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Name : Santo Paulus

Class : X IIS 3

Once upon time, there was a kingdom in west java. The kingdom was lead by king. The name was
prabu. He was the king of the good and wise. Mot suprisingly, if the kingdom was prosperous and
peaceful. There was no hungry people in the kingdom. All of them were very exciting.
Unfortunately, Prabu and his wife didn't have a child. They were very sad. Prabu advisers suggest, to
raise children. But Prabu and his wife didn't agree. His wife often wistful and crying. Prabu also
participate sad to saw his wife. Then, Prabu went to the forest to be imprisioned.
In the forest, Prabu always pray to God. So that he presented a child. Several month later, their desire
realized. His wife was pregnant. All the people in the kingdom were very happy. They overwhelm the
palace with the prize. Nine month later, his wife birth a daughter. The population return to send a
small daugther was variety of prizes.
The baby grew into a child's funny. Several years later, she had to become a beautiful teenager. Prabu
and his wife love to the daughter. But that made her a spoiled girl. If it desire not obey, the girls will
be angry. However parents and people in the kingdom love her. In a few days, the daughter age 17

years. The population went to the palce. They bought a variety gifts that were very beautiful. All
people admire the beauty.
Prabu stand up and gave the necklace to the daughter and said :" My beloved daughter, this day I give
this necklace for you. Necklace is the gift of people from across the kingdom. they are very loved
you. They present a necklace, because they were so happy saw you adult. Use this necklace my
Daughter receive the necklace but she throw the necklace and said : " I didn't want to use it. it was
bad" the beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewel spread on the floor. Prabu and his wife
crying. All the people followed crying too. Suddenly appear springs from the pages palace. At first a
small pond. The start flooding the palace, after that, the palace also filled the water like the lake. And
the lake was big castle and drown.
Now, the lake was called TELAGA WARNA. Lake was located in the summit. On sunny day, we can
see the lake is full of beautiful colors and amazing. The people say the color come frome the
daughter necklace in basic.

Simple Past Tense : saw, imprisioned, went, filled, followed, called, said,
beloved, located, loved, presented

Action Verb

: bought, gave, present, pray

Tinking Verb

Linking Verb


: with, and, if, of, but, to, for, after, now

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