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Differentiated methods in


Beginning Co-Planning
Section 7 List 13.4, 13.5
Co- Teaching roles and responsibilities
Guiding questions, discussion starters, and planning form

Section 7 has a small collection of sample forms and

Co-Planning discussion starters in order to begin coplanning for instruction.
Effective delivery of co-taught lessons CANNOT
happen if there has not been any form of collaborative

Determine the Standards

Use Gen. Ed. Curriculum Maps (Common Core Standards)
Priority Standards
Learning Continuum reference if using MAP data to help
drive in class lessons.
Use RIT bands to help determine possible student readiness
levels and potential skill deficits.
Class Breakdown Report Quintile Report Student Goal
Setting Worksheet

Determine the Methods of

Once you have established the standards for the
lesson, develop your methods for assessment.
Section 5 List 8-18, 19, 20
Evaluation Process in CT classroom
Testing Accommodations in the CT classroom
Grading Procedures

Determine the Methods of

Accommodation or Modification vs. Differential Standard - Know the
Section 5 List 8.2, 8.4
Modification vs. Differential Standard

Accommodation is accommodating a student so that they may

perform as their same age peers in the general education environment.
Modification is an adaptation to the assessment/work so that they
may perform as their same age peers in the general education
Differential Standard is a different assessment expectation than the
rest of the class. The learning standards are different

Determine the Instructional Methods

Section 5 Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
Plan using the Representation, Action and Expression, and Engagement columns

This can be used as a general guideline when beginning to differentiate

lessons with Co- Teachers.
Section 5 List 8.2
Modification vs. Differential Standard

Does the student needs to follow the same standards as the gen. ed.
Peers, or does the nature of the disability require a differential

Determine the Activity

Section 5 List 8.5
Adapting instruction flow chart

Section 5 List 8.6

Planning Guide to Curriculum Modifications

Determine the Activity

Section 5 List 8.11
Adaptation Application Activity (for Co- teachers)

Section 5 List 8.12 - 17

Strategies for supporting students with Special needs in the General
Education Classroom.

(Huge resource for teachers and Co-Teachers!)

When co planning an activity, you can determine the needs of
students and begin establishing homogenous (same) and
heterogeneous (mixed) groups.

Differentiated methods in


Know the needs of your

Section 4 List 6.4
Strategies for Flexible Grouping

List 6.7
Meeting Diverse Needs

How to group? Use Data!

Use Data (Formative/Interim) to

Establish Student Groups
KWL Charts
Graphic Organizers
Writing Samples
Writing Prompts
Teacher led
Student discussions

Student products
Student work
Show of hands
Every Pupil
(Whiteboards, etc)
Standardized Tests
MAP Data
Teacher observation

Heterogeneous Groups
students at varying ability and readiness levels
Use heterogeneous groups for these activities:

Critical Thinking Activities

Concept and Generalization Activities
Open-ended discussions
Kagan Structure Activities (See Section 4 in Handbook)
Multi-disciplinary Units
Examples: Hands-on science experiments and Current event discussions

Homogeneous Groups
students at same or similar ability and readiness levels
Use homogeneous groups for these activities:
- Drill and Practice Activities
- Math computation/Fact Activities
- Studying for tests
- Answering comprehension questions
- Centers-based rotation activities or stations (can be
differentiated to suit ability)

Determine your Activity

Section 7 List 6.8
Small group planning

Through the planning process, determine the activity in which you

would want to use flexible grouping of students.
Determine the nature of the activity, the readiness levels of your
students, and use data to establish your groups.
Remember, a flexible group is flexible, and is allowed to be fluid.
Students may need to move into and out of groups.

Determine Co-Teaching Roles and

Section 7 List 13.4, 13.5
Co- Teaching roles and responsibilities
Guiding questions, discussion starters, and planning form

Now that you have established groups based on the

needs of students, determined your activity and
assessment, its time to think about Engaging
students in learning.

Differentiated methods in


With your Co-Teacher

Plan your lesson

Methods of Instruction
Grouping of Students
Determine Individual Needs and Differentiate

Using Groups
Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous groups?
Based on activity
Based on data
Based on student preference (as warranted)

What is the outcome of the group?

Improving skills
Remediating skills
Enriching skills
Teaching Strategies
Appropriate Social Interaction
Team Building

Activity Ideas
Section 4 Kagan Structures
These can be used to get students to engage in activities
through peer interaction and collaboration
Structures can provide formative feedback to teachers
regarding students (many activities engage 50% or more of
students at a time)
Accountability for all students regarding the lesson and targets

Kagan Structures
Cards are included in the Co- Teaching Booklet. Each Card has
directions to establish the routine and procedures for the
structure to be used.
Structure Functions page helps to determine the purpose for
your groups, and establish potential structures for
incorporating into lessons.
Can be used as formative assessments in classes to determine
student readiness, recall, synthesis, and application of
information taught in class through group structures.

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