterior Commissure (PAC) Doral othe anerior amyedalid area and tnt othe fans sates 9 region thats es cellar ad las reactive for ACME tha the fundus suai (Figs. 22-24 in Paxinos ad Watson, 198). In thea this egon is shown te reactive for substance Pg SE of Haber at Nasa, 198), andthe eat Is continuous with tha ofthe ‘lobus pallid. The region has siilarchaaterstics inthe mows, Paxinos and ‘Watson (1986) ard hs eplon the subarea (SS). More eet tas bee suggested Ale a, 1995) tht hs epton shuld he named te interstitial maces ‘ofthe posterior lib of the ataroecommsize IPAC) oo the basi fis asociation ‘with te posterior lin ofthe anterior commis soephou most of its course, ad tee have fllowed this proposal (Figs. 27-36. Tis region is distinctive in eciving Paricularafeents fom the amygdala Tis densely stained by Tins’ reacton and !ACRE, and the dos and lateral prt ofthe eon is Seavey supplied with substance P terminals. In the ra the TPAC is dsngised by receptor tng for cleanin (Shostsch and Jacobowitz, 1992) and vasopressin Teibelt, 192), ‘Substanta irominata(S) Following ecarvig ou he vena fon the sustain he emai (per part) Was eal te sent pro he I emer al, 185). Pins end Waton (1986) oie ha sp of ‘stn nominates ently Bonded bythe venta pli, th ae pre pte ar, he maces othe horizontal in he agonal ed and he agnos- lar peop once They esa the term tannin fr hs pabande hasbeen ued tate cel ofthis en, tionally called substantia no tata represent te tenalendof contioscokin of cell sein fom he any {hla th tena lobe to the fran Ade 19) Albee al 198) fave med the region te elnelarextded sya and vie i in 0 ate alvin (SLEAM) aod coal vison SLEAC) Inthe ose we have reine the more tation detisation of the svbstaa init, bt io show the proposed division into medial and coal sslencular extended amysla (Figs. 31-89) The cena divnon soresponds othe antral eb eno tata (De Olmos ra 1985), oe what Gove (1988, b eed the dorsal sobsvison ‘ofthe SI, which lig tained with ACHE and Timm’ eaton The mei div ‘sion eonespods to Groe's veal ivion ofthe substan innominate os ‘erovental substantia innominata of De los eal (1985) and isis moderately for etbrance PACKE, abd Tins reaction ‘Basal Nucleus (B) The cholinergic cls ofthe ass msleus of Meyer stale ‘he order between the globus pallidus aud the itera capsule invading bth of hese structures (Figs 34-36), For @ genera desrption of the dstibuton of choline earns inthe basal forebrain in the owe, se Kt etal (198). ‘Subihalamic Nucious The subshalnic nucleus (Figs. 4552) is prominent inthe ‘mows. Lately ti ens shaped, ain he at but medal ie bcomes mere rounded than in he rat. At he cul lini the sua mucins tee a ty packed soup of cells that extends caualy fom the posterior Limit of the magnocelslar Incleus ofthe lata! hypothalamus about 20mm rostral othe strana its (Sarre, 1991; Broadwell and Blt, 977. Te apearace ofthis distin caster ‘of cell is quite diferent fm the sublalamic nates nthe rat, monkey (Pinas 11a, 199 o¢ human Paxinos and Hung, 1995) and we have ot assed ito ‘he sbtalanic mucleus a have some aur (Sturock, 1981; Broadwell nd Beier, 1977). Wang (1995) hs suggested that el group shoul be istinguised fom the salami nucleus athe prasebtbalani ncles(PSTH) and we have followed bis Hypothalamus (Our delineation of the petals ished onthe description of Simecy (1998). The general eyfoarchitectre ofthe mouse hyptalanas tas been described by Broadwell fd Ble (1977. The dstibetion of srmatse-inmunoteactve cells it the hypo ‘halamos and other areas hasbeen mapod by Foidart etal (1995, See Rogaier al (1984) and Baker el (1995) fora description of eaecho-luminegic cls ‘he hypothalamus ofthe mouse. “The medal preoptic area was delineaedin accordance with Simety (1985) except for the ventromedial preoptic nucius (VMPO), which vas deinstd in sconce with Einguist eta. 1986). See Paxinos and Watson (1997) for addtional dusson of he ts, Anteroventral Peventrcular Nucleus (AVPo) ‘This sul comput, otra cll ‘roup (Figs. 26-30) was named the medial prope naclews by Bler ea (1979), ic ost ter researchers esr this tem forthe Ine ales tht suscep air tiny. Both ofthese nucle are part ofthe sexuslydimorpic region (Bier e al, 1982). For the mouse bain we have adopted the tem “anerovental pexivenical uclas” (Swanson, 1992), whichis descriptive of it position and ha Become mone wey used Antorodorsal Pregptc Nucleus (ADP) This nucleus is dint om the basis that its distiney labeled by tyrosine hydrexyliseimmunoreacivig in the se (Ruggiero ea, 1984) I es jst veal wo casio of he ane commissure, Tate othe peiventicalar miles and man preopeenuclus, ae teil to the ‘earl medial division af the Bed auceus of sri eis Figs 30 and 31. Nissan secdoas i contsiny smal, rind to ovoid, Hihly sting cells sections treated 1 reveal rosin hydeosle-tkeimmunore-tetiviy, the miles Appears aa tngue poring Iteraly fom the thin vents, dasa othe mei Prope niclew. In heat ad her sananaian onder, the rion doesnot conan fatecolaminerpic ells (se Ruggiero al. B84). We have flowed te sugeeston fof Rugeieo eral (1984) and Mentied the eatecholamine cell group a8 ah extension oral Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus (AH) Couo-veesy exits ove the location of the ‘nero byphalanic mules. We followed Farinas and Watson (1986) i diving the AT it thes pars thar meg into each ober However, ros anterior at ‘meditly dorsal ot wich was deni by Saper ea. (1978) a the “ate pt of the anterior hypothalamic aucleus” The "anton pat of the anterior hypothalamic aucles"of Saper ea. (1978 exespons tte “tral ase hypo thalamic nets" of Blea at (1979). Our aneriepart ofthe anterior hypo ‘mie ncles” i immediatly dor to the “ae anenorhypoalaicmules” nd ‘eral othe Bed miles ofthe striatal (Fg. 34-36). The ental pa ofthe terior hypothalamic niles of Saper eta. (1978) and out Figs. 37 and 38 come Spond to the dos teral nucleus of Blea ta. (1979). The posrioept of the {cir hspoalami uceus smmedistely vent tothe most chal pct of he pt ‘ventiular hypothalamic ncleus (Figs. 3942). Wii the dora aspect ofthe pos ferior part ofthe A there is smal, ease ler of cel thats posite or lata seid decarbonpase inthe fat. Paxinos sod Nason (1986) named it the sigmoid (Got-llke) mcles (Sigs Fi 41), Magnocoliar Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus (MCLH) A magncesar nucleus wit ACHE-posive cells found ventromedial othe intra cpu tthe ane ‘osteo love of the peifrnical a subicetl nace (Figs 43-48) This eles has ‘antenna the Intra wera nucleus by Ble eal (1979), bt his tem i prob lemat given thai ees another sractarein poms ere. We hae olor Paxinos and Watson (1986) and used the nate gaocellr lateral hypothaanic clas, ‘Supragptic and Paraventcular Nulo! Delinsions ate asconting to Armstong (1985), See Svea and Pickard (1983 for a description of hese nce in the mouse (gs 36-4, Thalamus “Te densation of the thalamic mole ase on its characteristics im the rat as Interaural 6.88 mm ae | ee SEES Interaural 6.14 mm. Bregma 2.34 mm. es Brogma 2.10 mm etn “ste pee feta Yer" ‘Sh Seger na wera es eames 1S Mid ad My mein mone Somes empcmyden YOM mes toh age ae in iS kas ig Saran Fam Seema Ser we Inersural 5.14 mm. | | Bregma 134 mm aces 2 a2 = goog BL per tic sepemuotam gin ‘AD grein cedon Ci cages ce pate Dr mph Pam ar {ota RecMemiarmoe AW Smimurecee Ce Sepiwceeaas bu Smedeaimee OT nest Xp setiemen ESS ite CAMS ESSER A ics AS Eagar Su Sc Teal Samar EN ptm A Sc Fe geet Sistem ee Interaural 3.94 mm. Brogma 0.14 mm. Interaural 3.82 mea | Bregma 0.02 mm FIGURE 32 Interaral 3:70 me | Bregma-0.10 mm FIGURE 34 Inveraueal 3.46 mm Bregima-0.58 mm Tnveraural 3.22 mm FiguRE 37 Teraural 2.98 mm | Bregma 0.82 mm Bregma -1.06 mm Interaural 2.74 mm Sao, Interaural 246 mm | Ineraural2.2 mm | | | Bregma 1.58 mm 7, FIGURE 45 | Interaveal 2.10 men Interaural 1.98 mm | ‘| | Bregma -1.82mm /\, aoe moetten | FIGURE 50 Iteraual 1.50 me Bregma-2.30 mm Interaural 1.26 mm Bregma 2.54 mm I | Bregma 2.80 mm rome | | | Tnteraural 0.16 mm FIGURE 62, aa gre et scott ome vant conan ne Eh ckee on nk jo Sop Shae TE Sma 2 mnt regia -5.34 mm Interaual 1.54 mam HEE fe rnin np cue ca sepa! pa Ze Bawa veraral 1.88 mam “ BoE Sku SSN, Se ae pace SET agen giemenhoe Shite Sf pif oie’n ee mea 1 Sec oe Sin Stee i nomi aaa Yar Bregma-6:36 mm | | ] Intra 2.68 nm | |__Bregma 648 mm SS ee ee eo S Gaamuine ca 2 aceelee Moa ee i seine =——_ ise RES, goer Bere Sie, Paso econ Pein oe Soane ite, OS. | Fee | ena Ez igh dneetomm tne Wee BP aeRO pre Som sar | FIGURES? Soaar Por fh aicnererm How pecimaes |B Belge aS Re Fctgcem Bs i ace Sed an Som aio Ee mo Scctawe Sze, tion mre = PA ST rae eka ean Sects Eade” Sfmt Bora ius FIGURE 88, Ineraural 3.04 mm Bregma-6.84 mm Interaurl -3.28 mm ] | FrcuRE90 Bregma-7.0€ mm Ioteraural-3.52:mm Bregma 7.32 mm FIGURE 93) i idl Poa tgee Eis) ne Hh ob tee iit - deudesié Ineraural-3.76 mm | Bregma-756 mm TT “i Interaural -3.84 mm ally: lis ~ bneRdene FIGURE 96, — Interaal 4.12 mm, i i foo” FS Sse. | Re Sas = BES alsevier he Mouse Brain Cerrar std Prince of Wiles Medical Research Institute, The University of New South Wates, Spdney, Australia . ence inthis Geld since the publication ofthe fist «aition is now avaible inthis Compact Edition. This wil provide a more affordable option for students, aswell a searches needing an 2eional ab as. Ths vesion includes the coronal digrams delineating the entre bran aswell as the introductory text rom the Deluxe ‘dition. Irs an essential rence for anyone studying the mouse bran or reed species. Key Features * Features 100 coronal digrams famed by stereotaxic grids delineating the entire mouse brain * Compact edition ofthe most comprehensive and accurate mouse brain atlas avilable * Contains minor updates and revisions from the fll edition Rel ‘The Mouse Brain in Sterectaxic Coordinates, Second Edition, by George Paxinos and Keith BJ. Franklin, ©2001. SBN: 0-12-547637-X ‘The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Fourth Edition, by George Paxinos and Charles Watson, ©1998. ISBN: 0-12-547617-5 ‘Ada of the Human Brain, Second Eaition, by Jirgen Mai, Joseph Assheuer, and George Paxinos, ©2004. ISBN:-12-45741-9 | JM ti books cevier com

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