Biosignal Pattern Recognition and Interpretation Systems - Methods of Classification

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Biosignal Pattern Recognition and Interpretation Systems Part 3 of 4: Methods of Classification stitial techniques or pate classifi to fll nto several categories 1 Miia distance clssifis, which las pater Based on it dstnce in Feature space to lass prterypes 2. Maximum likelihood! estimation, which optimizes parameter based on ike Toads 3 Fisher's Linear Discriminant, which reyes the dimensionality of ear ee toe such a way’ as fo improve classifica "Entropy ceri whichcasiiesa pa tem based on minimizing uncertainty. Bayes/Minimum Distance Classifiers ‘Consider the Bayes linear classifier GBLC):Forewo normalisiations¥e and authe Bayes decision rue can be expressed ‘st quaraic function ofthe sample vector sail Lew (zy! ea cea + tat where wand us are mean vests For easses {and 2, is th probably, and denotes class membership of «ia wi oF w2 ‘dependent upen the detonate nequal- iy The equation can be simplified she covariance matrices 1 = 3 w"(Z)" fr cra : ) $*[u(2) ws »] Pree iyi Sm) o iss Es, Gacio SA Dunn Akay Depa of Bone Egg fussy Foren W the obvewvaton vector 5 comuped by white noise," = H(i the identity main: wrw"s in] 2°] pen ne Pow) mw) Now the pret pis the corlation be woe ad which canbe writen fra Si sampled proces uls=Lanoaen in © ‘Te coeatian laser congas the “tcencingeconetono wnt .Thecomoation besseenandxcanalso be considered to be the cut of ina lmatehed) titer 2}, where de ie: P= 6) Now if Eg. 4s multiply two, a8 and surat fon the lef had side obtain the devin ue: ibe + wl (he aule + ayo Peale cle [fea ref which an fe rewrite te wul — te-pat? tml Poet) mse" 571 Bees) er ay whch is termed the Euclidean distance classifier. If Pow) = Pow) = 05, the lecsion boundary ss the perpendicular Bi sector of @ line joining gy and po. The Euclidean distance messes given by: 15 mon mH 0 LE ° sewlew U9) ‘We want to choos he Euclidean diane: B=" (why ai Which allows tobe classifi nw, us ons 9-1 ae equivalent the Uinear di iin uncon: feet paste 2atw— Lula ay eng es tem, ich a ost (Sra nce das eon cn depetu-tuly qs) The Eo dans hs ten wed for Stage non ff Vee reuse Sesser ime meen clos Te ‘ise enn andy en th cant etn pe ire pot ss of fe es a soon Mahalanobis ane ce cede fe Each dans Ts ‘Sue en dee mad Sabroso Deewi Dew as ‘whores isthe feature vector, isthe mean feature veto fo cls and (De isthe ‘covariance mati of class Ww. The Maka Tanabis distance as been ved 1 casi ‘evoked resp potentials such she vis ual evoked potential (VEP) [5] eke observation nose iscoelated col red noise), then the covariance mas does not reduce to the identity marx tnd the Bayes clasifier 1 ot a readily interpreted. The decision rule can stil be ‘ewedas coneltion or distance clase, ia “whitening” transformation is iat hace that = Axwhere as) sss » a (16) Thole neared e dnc S-fa-eld-by oo snd Bi sionty ofthe Tenure vecter mn tod= THe ilfeenes between means of the po na M-1, where M is the total numberof classes, jected data alone may be insufficient to act Palau (17) ic optally rearing as seal, sraoodcasifier (Fig 1) Deeorcls ity (6. Then dinenstona etre vectors vances ate often wed a wl 4 means, ‘roced onto alee dimensional surfece Then the n> a seater matrix ofthe (Gssuming d BC or A> cay ea rebound, reflection reflection ) tab is used to omer and direct the How ‘oy ofparsing, Howeverafiedtablecannorbe 2, For cach v € {Vr u Yul", define @ used for problems in which variable num cocresponng sof productions P, forex Vive | sytole, diastole, upstrote,rantf | hereof pares ae allowed to each the strt- ample, ing symbol Forename given the sting (1) 223,22, -cawheresse Vand ix = n.and aa Co Po S-syuole + diastole, (62) Hamat G, teal nies S15 : nd) 14 1. Symbol parsed om aioohe systole uparote + peak + noch, HLH, peng he Fes tbe vote peak och Shove he es symbol oe pared If At oe 7) » esting yb, sdtaied ne top paroke > slow segment +t segment, box. then the sting isa valid sete in oats a (Gi) grammar G Ths ectigue linked be lef signal all ely into te cate. Ais ry diasote rebound + rama (8) £09; 0f4CNF grams. rename may 7 (Fehon in crouse irs oe os ‘with addi noise and particularly colored This defines Vaan Pforallx"e St 3. Pray conan redundancies, whichcanbe removed By combining productions that Serve the same purpose: Merging the po 101 Io subsets of Tiss deen rom the deterministic ease because Bg, is ast of Sues rater than a single sate (passibie empy: Baa 410s tel [Automaton Aa. in state g which is sean- ing aon its input ape, chooses any one of le don WS he ext Sate and MOVES its inpt head one square t the right. Both ‘eteminisc and non deteminitic finite State automata require that the strucure of the signa isin he proper context for cog nition. For example each wave i a lee teocardhgram (P, QRS, and) mse be in the right order for analysis of the caine gee If ose mines any ofthese waves, Stat the sue waves appear out of omer. other techniques mst be incorporate ino thesjtom reinstate the nose oe make ‘he atomata robust ono, ‘Neural Network Classification Techniques Neue networks tehnigues ate pre fered for csieation i itances wher tinal a prior cls fora aa sbi They const ofan np an an outpt taper a one or ore iden (ie) ye econ of weighed conesos and teden Tas networks a tit By pe seating Hoary example) pater tote tervor apt evel ating the idle yer weights to provide desired "hse for neural two cain ove finen) where (78) Fee 94 suets=Sovs gy Wi fp oops tt wee a totypcal examples ofeach las, and the distribution of class populations. Patern lasiiation depres 1) lower stages of patter ecopiton and 2) pater inert Hin Gi in place). Most ofthe work t i prove clssifeatontechnigtes centers on rodveing both the numberof ase positives tnd fake neguives during classification. How wo cast ulitely depends on the signa source, what, whee, and to what fxtent are evens preven to generale the Posie Fxdward Ciaccio is an associate research sei ‘ents inthe Department of Pharmacology. Co- Tumba University Col- lege of Physicians and Srgeons, New York ity. He received the BAA. in chemistry in 1079, and she M.S and Ph.D. degrees in biomedical enginecring in 1989 and 1993, respectively, from Rutgers. University New Brunswick, NJ. His chief research interests are multichannel bisignal mo: cling and recognition. Currently, he i ‘working on problems of modeling and Jmerpretaion of the coreationstuctre of pian eletrograms, and the far- ward and inverse problems in electro physiology. ry He canbe reached at Columbia Univer= sity, Department of Pharmacology, 630, West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032, E-mail. address: Stanley M. Dunn ($5, M'86, SM"90) is Asso- ciate. Professor of Biomedical Engincer- ing at Rutgers Univer- sity, Piscataway, and I Associate Professor in gl the Division of Oral and i Maxillofacial Radio: ‘ogy at the New Jersey Denial School ‘Newa, both in New Jersey He recived bath the BEE. and BS. incomyptr sence from Drexel Univerity in 1979, an MLS. and a PRD. in compute science fem the University of Maryland, College Park, Mi, in 1983 and T9KS, re spectively. He received a PhD. in oral rdi- gy at te Vise Unverity, Amsterdam, the Netesands in 1995, Hisrescarh interest ince pat ec cognition, arming it machite vision, no ‘pid motion analysis ana problems of image "egistration n two and three dimensions. Im addon tothe IEEE, he isa nember of ACM, SPIE. IADR and AAOMR ta Metin Aay (8°87, M °O1, SM93) was Sort inva Torey Here ised te BS and he MS. depress n eect Calenenern fo the Mp Horan Univers. tel, Turkey. 1981 0 1984. Fro 198410 1986 ne was in he PRD. progam athe 1986, be joined te Deparment of Sime Enpeeing, Rater Unie Shy, Psa wh ell el iowa and teaching asst. He receives PD. dere rom Rutgers Ua Seri in 190, He cre ising a “Sant ofencr at Ruger Unser. arch arf et dt signal prcesing, detecon and eatin theory antappiaon biomedical seals He hasten caren texting these 0 fradate course om tone ea. is Biomed search esta renting on soninaie teceon of ery ser ise ad the understanding he References 1 kong K ntti oS Pa ere eropntion, Neem Pres, 19 ENG DREAD NLC 2 lahat RE: Digi! Tonaisom of Informa ton ar Wesley, NY 19. 2 TavathiaS,Rangayae RM, Prank CB Ball Gp, Laaly KO, Zhang ¥-T: Ans of tes ‘ia signals ing ear pectin EEE Trae Biomed Eg, BME 39988 970, 192 21 Mambuity By DeLaca C: Assn sd ‘korn ofthe EMG sgn a JE De rede Comper Aided Becomes. poses 2-72 Kare sel SS, Sida eal time cee often veto I eop Proc IEEE 63.68, 197. {Cohen A: Bameal Signal Processing a tine and TCR Pes, Bos Ro, 1986 Senta R: Pern Rerogeiton: Sica. Sracrrl and ewralAproahes. 3. Wiley SY, FW KS: Ste Par Reception and Pitan Prete Hal Eglo ii 1982 5, staat J Rous, Gis M: Vector gun Sata in seh sing Proc HEE, TS 15S 10. Bronson Rt Scan Oatine Sere of Me tis Opentons Meta Hal SY, 1, Appendix ‘Statstcs eleva to pattor analysis re ow provided. Ahough sync ad neu ral rework lechigues are nt solely based ‘statis, hes fechique fen incorpo fate saisial measures, for example in Tearing te Review of Statistics Aritmetic Mean 1 eM-weteg D0 7 6) Variance ech y ene c o> Sundard Deviation one 0% Least Squares Linear Regression Minimize EF o-bF ‘where yi isthe dependent variable and $i is hse oy onan eps ie iearveFreqcney Given it an event Aas cue times wit wal rene ) yah 98 Probability of Event A; PUA) =i) - 400) im 20< PASI ae ion) Probability of Mutually Exclusive Events “The probsbilty that either event A or vent B will occur PA or B)= PUA) +08) ao) Joint Probability The probability tht Boh event A and ‘event B occur, Hf they are independent (AB) =1im nore 03) LEE) on “A)PUBIA) (105) Conditional Probabilsy ‘The probably hat even B ours given that evet A hs ecard Pas) Peaiay «2A om may (106) Praia = 2B Pi) (107) {or P(A) = O and PB) = On Bs. 106 and 107. respectively Bayes Rule Pay Pam =P a PAD APT (08) Peony POP AB) Pay (108) Starisically Independent Events P@A)= PB) ci) ay Gaussian (Normal) Distribution of « ‘The probability dstrbtion forthe r= orn variable xis given by ers (o~ phgen 2" Tom ot a ‘The Gaussian disrtuion i completely esribed by the fist (mean) an second eur 984 (standard deviation) moments. The mulii- ‘mensional Gassian dribtion r= oni3| (2) efi on|-$ inear Algebra and Matrix ‘Operations Types of Matrices ‘The Hermitian transpose isthe wans pose of the complex conjate of given ylayt 8 matrix is unitary if ts inverse eqs it Hermitian transpone wtey" A Toeplitz matrix is one in which all clement along each diagonal ae cx Mairix Mulpicaion ABO =ABE (114) A@+O)=AB+AC 15) AB BA in general) (116) apT=B cay apt =r ais) BigemaluesBigenectors {Given squire mats A, the egenvaes 2 and eigenvectors scan be obtained fom ‘he euation ays hy «9 by solving the characterise equation of A der (A-a=0 (120) Euclidean vector and matris norms Wop «any ps 2) Gaussian Elimination Algrith (10) Given the st of simultaneous linear uations: NG MND HOLE agyth Hants += tanta be “25) ‘whieh, ete mati fom is: Arb (026) |. Form the augmented matrix {A:b) 2. Transform [At] it Yow echelon form (denoted as [C-D). 3. Determine the rinks of Cand (C2D). IF ‘al, proceed if no, there sno solution, *EDicard ideally 2eo equations (rank ‘of C= and unknowns cesulin Such equations 5 Solve remaining equations forthe fw est indexed variable 6 Any variable not on LHS of any equation ‘arbitrary ‘Algoritny for transovming a matric {no row echelon form: [10] 1 Intize work ros, colurn a RI, Cl 2. Find fist row, stating with Work FOW, ‘vith noazeo clement in ork coor, 5-Row withnonzero element spaced the ‘work re position. 441 pone,coatinue search a work row, Jncremeting work clu by I. Sif the element does not equ 1 vie ‘every element inthe row by ito nore. f.lfsuhsoqentrowshave nonzero elements inthe work column, combine each element intherow wih each element in another ro, ‘sing arithmetic o maketh element 20 ‘TIncrement work ow aul column by Gow sep? 9, The mamber of nonzero rows afer as fection she mais rk 2 Transform ‘The Zransform ofa discret signal ys ven by: x@=Yret am ‘Thistrnsorm suse torepresntthe pas teltonshipe of signa The operator 2 ‘sed £0 denote ty shifted By tie inne sents wih espect othe present ie ("= o.

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