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2012-2013 Fall

ENGW-104 Composition and Research

COMM-201 Fundamentals Oral Communication
BITH-101 Gospel, Church & Culture
SOC-115 Intro to Sociology
COMM-345 Narrative Media
2012-2013 Spring
ART-326 Digital Filmmaking
MUTC-101 Intro to Music: Read/Analysis
BITH-211 OT Lit & Interpretation
GEOL-211 Physical Geology
B EC-211 Principle of Microeconomics
2013-2014 Fall
CHIN-101 Elementary Chinese I
B EC-212 Macroeconomics Principles
COMM-246 Media Production
BITH-213 NT Lit & Interpretation
AHS- 101 Wellness
2013-2014 Spring
ART-101 Art Survey
CHIN-102 Elementary Chinese II
ENGL-101 Classics of Western Lit
HIST-101 Memoir/History in Modern Latin America
PHYS-205 Physics of Music
2014 Summer
COMM-445 Media Constructions
COMM-495 Documentary Research
2014-2015 Fall
ASTR-301 Planetary Astronomy
CHIN- 201 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese
COMM-241 Media Studies
COMM-312 Communication Criticism
2014-2015 Spring

ART-325 Cinema
BITH-315 Christian Thought
COMM-301 Communication Theory
2015-2016 Fall (Study Abroad)

Hollywood Production Workshop

Faith & Artistic Development in Film
Narrative Storytelling
Internship Paramount Pictures

2015-2016 Spring
COMM-494 Senior Seminar
PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
URBN-231 Chicago

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