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Pang Cha Moua

EDU 383
February 11, 2016



An instructional strategy that I would use in my own classroom would be online surveys, which is a way of collecting information or data. Whats great
about it is you can create it by using free softwares which can be found on the internet.
Online surveys can be used as a preassessment, which can gather information about what your students prior knowledge are. This gives you an idea of
how familiar your students are to the topic of what youre teaching so when preparing or teaching your lessons, you can modify accordingly to where your
students are at. In addition, you can use online surveys once a unit is completed to assess if your students learned what they were supposed to learn, what their
opinions about the unit are, what couldve been different, etc.
Overall, I think online surveys are a great way to incorporate the use of technology into your classroom. I also think that online surveys are effective
tools when it comes to assessing students. The reason for this is because its not a test, and its an independent thing, so they wont feel intimidated by it knowing
that they wont be scored or graded by it.

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