What Is Op Art

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Art Education
What is OP Art
The term Op Art refers to Optical Art. Op Art originated in the
1960's. It was first called kinetic art (art which moves) because some
of the art actually moved or appeared to move because of the way the
designs play tricks on our vision. The visual effects use color and
patterns that disturb the eye and cause it to see images or movement
on a flat surface.
Victor Vasarely is considered the father of Op Art. Vasarely explored
visual illusions, and combined geometric elements with color and value
to result in optical illusions. One of the most effective Op Art illusionists
is Bridget Riley. Her work includes black and white linear work, which
makes her pictures appear to wave.
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What is OP art and when did it originate?
2. Why is OP art considered kinetic art?
3. What are two main elements that all OP art should have in order to
create a visual effect? _____________________________ and
4. Name two artist that were influential during the 1960s OP art
______________________________________ and
How does the OP Art Trick your brain?
Optical illusions have boggled our minds since the 1960sbut how
does it work? What optical illusions show us, is the way your
photoreceptors and brain assemble visual information into the threedimensional world you see around you. You must remember that your
brain is very busy and it spends a lot of energy on a daily bases.
Therefore, when you stumbles across something that your brain does
not understand, it tries to make sense of it the best way it can and
many times gets tricked (deceived). Op art is purposely designed to
trick your brain. Arranging a series of patterns, images, and colors

Mr. Modesto
Art Education
strategically, or playing with the way an object is lit, the brain can be
tricked into seeing something that isn't there.
1. When looking at an optical illusion, is the picture tricking your
eye, brain or both? Explain how optical illusions work in your own

B. Use the following image to make a chalkboard grid. The challenge is

not to go through the circle. Do the best you can to make Image A
look like Image B.
Image A
Image B

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