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Teacher Candidate:
Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:


Jolene Pawlowski
Mrs. McGinley
Allotted Time


Coop. Initials

30 minutes Grade Level

Subject or Topic: What is a Dentist? (Lesson 1)



Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to focus on one specific topic.
Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of Standard English
grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
-Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.
-Recognize and use end punctuation.
-Spell simple words phonetically.
Describe the people, practices and tools that keep us healthy
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. The kindergarten students will be able to engage and develop basic knowledge
when it comes to the career of a dentist along with the importance of maintaining
healthy oral hygiene by completing a kid writing activity that portrays a related
experience or knowledge of how to take care of your teeth and what the dentist
can do for you.
II. Instructional Materials
Kid Writing Sheets
YouTube Video Clip- Billy Blue Hair- Why do I go to the dentist?
Dentist/Dentist office handouts
Alphabet Strips
Read-aloud: Tooth Trouble By: Jane Clarke and Cecilia Johansson

III. Subject Matter/Content

A. Prerequisite skills
1. Knowledge of the concept dentist
2. Understanding of dental hygiene practices
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Dentist- a person qualified to treat the diseases and conditions that affect
the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the
insertion of artificial ones.
2. Dental assistant- a dental health professional who works closely with and
under the supervision of a dentist.
3. Waiting room- a room provided for the use of people who are waiting to
be seen by a doctor or dentist
4. Plaque- a sticky deposit on teeth.
5. Secretary-a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist
with correspondence, keeps records, make appointments, and carry out
similar tasks.
6. Patients- a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
C. Big Idea
1. The students will be able to develop and understand a deep understanding
of routine check-ups and the importance of a dentist.
D. Content
1. Students will use prior knowledge to engage in new material.
2. Students will write full sentences about the dentist
a. Proper punctuation and capitalization
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. To start the lesson, the teacher will start an open-discussion. The teacher
will ask, Who can tell me what a dentist is? Whisper to the person next to
a. What does a dentist do? Clean and take care of our teeth
b. Why do we need routine checkups? To make sure our teeth are
2. The teacher will then explain to the students that they are going to take a
pre-assessment, which will show what they already know about going to
the dentist and taking care of their teeth.
B. Development
1. The teacher will hand out a white sheet of construction paper that is split
up into two parts. This paper will be used for Kid Writing.
2. On the top they will draw a picture of how they take care of their teeth.
The picture could be from personal experience, maybe something they





saw on television, read about, etc. The teacher will prompt the students to
use their prior knowledge.
On the bottom of the construction sheet, the students will write about what
they drew. The sentence will start off saying, I take care of my teeth
a. The teacher and teachers aide will help guide students with their
writing in small groups. (alphabet strips will be available to help
students with letters)
Before the students begin, the teacher will say, Think back to a time
when you were at the dentist and what the dentist told you. What items do
you use to clean your teeth? How do you clean your teeth?
After the students complete their writings/drawings, the teacher will have
them return to their seats.
a. If finished early, they can go on their IPad or draw quietly.
The teacher will play a video clip titled, Billy Blue Hair Why do I have
to go to the dentist?
a. Explain to students to play close attention to the importance of
going to the dentist, how a dentist office looks, and what the
dentist can do for you.
The teacher will give each student a handout of things the dentist does for
you and how the dentist office looks. The class will review and read over
the handout together.
The teacher will say, A dentist does all of the following
a. Gives routine check-ups
b. Discover problems you mightve not even knew you had cavity,
gum disease, plaque and tarter buildup, etc.
c. Take x-rays to see all hidden areas in your mouth.
The teacher will say, Now, lets talk about the dentists office. What will
you find in a dentist office?
a. Waiting room
b. Dentist chair
c. Check-in desk
d. Secretaries
e. Dentist
f. Patients

C. Closure
1. To close the lesson, the students will complete another kid writing
activity. This time the sentence will start off by saying, At the dentist
a. Teacher and teachers aide will help prompt students with drawing
and writing.
b. Teacher will read some of the students work as they get
2. The teacher will gather the students up front for a read-aloud.
a. Tooth Trouble By: Jane Clarke and Cecilia Johansson

3. The teacher will then say, This week we are going to learn more about
our teeth and ways to keep our teeth healthy. Therefore, next time when
you go on your dentist visit, your dentist will be extra proud of you and
you will have an excellent check-up.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. For students who fall easily behind, provide a buddy for extra
2. Move students to the back of the room that become easily distracted by
other students around them.
3. Provide extra time for students to complete assignments/activities if
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Pre-assessment
a. The students will be assessed on their kid writing activity. The
students will be graded using a rubric split up into two areas to be
assessed on. (I will take care of my teeth by)
2. Formative Assessment
a. The students will be assessed on their kid writing activity. The
students will be graded using a checklist. (At the dentist)
3. Summative
a. There is no summative assessment at this time.
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives
This lesson was a great introduction to my unit on Dental Health.
Before and after discussion, I prompted the students to see how much
they knew about taking care of their teeth while introducing what a dentist
is. I was surprised to see how strong some of their prior knowledge was.
This lesson mainly revolved around the importance of visiting the dentist
and the role a dentist plays. It was made to set the stage for what else the
students will be engaging in throughout the rest of the week.
For my pre-assessment, I decided to engage the students in a Kid
Writing activity. I prompted the students to write what they already knew
about taking care of their teeth before really getting into detail on how and
when to take care of your teeth.
Overall, the students all performed exceptionally with only
grammatical errors holding them back from receiving full credit. I only
took off 1 point for grammatical errors if their spelling was totally off
and/or making it hard to comprehend. I had a total of 3 out of 15 students
lose 1 point in that area. Therefore, making 3/15 students earning a 5/6 for
their pre-assessment. The rest of my students received full credit and met
the requirements to receive a 6/6. Therefore, I had 12/15 students receive

full credit. This meaning, the students stayed on topic along with their
picture and writing relating to each other. Also, the students used correct
grammar with only making age appropriate mistakes, such as forgetting a
letter, correct punctuation, or capitalization.
For my formative assessment, the students engaged in another
Kid Writing activity. This time, they wrote/drew about one thing they
learned about the dentist. The students were assessed using a checklist that
was split into two questions, Did the students picture and writing go
along together? and Did the student write one thing that happens at the
dentist? Again, the students did wonderful and all received full credit.
Each question was worth 2 points. Therefore, 15/15 students received a
B. Remediation Plan
Since my students who did not receive full credit lost points when it came
to grammatical errors, I will continue to work with them during intervention
time and when we engage in writing throughout the day. I will focus on letter
sounds and letter recognition since most of their errors portrayed incorrect
spelling. Therefore, as we gradually start to engage in more Kid Writing
activities, I will mark their progress and narrow it down to what letter
sounds/letter recognition they are still struggling with. With practice and
patience, writing proficient sentences will improve each and every time.
Formative Assessment:
No remediation plan necessary.
C. Personal Reflection
1. How was my time-management throughout the lesson?
Throughout the lesson, my time-management was not perfect. Last
minute, I incorporated another Kid Writing activity for the students preassessment on top of already having the students completing a kid writing
activity at the end of the lesson. Time was slim towards the end, in which I
didnt get a chance to fit in my read-aloud to close the lesson. Therefore,
with making minor changes, I was able to perform my read-aloud at the
end of the day while students were waiting for buses to be called.
2. Was enough instruction provided in order for the students to fully
comprehend what was being taught?
Based on the students feedback and assessment results, it made
me to believe that enough instruction was given throughout the lesson.
Since it was an introduction lesson, we touched upon many aspects that
we will be discussing throughout the week. The class engaged in
discussion as I portrayed questioning before/after the video clip and read-

aloud. The students had reasonable feedback on the topic and even used
prior knowledge while answering.
3. What were some of my strengths and weaknesses throughout the lesson?
Throughout the lesson, there were many things that worked out
perfectly. However, there were still some things that need improvement.
From past experiences, I knew maintaining the classroom management
would be difficult. Therefore, I made sure to keep reminding the students
to stay on task while using behavior management tactics such as, Ill
move your clip to yellow or You wont get another chain if you dont
behave. I found this to be very positive and it helped maintain a good
learning environment. I also would say my time-management worked out
well. I was able to squeeze in everything that was planned just in time for
the students to head to lunch.
When it comes to my weaknesses, I need to improve use of
students names. This meaning, when a student does something good, I
have to be more aware and say, So and so did an excellent job or
Great Job, so and so. Everyone should listen to their answer. Another
improvement I will work on for next time includes allowing more time for
the students to think before answering. I have a habit of calling on the
first person who raises their hand. For next time, I will wait a few before
calling on a volunteer. This way, everyone will get a chance to come up
with an answer which will help them pay attention and comprehend more.
VI. Resources
Billy Blue Hair - Why Do I Have To Go To The Dentist? (n.d.). Retrieved January 30,
2016, from
Google Images
Sink Your Teeth Into These Dental Health Month Lessons. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30,
2016, from
Tooth Trouble By: Jane Clarke and Cecilia Johansson
(n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2016, from

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