Analyzing Split 203

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rhythmic motive first stated in the thematic introduction). At m. 14, the continuation is extended through harmonic acceleration, and the cadential function,
expanded by one additional measure, closes the theme with a PAC.


It can sometimes be difficult to recognize fragmentation in situations

involving multiple levels in the grouping structure.
If we consider the presentation of Example 6.9 to consist of alternating 2-m. ideas (a basic idea followed by a contrasting idea, followed
again by basic and contrasting ideas), then we fail to hear the fragmentation beginning at m.10, which continues to group the music into 2-m.
Instead, we must identify the fragmentation in relation to the largest grouping unit that is defined by repetitionin this case, the 4-m.
compound basic idea.We would then hear that the shift to a 2-m.
unit (at m. 10), which itself is repeated, clearly projects the process of
phrase-structural fragmentation.

Compressed Continuation
Whereas it is in the nature of the period to maintain a balance between its antecedent and consequent functions, the sentence, with its forward-striving character, has less need to preserve symmetry of grouping structure. In particular,
the formal functions of continuation and cadence can often be fully expressed
in fewer than the eight measures offered by the model form.
In particular, many compound sentences compress their continuation and
cadential functions into a single 4-m. continuation phrase, like that of a simple
sentence. The use of an ECP to support a continuationcadential phrase is also
Even when the continuation is compressed, however, the composer may
restore a semblance of symmetrical organization by repeating the continuation
phrase or by adding a postcadential extension, thus stretching the theme back
to its normative 16-m. length.

Example 6.10: the presentation is followed by a 4-m. continuationcadential

phrase that ends with a deceptive cadence in m. 12. Failure to realize a genuine
cadence motivates a repetition of the phrase, which brings the expected PAC.
The repetition also reestablishes phrase-structural symmetry when eight measures of continuation and cadential function now match the preceding 8-m.

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