Project Design Overview: List Full Standards Here, List Standard Number Code in "Unit Calendar"

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Project Design Overview

Unit Name: Make a Town

Subject: Economics
Significant Content
List full standards here, List
standard number code in Unit

Grade Level: 1

Teacher: Carroll, Lee, Tran,

# of Days:
Students will identify goods and services. Students will explain
choices about goods and services due to scarcity. Students will
explain how people are both producers and consumers. Describe
costs and benefits of personal saving and spending.
How can we as producers and/or consumers create a successful economy?

Driving Question
Gradable Experiences

Mentor texts, leveled readers,
magazines, etc.


4: spot check of needs vs wants

6: pictures of goods vs services
9: business application
15: persuasive paper/marketing

Economics Unit- Make a Town TPT purchase

Alexander Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday
Curious George Takes a Job

Non Consumable



Parent Letter (Syllabus)

Intro. to unit
Standards addressed
Students will be able to know, understand, and do
Created by A. Polito, 2015

Dinnertime discussion questions

New vocabulary from unit
Teacher contact information
Unit Calendar
Day 1

Day 2

Entry Event:
First grade teachers Todays EQ: What makes a
will film a short
town successful?
video of them
walking around
Canton Street in
Who is a mayor and what
Roswell. Teachers
do they do? Do you know
will be portraying
who the mayor of Roswell
the standards of
this unit by being
-Discuss these questions
consumers and
and jot down quick notes.
talking to
Tell the students they will
producers, paying
be meeting with or Skyping
for goods and
services, as well as with the mayor of Roswell!
showing spending
and saving. The
teachers will not be
discussing it, just
filming these
interactions as
normal day to day
Whole Gp. Inst.: Students
life. Students will
will meet together to

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5




Todays EQ: What

is the difference
between a need
and a want?
Hook: Students will
play musical chairs
as a whole group. Or
if there is not
enough room, 2
small circles of
chairs. Students will
play until there is a
winner in one chair.

Todays EQ: What

Todays EQ: What
are the needs and
is the difference
wants of our
between a producer
and consumer?
Hook: Watch video
of teachers shopping Play producers and
around the town.
consumers with a
Point out or pause
set up of play
after the teacher has stations, play
spent all of her
money, etc. Discuss
money and cannot
how playing in the
get a cupcake that
town can relate to
she really wants.
the video we
watched day 1 and
how it can give us
ideas on how to
make a productive
community. To
provide for our
community, etc.

Whole Gp. Inst.:

Whole Gp. Inst.:
Choose an item.:
The teacher will lead Students will discuss
Created by A. Polito, 2015

then complete a
notice and wonder
about the video in
small groups and
discuss with the
whole class.

interview the mayor of

Roswell. The mayor will
discuss what his role is in
our community to begin.
Teachers will then explain
the unit that is being taught
to the students. Then, the
students will be given a few
Introduction to
questions to ask to guide
Driving Question: the interview such as,
After the
What businesses are
completion of the
needed in a community?
notice and wonder, What are the needs of the
the teacher will ask citizens? What wants are
the students if they not very important for a
have seen anyone
town to be successful? How
spending money
can the town work
like the teachers in together? Then students
the video.
can ask their own questions.
Obviously, they will
bring up times they Collaboration: Students will
get together in small groups
have been
shopping with their at the end of the interview
family. Teacher will to discuss what was
ask if they have
ever made money
and ask how they
made the money.
Then the teacher
will introduce and
go over the DQ.
In-Depth Inquiry: Students
in small groups will think of

a discussion with
the class about the
exercise. What did
everyone want? A
chair. What did you
need to stay in the
game? Your own
chair. Will there ever
be a time when you
cannot get what you
want? Ask for
examples. Relate to
the book, If You Give
a Mouse a Cookie.
Ask students what
are some things
they want vs some
things they need. Go
over vocabulary.

with their elbow

partners first, then
the whole class
about what they
noticed in the
cupcake scene.
Then directing to
new vocabulary,
teacher will ask if
that was a need or a
want. Today the
students will figure
out what might be a
need or a want of a

Critical Thinking:
Choose an item.:
Students will be
Students will be
given old magazines given various cards
and will cut and
with businesses,
paste pictures to
goods, services, etc.
sort into needs vs
The students will
work together to
sort out if OUR town
needs these cards
or not. Ex: Snow
shoveling service
not a need.
Choose an item.:
Choose an item.:
Choose an item.:
Created by A. Polito, 2015

Need to
Know:What is a
producer and a
goods/services to
consumers like to
goods/services can
I provide?
Why do consumers
Why do people
save/spend money?

Day 6

any other questions they

may have that will be
addressed by future
Need to Know: What is a
Critique and Revise: Need to Know:
Choose an item.:
mayor and what is their role Students will pair up Teacher will close
in a community?
and trade
the classs need to
know by reading
pictures to critique
Alexander who used
and revise. Discuss. to be Rich last
Sunday and discuss
with the class.

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10






Todays EQ: What

is the difference
between a good
and a service?

Todays EQ: How can you

be a producer and a

Todays EQ: What

is your role in a
successful town?

Todays EQ: What

is your role in a
successful town?

Todays EQ: What

is your role in a
successful town?

Hook: Students will

watch video of a
teacher taking her
dog to the vet for a
checkup and paying
as well as the pet
store for a toy.
Students will
discuss what they
saw with their elbow

Hook: Students will watch

the YouTube clip from I Love
Lucy where she is working
on an assembly line.

Hook: Discuss the

first few days of the
unit and the DQ the
students are
working towards.
What have we
learned so far about
successful towns?
Make a list.

Hook: Teacher will

walk into the
classroom as if the
mayor of the town
Teacher will set up
announcing that all
the classroom as if
future businesses
it were a town hall
will need to present
meeting with rows
their applications to
of chairs facing the
the Town Hall
stand. The teacher
meeting tomorrow to will act as the

Discuss with the class.

Created by A. Polito, 2015

partners then the

whole class.

Whole Gp. Inst.:

Choose an item.:
Why did the teacher
have to pay for the
vet when she didnt
get anything in
return? At the pet
store she got a toy
but the vet didnt
give her anything,
right? Students will
state that the vet
had to work to
check on the health
of the dog. Go over
the difference
between a good and
a service.
Critical Thinking:
Students will go on
a tour of the school
to record any goods
and services they
see. Ex: books are
goods, librarian
checking them out,

Collaboration: Students will

be split into 2 teams. Each
team will have to work
together to successfully
label, bag, zip, and store
bags of trail mix in an
assembly line. Each team
member will be given a job
and the teams will race to
see who can complete the
bags first.

be considered for a
mayor again and
business in our town. walk into the room
to get the meeting
Whole Gp. Inst.:
Whole Gp. Inst.:
Other: The mayor
As a class, make a
The mayor will
will explain how she
list of what is
continue to explain
reviewed the many
needed in a town,
why each business
what is nice to have needs an application applications last
in a town, etc.
and how to fill it out. night and will hand
Students will be
Make sure to include out business
able to state why
a list of things you
licenses to those
these things are
will need to run a
who have submitted
successful business. excellent
Ex: dog walkers
need leashes,
baggies, and treats. Then, students will
decide on a town
name at the end of
the meeting.

Creativity: Students
will individually
think about the list
made. Students will
decide what their
own role in our town
will be. Would they
like to start a
business? What
would you sell?
Good or a service?
What would you

Creativity: Students
will work to
complete their own
applications to
present to the
mayor. Students will
hand these in at the
end of the class

Choose an item.:

Created by A. Polito, 2015

need for this

business? Who do
you think will shop
at your business?
Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Critique and Revise:
Students will discuss how it
Students will draw
was working on an
and label pictures of assembly line. What could
goods and services
have worked better? Then
in the community.
students will be the
consumers and enjoy the
trail mix at home.

Day 11

Day 12

Voice and Choice:

Choose an item.:
Students will be able
to decide their own
role in our town.
Students will
brainstorm using the
Make a Town Ideas
Choose an item.:
Students will turn in
the applications for
the teacher to check
for appropriate
outrageous business
ideas such as robot
builders.? Students
are welcome to be
creative but it has to
fulfill a need for the

Day 13

Day 14

Voice and Choice:

Students will be able
to vote on a name
for their class town.

Choose an item.:

Day 15






Todays EQ: How

can I promote my

Todays EQ: How can I

create and promote my

Todays EQ: How

can I create and

Todays EQ: How

can I create and

Todays EQ: How

can I create and
Created by A. Polito, 2015



promote my

promote my

promote my

Hook: Member of
Choose an item.:
Berry Design will
introduce various
famous logos to see
if the students can
recognize them.

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Hook: Show a few

commercials for
student age
products or services
such as toys or after
school services.

Whole Gp. Inst.:

Choose an item.:
The guest from the
graphic design firm
will then go into
detail about logos
and how Berry
Design is a
company that works
to design logos. The
guest will go over
strategies and ideas
for making a good
logo. The guest will
give tips for making
logos and business
fronts for costumers
to see.

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Whole Gp. Inst.:

Discuss the
commercials and
what they had in
common with what
Berry Design told us
the other day. What
can costumers easily
see or understand?
Teacher will explain
how students will
need to promote
their businesses with
Students will write
persuasive papers
for consumers to
come to their

Creativity: Students
will start working on
their own logos
while guest is still

Creativity: *WORK
Students will work
to design, build, and

Creativity: *WORK
Students will work to
design, build, and

Creativity: Students
will then use these
papers to help
create their own ads

Creativity: *WORK DAY FOR

Students will work to
design, build, and complete

Created by A. Polito, 2015

there. Guest will

come around to
offer any tips or

their business fronts for the

life size town as well as the
needs or products of the

complete their
business fronts for
the life size town as
well as the needs or
products of the

complete their
business fronts for
the life size town as
well as the needs or
products of the

for their businesses.

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Voice and Choice:

Students are able to
make video
commercials or print
posters for their
Students will work
with Mrs. Powell to
air their
commercials or ads
on the

Present to
Students will be
presenting logo
sketches to graphic
designer as they
are creating them.

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Students will turn in
their persuasive
papers to be
checked for

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20






Todays EQ: How

can I create and
promote my

Todays EQ: How can I

create and promote my

Todays EQ: How

can I create and
promote my

Todays EQ: How

have I shown I am a
successful member

Todays EQ: How

have I shown I am a
successful member
Created by A. Polito, 2015



of this communitys

of this communitys

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Creativity: Students
will continue
working on building
their shop/store/etc
to sell their good or
service. Students
can make door
fronts, signs,
windows, etc.
Students will get
supplies ready to
sell or use in the
service. Students
can prepare their
uniform or outfit for
the job.

Critical Thinking: Students

will continue working on
building their shop/store/etc
to sell their good or service.
Students can make door
fronts, signs, windows, etc.
Students will get supplies
ready to sell or use in the
service. Students can
prepare their uniform or
outfit for the job.

Creativity: Students
will continue
working on building
their shop/store/etc
to sell their good or
service. Students
can make door
fronts, signs,
windows, etc.
Students will get
supplies ready to
sell or use in the
service. Students
can prepare their
uniform or outfit for
the job.

Choose an item.:
Students will take
turns, half the class
at a time, to practice
running successful
businesses in our
town. Students will
act out being
producers and
consumers with fake
money. Students will
also have to work on
personal choices of
spending and saving
while consumers.

Choose an item.:

Choose an item.:

Voice and Choice:

Choose an item.:
Students are able to
create their
selling experience
in any way they see
fit. If they need
advertising they can
produce it, make a
commercial, have a
video on the iPad

Choose an item.:

Created by A. Polito, 2015

for outside their

store front, etc.
Critique and Revise: Critique and Revise:
Students will walk
Students will walk around
around to other
to other stores and help
stores and help
students prepare their
students prepare
goods/services for selling
their goods/services on Friday.
for selling on Friday.

Choose an item.:

Critique and Revise:

Students will give
any compliments or
critiques to each
other before the big

Present to Audience:
Students will work
in their town to sell
goods/services they
chose to provide to
members of our

*****Still need to do: Materials list, more on spending and saving, flex day plans, rubrics

Created by A. Polito, 2015

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