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The Department of Women’s and Children’s Health = of the University of Padova RORBENEEA GAS in collaboration with The Pontifical Academy for Life ON RESPONSIBLE STEM CELL RESEARCH FROM CELLS TOCELL PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT OF NEW THERAPEUTIC TOOLS | rd INTERNATIONAL CoNGRESS From Cells to Cell Products Development of New Therapeutic Tools 16-18 November 2016 — Padua (Italy) The Department of Women’s and Children’s Health of the University of Padua in collaboration with The Pontifical Academy for Life is organizing the Third International Congress on Responsible Stem Cell Research that will be held in Padua, 16-18 November 2016. Organizing Secretariat: Zip Travel Group Corso Stati Uniti 231. 35127 Padova (Italy) Tel: +39 049 8701 866 Email: From February 1“ please find more information and register at Date: 16-18 November 2016 Location of official opening of the Stem Cells Convention: Palazzo Bo in the Aula Magna, University of Padua. Location of the Stem Cells Convention: Congress Center Papa Luciani Organizers: Department of Women’s and Children’s Health of the University of Padua in collaboration with The Pontifical Academy for Life Chair person: Katarina LE BLANC (Hematologiska kliniken, Huddinge Universitetssjukhus, Stockolm, Sweden) Co-Chairs: Prof. Giorgio PERILONGO, Prof. Maurizio MURACA (Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, University of Padova, Italy) Scientific Committee: Prof. Tiziana BREVINI (Associate Professor of Anatomy and Embryology at the University of Milan, Italy) - Prof. Giovanni CAMUSSI (Chairman of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine and School of Biotechnology, University of Torino, Italy) - Prof. Maureen CONDIC (Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy, University of Utah, USA) - Prof. Paolo DE COPPI (Head of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at the UCL Institute of Child Health in London (UK) - Prof. Jean-Jacques LATAILLADE (Head of Research Department and Cell Therapy Unit, Military PERCY Hospital, Clamart, France) - Prof. Mark MAEURER (Head of the Division of Therapeutic Immunology, LabMed and MTC, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden) - Rev. Renzo PEGORARO (Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy for Life) - Prof. Augusto PESSINA (Associate Professor of Microbiology; University of Milan, Italy) - Prof. Peter QUESENBERRY (Director of the Division of Hematology/Oncology, Brown Medical School, Rhode Island, USA) - Mons. Jacques SUAUDEAU (Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life) Main topics: * Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Epigenetics Dissecting human reprogramming towards pluripotency Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of cell fate Epigenetic and mechano-sensing related control of cell fate Epigenetic conversion of cell lineage - Modelling human diseases with Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells * Paracrine signaling and Extracellular vesicles (EVs) - Role of paracrine signaling in Regenerative Medicine EV isolation and quantitation Mesenchymal stem cell-derived EVs for tissue/organ repair EVs for immunotherapy and as immunomodulatory agents EVs in cancer - EVs for targeted drug delivery * Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: holding the promise? - Clinical applications: a reassessment - GMP production: challenges for public hospitals and for private companies « Tissue and organ reconstruction * Cancer Stem Cells and Stem cell-based therapies for cancer * Bioethics - Bioethics of clinical applications - Bioethics of research - Bioethics of resources, regulations, use of media - The role of patient organizations Additional topics: ~ Cell therapy for myocardial repair ~ Cell Therapy of neurological diseases - Cell Therapy of inherited liver metabolic diseases ~ Bioartificial organs: dead or alive?

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